Chapter 64

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Sapphire's POV:

The night was still, the kind of stillness that only comes at the cusp of dawn. I lay in bed, shifting uncomfortably, trying to find a position that didn't aggravate the constant ache in my back. My belly, heavy with the weight of our three babies, seemed to defy any attempt at comfort. Alessia was fast asleep beside me, her breathing soft and steady, a comforting rhythm that had soothed me through many restless nights.

But tonight was different. A sharp pain shot through my abdomen, startling me fully awake. I gasped, clutching at the sheets. Another pain followed, stronger this time, radiating from my back and wrapping around my belly. I groaned, waking Alessia from her slumber.

"Saph? What's wrong?" she asked groggily, sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

"I think... I think it's time," I managed to say, the words coming out in a breathless rush.

Her eyes widened as she fully woke up, the realisation dawning on her. She immediately swung into action, grabbing the hospital bag we had prepared weeks ago, just in case.

"Okay, okay, let's get you to the hospital," she said, trying to stay calm even though I could see the panic starting to creep into her eyes.

The ride to the hospital was a blur of contractions and Alessia's soothing words. Every bump in the road felt like a jolt of electricity through my body, and by the time we arrived, I was gripping the door handle so tightly my knuckles were white.

The hospital staff whisked us into a delivery room, and Dr. Moore was there within minutes, her calm presence a beacon in the chaos. She examined me quickly, confirming what I already knew – the babies were on their way.

"You're doing great, Sapphire. We're going to get these babies delivered safely," she assured me, her voice steady and confident.

Alessia held my hand through every contraction, her eyes never leaving mine. She was my anchor, the one thing keeping me grounded as the pain threatened to overwhelm me. The hours seemed to stretch on forever, each contraction more intense than the last.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, it was time to push. The room was a flurry of activity, nurses and doctors moving with practised efficiency. Alessia's grip on my hand tightened as she whispered words of encouragement, her voice the only thing keeping me from slipping into the abyss of pain and exhaustion.

"Come on, Saph, you're almost there. You can do this," she said, her eyes shining with unshed tears.

With one final, agonising push, I felt the first baby slip free. A wail filled the room, and I felt a surge of relief and joy. The nurse quickly wrapped the baby in a blanket and brought them over to us.

"It's a boy," she said, placing the tiny bundle in Alessia's arms.

Tears streamed down my face as I looked at our son for the first time. He was perfect, tiny fingers and toes, his face scrunched up in a cry. But there was no time to rest – two more babies were on their way.

The second baby came quickly, another boy, his cries joining his brother's in a symphony of new life. Alessia was now holding both of our sons, her face a mixture of awe and exhaustion.

"Just one more, Saph. You're doing so well," Dr. Moore encouraged.

The final push took every ounce of strength I had left. I felt a sharp pain and then the incredible release as our daughter entered the world. Her cries were loud and strong, a fierce announcement of her arrival.

"You did it, Sapphire. You did it," Alessia whispered, her voice choked with emotion as the nurse handed her our daughter.

I collapsed back onto the bed, utterly spent, but filled with a sense of accomplishment and joy. Alessia brought the babies over to me, and we huddled together, our new family finally complete.

How I Sapphire Young fell in love with Alessia RussoWhere stories live. Discover now