Chapter 21

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Sapphire's POV:

As the game of truth or dare reached Alessia all eyes turned to her as she bravely opted for truth. The air was thick with anticipation as the question was posed by none other than Ella, her voice laced with curiosity and mischief.

"Would you date Sapphire, and why?" Ella's question hung in the air, prompting a collective hush as we awaited Alessia's response.

Alessia's gaze met mine, a flicker of uncertainty in her eyes before she spoke. "Yes," she declared, her voice steady despite the weight of the moment. "Because she's very masculine, and I like masculine girls. She's fit and good-looking."

A stunned silence descended upon the room, broken only by the sound of collective gasps and murmurs of surprise. I could feel the weight of Alessia's words settling over us, the truth of her admission hanging in the air like an unspoken promise.

Then, like a bolt of lightning, Ella's incredulous shout pierced the silence. "I thought you were straight!"

Alessia's response was immediate, her tone unwavering as she met Ella's gaze. "I thought that too," she admitted, her voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability. "But in the last few months, I've found out I'm bisexual."

The revelation hung in the air, a moment of raw honesty that resonated with the depth of Alessia's journey. And then, like a wave breaking over us, a chorus of voices rose up in support, each one offering words of encouragement and acceptance.

"We're happy for you, Less," someone called out, their voice filled with genuine warmth. "And we'll always support you, no matter what."

At that moment, as the truth of Alessia's admission washed over us, I couldn't help but feel a swell of pride and admiration for my friend. For in her courage and honesty, she had reminded us all of the power of authenticity and the strength that comes from embracing who we truly are.

When the game of truth or dare came back to me Beth Mead, ever the instigator, approached me with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

"Truth or dare, Sapphire?" she asked, a playful grin dancing on her lips.

I grinned back, knowing that with Beth, there was never a dull moment. "Dare," I replied without hesitation, eager to see what she had in store.

Beth's eyes gleamed with excitement as she contemplated her challenge. Then, with a smirk, she delivered her dare. "I dare you to kiss the girl you think is the most good-looking in this room."

For a moment, the room fell silent, all eyes turning to me expectantly. I felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through me as I considered my options. Then, without hesitation, I turned to Alessia, my heart racing with anticipation.

With a nervous smile, I leaned in, my lips meeting Alessia's in a tender kiss. The room erupted into cheers and applause, but in that moment, all I could focus on was the warmth of Alessia's lips against mine, the electric spark that ignited between us.

As we pulled away, Alessia's cheeks flushed a delicate shade of pink, her eyes sparkling with surprise and something more. And then, before I could fully comprehend what was happening, Alessia leaned in and kissed me back, her lips meeting mine in a sweet, lingering embrace.

The world seemed to fade away in that moment, leaving only the two of us suspended in time. And as we finally pulled away, breathless and exhilarated, I couldn't help but smile, grateful for the unexpected twist of fate that had brought us together once again.

As the party at Sarina's house continued, the playful energy of the truth or dare game persisted, with dares becoming increasingly daring and truths becoming more revealing. Amidst the laughter and cheers, Alessia caught my eye, a knowing smile playing on her lips as she motioned for me to follow her into the kitchen.

As we slipped away from the crowd, the noise of the party faded into the background, leaving us in a bubble of quiet intimacy. It was a stark contrast to the raucous atmosphere outside, and for a moment, it felt as though we were the only two people in the world.

Leaning against the kitchen counter, Alessia regarded me with a thoughtful expression, her eyes searching mine as she spoke. "That dare back there," she began, her voice soft but tinged with uncertainty. "About us dating... There might be a possibility, but..."

Her words trailed off, and I knew exactly what she meant. Despite the playful banter and the genuine affection between us, the reality of our situation loomed large. We were both athletes, dedicated to our respective teams and committed to our careers. And as much as we might want to explore the possibility of something more, the geographical distance between us posed a significant challenge.

"I know," I replied, the weight of her words settling heavy in my chest. "It's not exactly ideal, is it?"

Alessia nodded, a rueful smile crossing her lips. "No, it's not," she agreed. "But who knows what the future holds? Maybe one day, when we're not on opposite ends of North London, we can give it a shot."

There was a hint of sadness in her voice, a recognition of the obstacles that stood between us. But there was also a glimmer of hope, a belief that perhaps, someday, our paths might align in a way that allowed us to explore the connection between us.

As we stood there in the quiet of the kitchen, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for Alessia's honesty and vulnerability. Despite the complexities of our situation, there was a comfort in knowing that we shared a bond that transcended distance and time. And as we rejoined the party, laughter ringing in our ears once more, I carried with me a newfound sense of possibility, a belief that even in the face of obstacles, love has a way of finding its way.

After two more hours of laughter, music, and camaraderie at Sarina's party, Grace and I finally decided it was time to bid farewell to our friends. The night had been filled with joy and connection, but now exhaustion tugged at our eyelids, promising sweet reprieve in the form of sleep.

With hugs and well-wishes exchanged, we made our way to the door, weaving our way through the throngs of partygoers. Sarina's house buzzed with the lingering energy of the night, but outside, the cool night air offered a welcome respite from the heat of the festivities.

As we stepped out onto the quiet street, a sense of tranquillity washed over me. The hustle and bustle of the party faded into the background, replaced by the soothing sounds of the night.

With a shared glance and a tired smile, Grace and I began the journey home. The streets were deserted at this late hour, the city wrapped in a peaceful slumber as we made our way through the silent streets.

Conversation dwindled as exhaustion took hold, our footsteps falling into a comfortable rhythm as we walked. There was a quiet contentment in the air, a sense of fulfilment that came from spending time with the people we cared about most.

Finally, we reached our doorstep, the familiar sight of home welcoming us with open arms. With a sigh of relief, we stepped inside, shedding our coats and shoes as we prepared for a well-deserved rest.

As I climbed into bed, the events of the night danced through my mind, a kaleidoscope of memories that brought a smile to my lips. It had been a night to remember, filled with laughter, friendship, and a sense of belonging that I cherished more than words could express.

With a final yawn, I closed my eyes, surrendering to the embrace of sleep. Tomorrow would bring a new day, filled with its own adventures and challenges, but for now, all that mattered was the peace and comfort of home.

How I Sapphire Young fell in love with Alessia RussoWhere stories live. Discover now