Chapter 66

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Sapphire's POV:

The last six months have been a whirlwind. Balancing the demands of motherhood with my recovery from an ACL injury and preparing for my return to football has been one of the most challenging yet rewarding periods of my life. Every day brought new surprises and obstacles, but with each, we grew stronger as a family.

Returning to football was always at the forefront of my mind. I spent countless hours in rehabilitation, pushing my body to its limits to regain strength and agility. Alessia was my rock throughout this process. Despite the sleepless nights and the constant demands of our triplets, she managed to juggle her training and matches while still being there for me and our children.

Alessia's unwavering support was a testament to her strength and dedication. She made sure I attended every physiotherapy session and encouraged me on days when the pain and frustration seemed too much to bear. She was there for every milestone in my recovery, cheering me on with the same enthusiasm as she did on the pitch.

However, just as I was preparing for my return, Alessia suffered a setback of her own. During a match, she sustained a foot injury that sidelined her for several weeks. It was heartbreaking to see her in pain, but she faced it with the same resilience she had shown throughout our journey. I knew how much it hurt her to be away from the game she loved, especially when she had been looking forward to my return.

Despite the setback, we found solace in our children. Leo, Theo, and Isla were the light in our lives. Watching them grow and develop over the past six months was nothing short of miraculous. Their first smiles, giggles, and the way their eyes lit up when they saw us made everything worthwhile. Each day with them was a new adventure, filled with moments of pure joy and love.

As my return to football drew closer, I felt a mix of excitement and anxiety. Would I be able to perform at the same level as before my injury? How would it feel to step back onto the pitch after such a long absence? These questions swirled in my mind as the day approached.

On the day of my return, Alessia was by my side, despite her injury. She insisted on coming to the stadium to support me, even if it meant sitting on the sidelines. Her presence gave me strength and reminded me of the journey we had undertaken together.

The atmosphere at the stadium was electric. My teammates welcomed me back with open arms, and the fans' cheers filled the air as I stepped onto the pitch. It was a surreal moment, one that I had dreamed about during countless hours of rehab. The first few minutes were nerve-wracking, but as the game progressed, I found my rhythm. It felt incredible to be back, doing what I loved.

However, the joy of my return was overshadowed by the tension between Alessia and Kyra. Their relationship had deteriorated over the past few months, culminating in a heated confrontation. Kyra admitted to orchestrating Alessia's infidelity to get back at me for "cheating on Charli." It was a revelation that shook us all.

Alessia was devastated. She had trusted Kyra, and the betrayal cut deep. I could see the pain in her eyes, but she was determined to move forward. We had been through too much to let this tear us apart. We had our triplets to think about, and we needed to stay strong for them.

Despite the drama off the pitch, we found joy in celebrating the triplets' six-month birthday. It was a milestone that marked how far we had come as a family. We decided to throw a small party with our closest friends and family. The house was filled with laughter and the happy sounds of children playing.

As we gathered around the cake, I couldn't help but reflect on everything we had been through. The sleepless nights, the endless nappy changes, the moments of doubt and fear—all of it had led us to this point. Our children were healthy and happy, and we were surrounded by love and support.

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