Chapter 28

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Sapphire's POV:

As I followed behind Alessia in my car, the familiar streets of London blurred past me in a haze of anticipation. It was my first day of training with my new team, and I couldn't wait to see what the future held. Alessia, ever the supportive friend, had offered to show me the way to her apartment where I'd be staying temporarily.

As we pulled up to the curb outside her building, I couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude towards Alessia. Her kindness and generosity had made the transition to the new part of the city so much smoother, and I was eager to repay her in any way I could.

Entering her apartment, I was greeted by the cosy warmth of home, the air tinged with the comforting scent of familiarity. It was a relief to finally settle in after a long day of training, and I couldn't help but marvel at the thoughtfulness of Alessia's hospitality.

As we lounged on the couch, catching up on each other's lives and sharing stories from our respective training sessions, a message popped up on Alessia's phone. It was from Katie, one of our teammates, inviting us to join them at the club down the road.

As Alessia and I stood in front of our respective wardrobes, deliberating over what to wear for our night out at the club with the rest of the Arsenal girls, I couldn't help but chuckle at the contrast between our styles. Alessia, always the epitome of elegance and sophistication, gravitated towards sleek dresses and stylish heels, while I, true to my tomboy nature, preferred something a bit more casual yet edgy.

Rummaging through my collection of clothes, I bypassed the rows of jeans – too conventional for my taste – in favour of something more unique. Eventually, my hand landed on a pair of black cargo pants, their utilitarian design adding a touch of ruggedness to my ensemble. Paired with a fitted white vest and a leather jacket, it was the perfect combination of comfort and style – a reflection of my personality and aesthetic.

Alessia raised an eyebrow as she observed my outfit choice, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes. "Cargo pants, huh? Going for that edgy look tonight?" I grinned, slipping into my chosen attire with a sense of satisfaction. "Gotta stay true to my style, right? Plus, you never know when you might need extra pockets for all the essentials."

Alessia chuckled, shaking her head in mock disbelief. "Fair point. Well, I suppose I'll stick to my tried and true little black dress."

With our outfits chosen, we made our way to the club, anticipation bubbling in the air as we prepared to meet up with the rest of the Arsenal girls. As we navigated through the crowded streets of London, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement coursing through my veins. Tonight was about more than just a night out – it was a chance to let loose, to bond with my teammates, and to create memories that would last a lifetime.

As Alessia and I stepped into the vibrant atmosphere of the club, the pulsating beat of the music enveloped us, and the energy of the crowd filled the air. We scanned the room, searching for familiar faces amidst the sea of revellers, until our eyes landed on the girls from the team.

Their laughter echoed above the music as they danced and mingled in a corner of the club, their smiles infectious as they caught sight of us. We made our way over to join them, weaving through the throng of dancers with ease.

As we approached, Katie greeted us with a warm hug, her excitement palpable as she pulled us into the group. "You made it!" she exclaimed, her voice barely audible over the booming bass of the music. "I've been saving a spot for you two!"

We exchanged greetings and smiles with the rest of the girls, their camaraderie a welcome respite from the chaos of the club. And then, without missing a beat, Katie made her way to the bar, returning moments later with a round of drinks for everyone.

As the glasses clinked together in a toast, I couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for the friendships that surrounded me. In that moment, amidst the flashing lights and pounding music, I felt a sense of belonging that transcended the confines of the dance floor.

Together, we raised our glasses in celebration, laughter ringing out as we drank to the night ahead.

As the night wore on and the drinks continued to flow, the atmosphere at the party grew increasingly festive. My teammates and I found ourselves swept up in the excitement, letting loose and revelling in the camaraderie that bound us together.

Amidst the laughter and music, I found myself drawn to Alessia, the tension that had simmered between us earlier in the evening melting away in the warmth of the alcohol. As we danced together, our bodies moving in sync to the rhythm of the music, I felt a sense of closeness that was both exhilarating and intoxicating.

Alessia's laughter echoed in my ears as we twirled and spun, our movements growing more intimate with each passing moment. And then, as if by mutual agreement, she turned to face away from me, her back pressed against my chest as we swayed together in perfect harmony.

The sensation of her body against mine sent a shiver down my spine, igniting a fire within me that burned brighter with each passing second. Our movements grew bolder, more uninhibited, as we surrendered ourselves to the music and the moment. With each grind and sway, I felt a sense of liberation wash over me, a freedom born of abandon and desire. 

How I Sapphire Young fell in love with Alessia RussoWhere stories live. Discover now