Chapter 63

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Sapphire's POV:

The past few months have been a whirlwind of emotions, changes, and challenges. My due date was rapidly approaching, and with it came a mixture of excitement and anxiety. Carrying triplets was no small feat, and the physical and emotional toll it took on me was immense. Alessia had been my rock, supporting me through every step of the journey, despite the numerous arguments and misunderstandings we had along the way.

It all started a few months back when my pregnancy cravings began to hit full force. I craved the most random and often inconvenient foods at odd hours – pickles dipped in chocolate, peanut butter on celery, and once, a desperate need for a specific type of Italian gelato that we could only find miles away from home. Alessia tried her best to keep up, running out to get whatever I needed, whenever I needed it. But the constant demands and my unpredictable mood swings sometimes led to friction between us.

One memorable argument occurred late one night when I woke up with an insatiable craving for a very specific type of sushi – vegetarian, of course, since raw fish was off-limits. I woke Alessia up, insisting that we needed to find a 24-hour place that could satisfy my craving. She, groggy and half-asleep, snapped that I was being unreasonable. I, already on edge from the pregnancy hormones, burst into tears and accused her of not caring about my needs. It escalated quickly, with both of us saying things we didn't mean. We eventually made up, but it left a lingering tension that took days to fully dissipate.

The most public of our arguments, and the one that led to a scandalous article suggesting we were headed for divorce, happened at Tesco's. We had gone shopping, a mundane task that had turned into a minefield of potential conflicts. I was already feeling uncomfortable and irritable due to my growing belly and the stares from strangers who couldn't help but notice my pronounced bump.

In the middle of the store, I had a sudden craving for a specific brand of cereal that I used to love as a child. When we couldn't find it, I grew increasingly frustrated. Alessia tried to calm me down, but in my hormonal state, I took her rational tone as condescending. I raised my voice, she raised hers, and before we knew it, we were in a full-blown shouting match in the cereal aisle. By the time we stormed out of the store, we were both fuming, and the other shoppers were undoubtedly whispering about our public display.

A couple of days later, an article surfaced, speculating that our marriage was on the rocks. "Pregnant Sapphire Russo and wife Alessia Russo Spotted in Heated Argument – Is Divorce on the Horizon?" the headline blared. I was mortified. We had to put out a statement reassuring everyone that we were fine, just dealing with the normal stresses of impending parenthood. It felt invasive and frustrating to have such a private moment turned into gossip, but it also made us realise we needed to handle our disagreements more privately and with more patience.

The Mirror: "Pregnant Sapphire Russo and wife Alessia Russo Spotted in Heated Argument – Is Divorce on the Horizon?"

In an unexpected turn of events, Arsenal Women's star couple Sapphire and Alessia Russo were seen having a very public and heated argument at a Tesco store in London. Eyewitnesses report that the altercation took place in the cereal aisle, drawing attention from shoppers and staff alike.

Sapphire, who is currently pregnant with triplets, was visibly upset during the confrontation, while Alessia appeared frustrated and agitated. This argument has sparked widespread speculation about the state of their marriage, with many wondering if the pressures of impending parenthood and recent stresses are taking a toll on their relationship.

According to witnesses, the argument began when Sapphire, visibly pregnant and seemingly in discomfort, expressed frustration over not finding a specific brand of cereal. Alessia tried to calm her down, but the situation quickly escalated, with both women raising their voices. By the time they left the store, tensions were high, and onlookers were left buzzing with curiosity and concern.

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