Chapter 40

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Sapphire's POV:

The first light of dawn filtered through the thin curtains of our hotel room, gently nudging me awake. I stretched, the pleasant ache of yesterday's game still lingering in my muscles. Rolling over, I reached out instinctively to Alessia's side of the bed, expecting to find her there. Instead, my hand met only cool, empty sheets.

Frowning, I sat up and glanced around the room. Alessia's bed was untouched, the covers still perfectly smooth. A knot of worry twisted in my stomach. Where could she be?

I checked my phone, hoping for a message or a missed call, but there was nothing. Pushing aside my unease, I decided to get ready for the day. We had a light training session scheduled before breakfast, and I needed to focus on preparing for that.

I showered quickly, letting the hot water wash away the remnants of sleep. As I dressed in my training gear, my mind kept drifting back to Alessia. Where could she have gone? She wouldn't just leave without telling me, right?

Trying to shake off my concerns, I grabbed my bag and headed down to the dining area. Maybe she had an early start or got up for some fresh air. Whatever the reason, I was sure I'd find her at breakfast.

The dining room was buzzing with activity as teammates filled their plates and chatted about the previous night's movie and the game. I scanned the room, looking for Alessia's familiar blonde hair. Finally, I spotted her at a table near the back, but my heart sank when I saw who she was sitting with—Kyra.

They were talking closely, their heads bent together in a way that made my chest tighten with a strange mix of anger and hurt. I watched as Alessia laughed at something Kyra said, her face lighting up in a way that used to be reserved for our private moments.

I took a deep breath, forcing myself to stay composed. Approaching them now would only make things awkward, and I didn't want to draw attention to whatever was happening between them. Instead, I turned and made my way to a different table where Beth, Leah, and Viv were already seated.

"Morning," I greeted, forcing a smile as I sat down.

"Morning, Sapphire," Beth said, her cheerful tone a stark contrast to my mood. "Ready for the training session?"

"Yeah, can't wait," I replied, trying to match her enthusiasm. I picked up my fork, but my appetite had vanished. I couldn't stop glancing over at Alessia and Kyra, wondering what was going on between them.

"So, what did you think of the movie last night?" Leah asked, pulling me back into the conversation.

"It was good," I said, grateful for the distraction. "Definitely what we needed after the game."

We continued chatting about the movie and the game, but a part of my mind remained fixated on Alessia. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong, and it gnawed at me, making it hard to focus on anything else.

As breakfast went on, I tried to ignore the occasional bursts of laughter from Alessia and Kyra's table. I needed to talk to her, to understand why she hadn't come back to the room and what was going on between her and Kyra. But now wasn't the time. We had a training session to get through, and I needed to stay focused.

After breakfast, we headed to the training field. The fresh morning air was a welcome relief, and I used the time to clear my mind and concentrate on the drills. My teammates' energy and enthusiasm were infectious, and I found myself slowly easing back into the rhythm of the game.

But even as I ran through the exercises and worked on our strategies, the questions about Alessia lingered in the back of my mind. I resolved to talk to her as soon as I could, to get to the bottom of whatever was happening.

How I Sapphire Young fell in love with Alessia RussoWhere stories live. Discover now