Chapter 39

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Sapphire's POV:

The anticipation was palpable as we stepped off the bus and made our way into the stadium. The air was crisp, the sky a perfect shade of blue, and the energy in the locker room was electric. This was it—the match against Manchester City, one of the biggest games of the season.

Jonas' voice cut through the pre-game rituals. "Alright, team. We've trained hard for this. Stay focused, communicate, and remember our strategy. We've got this."

I nodded along with my teammates, feeling the familiar rush of adrenaline. Alessia was beside me, her face a mask of concentration. Despite the tension between us, I knew we had to put everything aside for the game. We were here to win.

As we lined up in the tunnel, I could hear the distant roar of the crowd. The announcer's voice echoed, adding to the mounting excitement. We stepped onto the pitch, the noise swelling as the fans cheered. I glanced at Alessia, and she gave me a tight smile. We were ready.

The whistle blew, and the game was on. Manchester City came out strong, pressing us hard. The first few minutes were intense, with both teams fighting for control. I focused on my position, marking my opponent and looking for opportunities.

In the 15th minute, we had a breakthrough. Beth intercepted a pass and quickly fed the ball to Viv, who made a brilliant run down the wing. She crossed the ball into the box, and Alessia was there to meet it. She struck it cleanly, and the ball soared into the net. Goal! We erupted in celebration, the tension momentarily forgotten.

But Manchester City wasn't going to let us have it easy. They pushed back hard, and soon the game was back to a tense, back-and-forth battle. They equalised just before halftime, and we went into the break with the score tied 1-1.

In the locker room, Jonas gave us a rousing pep talk. "Keep up the pressure. We're playing well, but we need to stay sharp. Believe in yourselves and in each other."

The second half was even more intense. Both teams created chances, and the defences were tested repeatedly. With 10 minutes to go, we earned a corner. I positioned myself in the box, ready for the delivery. The ball came in perfectly, and Leah rose above the defenders to head it home. Another goal!

We defended fiercely for the remaining minutes, determined to hold onto our lead. The final whistle blew, and we had done it. 2-1. Victory.

We celebrated on the pitch, hugging and high-fiving. The win felt incredible, a testament to our hard work and teamwork. As we made our way back to the tunnel, I felt a surge of pride. We had faced a tough opponent and came out on top.

No One's POV:

While the team basked in the afterglow of their hard-fought victory, Alessia felt a different kind of tension bubbling beneath her composed exterior. As the players started to head towards the tunnel, she glanced around, looking for an opportunity.

Kyra caught her eye from across the pitch. They exchanged a brief, knowing look. Alessia hesitated for a moment before subtly nodding towards a secluded area behind the stadium. Kyra understood the signal and began to make her way there, making sure not to draw attention.

As the team began to disperse, Alessia slipped away, blending into the shadows. She moved quickly, her heart pounding not from the match, but from the risk she was taking. When she reached the spot, Kyra was already there, leaning against the wall with a smirk.

"Are you sure about this?" Kyra asked, her voice low and teasing.

Alessia didn't reply with words. Instead, she stepped forward and pulled Kyra into a kiss. It was a moment of stolen passion, a brief escape from the complexities of their lives and the guilt that weighed heavily on Alessia's heart.

How I Sapphire Young fell in love with Alessia RussoWhere stories live. Discover now