Chapter 46

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After an intense training session, the entire team was buzzing with anticipation for the upcoming Champions League match against Barcelona. The stakes were high, and everyone was focused on giving their best performance. As the sun set, we gathered in the locker room, discussing strategies and tactics with Jonas.

"Alright, ladies, tomorrow's match is crucial," Jonas said, his voice filled with determination. "Get a good night's rest and be ready to bring your A-game."

We nodded in unison, the weight of his words sinking in. The atmosphere was a mix of excitement and nervous energy as we headed back to our hotel rooms to wind down.

After dinner, I was in our shared room with Katie, getting ready for bed, when Alessia came in, looking a bit hesitant. "Hey, Saph," she said softly, glancing around the room before focusing on me. "I just wanted to let you know that Kyra and I are going out to a bar tonight. We'll be back before curfew."

I raised an eyebrow, a bit surprised but trying not to overreact. "Oh, okay. That sounds fun. Just be careful, alright?"

She smiled and nodded. "Of course. Thanks for understanding."

"By the way, after you get back, feel free to come to our room," she added. "I know you're watching a movie with the girls, but if you want, we can hang out for a bit."

"Sure," I replied, smiling back. "That sounds good. Have fun."

As Alessia left with Kyra, I felt a pang of unease but pushed it aside. I trusted Alessia, and there was no reason to doubt her. Besides, I had my own plans for the evening. I joined Katie, Lotte, Beth, Viv, Emily, and Kim in Caitlin and Vivianne's room for a movie night. The room was filled with laughter and chatter as we settled in to watch a comedy.

Halfway through the movie, my mind wandered back to Alessia. I hoped she was having a good time and staying safe. The movie ended, and we all said our goodnights, heading back to our respective rooms. As I walked back, I decided to check in on Alessia and Kyra, just to make sure everything was okay.

When I reached their room, I knocked softly on the door. Almost immediately, I heard a flurry of movement inside. My heart skipped a beat, and I felt a knot of anxiety in my stomach.

"Alessia? It's me, Sapphire," I called out, trying to keep my voice steady.

The shuffling noises continued, and I could hear muffled voices. My unease grew, but I waited patiently for the door to open.

No One's POV:

Inside the room, Alessia and Kyra were in a state of panic. They had just returned from the bar, and after a few drinks, their inhibitions had lowered. Despite Alessia's engagement, the alcohol had clouded their judgement, leading to a passionate kiss that quickly escalated.

Hearing Sapphire's knock, they scrambled out of bed, their hearts pounding. Clothes were hastily grabbed from the floor and thrown on, their movements frantic and uncoordinated.

"We need to hurry," Alessia whispered urgently, her voice filled with panic.

Kyra nodded, struggling to pull on her jeans. "I know, I know. Just get dressed."

As they fumbled with their clothes, the tension in the room was palpable. They knew they had to compose themselves before opening the door, but the fear of getting caught only made them clumsier.

Finally, Alessia managed to pull on her shirt, and with a quick glance at Kyra to make sure she was presentable, she took a deep breath and opened the door.

Sapphire's POV:

When Alessia finally opened the door, she looked flustered, her hair slightly dishevelled. Kyra stood behind her, trying to act nonchalant but failing miserably.

How I Sapphire Young fell in love with Alessia RussoWhere stories live. Discover now