Chapter 7

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Sapphire's POV:

I groaned inwardly as I saw a message notification from Kyra pop up on my phone screen. I knew from past encounters that her messages tended to be filled with drama and accusations, and I braced myself for what was to come. With a heavy sigh, I opened the message, my heart sinking as I read Kyra's words. She was bringing up Alessia's comment on my post, and I could practically feel the tension radiating from her accusatory tone.As I read through the message, frustration bubbled up inside me. Kyra was jumping to conclusions without knowing the full story, and her insinuations about me were both hurtful and unfounded.

Taking a deep breath, I composed my response, trying my best to remain calm and collected. I explained the situation with Alessia's comment, emphasising that it was all in good fun and that Grace was aware of it. But I knew from past experience that Kyra wasn't likely to believe me without proof. As I hit send, I couldn't help but feel a sense of weariness wash over me. Dealing with Kyra's drama was exhausting, and I couldn't help but wish for a way to put an end to the constant tension between us. But until then, all I could do was try to navigate the situation as best as I could and hope for the best.

The exchange between Kyra and me felt like a never-ending cycle of frustration and misunderstanding. Every message from her seemed to bring a new accusation or insinuation, and no matter how hard I tried to explain myself, it felt like I was talking to a brick wall. With each response I crafted, I hoped to clear up the confusion and put an end to the drama once and for all. But Kyra's messages continued to come, each one more heated than the last, fueling the fire of our ongoing conflict.

As I read through Kyra's latest message, my frustration reached a boiling point. How could she continue to twist the truth and refuse to see reason? It was like talking to a brick wall, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't seem to break through. But despite the frustration and exhaustion, I refused to stoop to Kyra's level. I remained calm and composed in my responses, determined not to let her get the best of me. As the back-and-forth continued, I couldn't help but wonder if there would ever be an end to our ongoing conflict. But until then, I would continue to stand my ground and defend myself against Kyra's baseless accusations, no matter how tiresome it may be.

 But until then, I would continue to stand my ground and defend myself against Kyra's baseless accusations, no matter how tiresome it may be

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Before I went to bed after a long day of celebrating with grace I composed a message to Alessia about the comment incident

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Before I went to bed after a long day of celebrating with grace I composed a message to Alessia about the comment incident. With a playful tone, I decided to throw in a joke to lighten the mood. But beneath the jest, I genuinely wanted to ensure Alessia was doing alright after the celebrations. It had been a wild night of revelry, and I knew that things could easily get out of hand. After all, we'd all been there at some point, caught up in the euphoria of victory. With a final read-through, I hit send, hoping that my message would bring a smile to Alessia's face when she wakes up and reassure her that everything was all in good fun. After all, what were friends for if not to tease each other mercilessly and then make sure they were okay afterward?

Kyra Cooney-Cross POV:

I stared at my phone screen, frustration coursing through me as I read and reread Sapphire's Instagram post and Alessia's comment. It didn't make sense. Why would Alessia leave a flirty comment on Sapphire's post when Sapphire was dating Grace? And did Grace know about it? The whole situation felt confusing and infuriating.

With a sigh, I opened up my messaging app and composed a message to Sapphire. I tried to keep my tone neutral, but the frustration seeped through in my words as I questioned her about Alessia's comment and whether Grace was aware of it. I needed answers, and I wasn't going to let Sapphire off the hook until I got them. As I hit send, I couldn't shake the feeling of confusion that lingered in the back of my mind. I just hoped that Sapphire would be able to provide some clarity and put my mind at ease. But until then, I was left to stew in my frustration and uncertainty, wondering what was really going on behind the scenes.

The messages from Sapphire only seemed to fuel my frustration further. With each response she sent, I found myself growing more and more confused. How could she expect me to believe her when her explanations seemed so flimsy? I gritted my teeth as I read Sapphire's latest suggestion. She wanted me to message Grace to verify her story, but I wasn't about to play into her games. If Sapphire was telling the truth, then surely she could provide some other form of evidence to back up her claims.

But no matter how many times I pressed her for proof, Sapphire remained adamant that there was nothing between her and Grace, or her and Alessia for that matter. It was like talking to a brick wall, and no matter how hard I tried to get through to her, she just wouldn't budge. In frustration, I typed out another message to Sapphire, my words laced with irritation. I demanded answers, but deep down, I knew that no matter what Sapphire said, I would always have doubts. The trust between us had been broken, and I wasn't sure if it could ever be repaired. So I typed her one last message because this conversation was never going to go anywhere.

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