Chapter 29

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Sapphire's POV:

After Alessia and I finished dancing, our pulses still racing with the rhythm of the music, we made our way to the bar. The thumping bass of the music reverberated through the club as we squeezed through the crowd, laughter and chatter filling the air.

Reaching the bar, we exchanged a knowing glance before ordering a few shots each. The anticipation of the night ahead mingled with the thrill of the moment as we waited for the bartender to pour our drinks.

As the shots were placed before us, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. The night was still young, and with each shot, it felt as though we were toasting to the adventures that lay ahead.

With a smile, I raised my glass to Alessia, our eyes meeting in a silent acknowledgment of the bond that united us. And we clinked our glasses together and downed our shots in unison.

After a few shots, the atmosphere became charged with an electrifying energy. Alessia and I found ourselves caught up in the heat of the moment, the tension between us palpable as we exchanged lingering glances across the room.

In that instant, it was as if the world around us faded into the background, leaving only the two of us locked in a silent exchange of desire. Without a word, we gravitate towards each other, drawn together by an irresistible pull that neither of us could deny.

Our first kiss was tentative, hesitant, as if testing the waters to gauge each other's reaction. But as our lips met, a spark ignited between us, setting off a chain reaction of raw passion and longing.

With each subsequent kiss, the intensity grew, our bodies moving as one in a sensual dance of desire. The world around us ceased to exist as we lost ourselves in the heat of the moment, our lips moving hungrily against each other's, seeking solace and fulfilment in the embrace of the other.

Time seemed to stand still as we explored each other's mouths with a hunger born of years of pent-up longing. Our kisses were fiery and passionate, fueled by the undeniable chemistry that crackled between us.

In that moment, there was only Alessia and me, our bodies pressed together in a desperate embrace as we surrendered to the intoxicating pull of desire. And as we finally pulled away, breathless and flushed with desire, it was as if a dam had burst, unleashing a flood of emotions that had long been simmering beneath the surface.

For a fleeting moment, we lingered in each other's arms, the world around us forgotten as we basked in the afterglow of our shared passion. And as we parted ways, a knowing smile danced across our lips, a silent promise of things to come.

As our lips finally parted, the tension between us crackled in the air, a palpable energy that left me breathless. Alessia's gaze met mine, dark with desire, and I felt a surge of heat rush through me at the intensity of her stare.

Without a word, we both knew what needed to happen next. The pull between us was undeniable, a magnetic force drawing us closer with each passing moment. And as Alessia's hand found mine, her touch sending shivers down my spine, I knew that I couldn't resist any longer.

"Let's go back home," Alessia whispered, her voice husky with longing. And in that moment, the decision was made – we would continue where we left off, exploring the depths of our desire in the privacy of our own space.

SMUT ahead:

As we made our way home, the anticipation hung heavy in the air, a silent promise of the pleasures that awaited us. And as we stepped through the door, Alessia smashed her lips against mine and slammed my back into the front door. Trying to navigate our way into Alessia's bedroom was a struggle as we kept hitting walls but when we finally found it we both fell onto her bed without leaving each other's lips.

I flipped us over so I was straddling her and slowly moved from her lips to her neck, making sure it left a mark. While working on her neck Alessia let out soft moans, her heart rate quickening as I found her sweet spot. After working on her neck my lips met hers again, I felt the tip of Alessia's tongue running along the bottom of my lips asking for entrance which I obliged by opening my mouth allowing her to slip her tongue into my mouth.

While we started fighting for dominance my hands started to explore her body. Once I got to the bottom of her dress I pulled away from her lips. "Can I take your dress off?" I asked Alessia while not breaking eye contact. "Yes sapphire" she responds in a breathless voice. I slowly sat us up and pulled Alessia's dress up and over her head leaving her in her lacy black bra and thong.

Alessia then asked me "can I take your clothes off?" I responded "yes". Alessia quickly took my leather jacket off and ripped my vest over my head leaving me in my sports bra and cargos. Alessia pulled me back in for a passionate kiss while I slipped my cargos,sports bra and pants off leaving me exposed. With my right hand I unclasped the back of Alessia's bra and took it off leaving her breasts exposed.

I then pushed her so she was lying down on her bed and attached my lips onto her right breast while I used my left hand to massage the other one. After I finished working on Alessia's right breast I moved onto her left breast reciprocating what I had done on the other one. Small moans escaped from Alessia's mouth. After I had finished working on Alessia's breasts I started trailing kisses from the cleavage of her breasts to the fabric covering her soaked core.

Alessia's breathing started to quicken so i started to kiss around her core and the inside of her thighs teasing her. "Please sapphire stop teasing me and just fuck me" alessia said through small breaths. I looked up at her and smirked and went back to her thong and slowly took it off leaving her wet core exposed in front of my eyes.

Alessia wrapped her legs around my neck giving me a clearer access to her pussy, I attached my lips to her a throbbing clit, gently sucking and swirling my tongue in small circles. As I carried on working her clit, small soft moans left Alessia's mouth, I inserted two fingers into Alessia and quickly pumped my fingers in and out of her.

After a few more minutes of working on Alessia's core louder moans escaped her lips, "Fuck sapphire im going to cum", i stopped working on her clit but carried on pumping my fingers in and out of her, "cum for Alessia" i said. A few seconds later she came on my fingers and I helped Alessia ride out her orgasm. I took my fingers out of her core and sucked my fingers clean. I slowly made my way back up to her lips and left gentle kisses on her lips before getting up and going into her bathroom to get a towel to clean her up.

Once I cleaned her up I went back to my bedroom to get changed into my pyjamas while she got changed back into hers. I made my way back into Alessia's to see that she was on her phone in bed. As I walked over to my clothes that were on her bedroom floor, Alessia looked up from her phone watching me. As I was about to leave her bedroom Alessia called out for me "Sapphire, where are you going?". "I'm going back to my bedroom to go to sleep," I responded, looking at her with a confused expression on my face.

"Sapphire, Would you..." she began, her words trailing off into silence as she searched for the right way to express herself. I waited, holding my breath, sensing the weight of her unspoken thoughts hanging between us like a delicate thread. "Would you stay?" she whispered, her voice barely audible above the hush of the night.

With a nod, I offered her a small smile, feeling the warmth of her presence enveloping me like a comforting embrace. "Of course," I murmured, my voice soft with tenderness. "I'll stay." I made my way back over to her bed and got in. As we settled beneath the covers, the distance between us melted away, leaving only the quiet intimacy of the night to wrap around us like a blanket.

In the gentle curve of Alessia's body against mine, I found solace and reassurance, a reminder that even in the darkest of nights, there is always light to be found in the warmth of another's embrace. "Goodnight Alessia" I said closing my eyes. "Goodnight  Sapphire" Alessia responded with. shortly after we both fell asleep.

SMUT ended 

How I Sapphire Young fell in love with Alessia RussoWhere stories live. Discover now