Chapter 65

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Sapphire's POV:

The hospital room was filled with a warm, soft light that seemed to amplify the love and joy radiating from Alessia and me. We sat on the bed, cradling our three beautiful babies, Leo, Theo, and Isla. The room was quiet except for the occasional cooing from the triplets, their tiny hands grasping at the air.

Today was a special day. Our families were coming to meet the triplets for the first time. My heart raced with excitement and a bit of nervousness. I knew how much this moment meant to everyone.

The first to arrive were Alessia's parents, Carol and Mario, along with her brothers, Luca and Giorgio, and Luca's wife, Lauren. As soon as they stepped into the room, Carol's eyes filled with tears.

"Oh, Alessia, Sapphire," Carol whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "They're perfect."

Mario, usually so stoic, had a similar expression of awe and love. He walked over, his large hands gentle as he reached out to touch Leo's tiny hand. "Welcome to the world, little ones," he said softly.

Luca and Giorgio stood close, peering over their parents' shoulders. "They're so tiny," Luca remarked, his voice filled with wonder.

"They're going to grow up so fast," Lauren added, a warm smile on her face.

We took turns letting each family member hold the babies. Carol held Isla, her eyes never leaving her granddaughter's face. Mario cradled Theo, his tough exterior melting away as he gently rocked his grandson. Luca and Giorgio took turns holding Leo, their broad smiles reflecting their happiness.

"You two have done something amazing," Mario said, his voice thick with pride. "We're so proud of you both."

Alessia squeezed my hand, her eyes brimming with tears. "Thank you, Dad. That means everything to us."

Not long after, my dad, Jasper, and my brothers, Tristan and Bertie, arrived. The room seemed to swell with even more love and excitement as they entered.

"Where are my grandbabies?" Jasper boomed, his eyes scanning the room until they landed on the triplets.

I laughed, my heart light. "Right here, Dad. Come meet them."

Jasper approached, his usually steady hands trembling slightly as he reached for Theo. "Hello, little one," he said softly, his voice filled with emotion. "I'm your granddad."

Tristan and Bertie hovered close, their faces lit up with joy. "They're beautiful, Saph," Tristan said, his voice thick with emotion. "You and Alessia have created something truly special."

Bertie nodded in agreement. "Can I hold one?" he asked, his eyes shining with excitement.

I handed Leo to Bertie and watched as my younger brother's face softened. "Hey there, little guy," he whispered. "I'm your Uncle Bertie. I'm going to spoil you rotten."

Tristan took Isla in his arms, his usually tough demeanour melting away. "You're going to have the best uncles in the world," he said softly. "We'll always be here for you."

Seeing our families holding our babies, their faces filled with love and pride, made my heart swell. This was everything I had hoped for and more.

As the room filled with laughter and gentle conversations, Alessia and I shared a look. We were surrounded by love, and our babies were welcomed into the world with open arms and warm hearts. This moment was everything we had dreamed of.

After a while, Carol handed Isla back to me and came to sit beside me on the bed. "You did an amazing job, Sapphire," she said, her voice filled with admiration. "We're so lucky to have you in our family."

How I Sapphire Young fell in love with Alessia RussoWhere stories live. Discover now