Chapter 27

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Sapphire's POV:

As I stepped onto the training ground for another session with my new team, Arsenal, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement mingled with nerves. Joining a new club meant forging new connections, and I was eager to get to know my teammates better.

As the training session got underway, I found myself paired up with Katie McCabe, a talented winger with a reputation for her lightning speed and pinpoint crosses. From the moment we exchanged our first passes, I could sense a connection forming between us.

Katie's easygoing nature and infectious enthusiasm put me at ease, and before long, we were chatting and laughing as if we had known each other for years. Despite our different backgrounds and experiences, there was an undeniable bond that drew us together – a shared love for the game and a mutual respect for each other's abilities.

As the training session progressed, Katie offered me invaluable insights and advice, sharing her knowledge of the team's tactics and strategies. Her guidance was instrumental in helping me acclimate to my new surroundings, and I found myself growing more confident with each passing drill.

But beyond the football pitch, Katie and I quickly discovered that we had much more in common than just our love for the game. From our favourite music and movies to our shared passion for cooking, we found ourselves bonding over shared interests and experiences.

In between drills Katie's girlfriend and teammate, Caitlin Foord, caught my attention next. Caitlin approached me with an easy confidence, her friendly demeanour putting me instantly at ease. She introduced herself with a smile, her Australian accent adding a touch of warmth to her words. At that moment, I knew that we would get along just fine.

As I engaged in conversation with Caitlin and Katie, two of my teammates, I couldn't help but notice the subtle glances Alessia kept stealing in my direction. There was a hint of jealousy in her eyes, masked by a facade of nonchalance as she whispered something to Kyra, who stood beside her.

I tried to ignore the tension brewing between us, focusing instead on the conversation at hand. Caitlin and Katie were discussing tactics for our upcoming match, their enthusiasm infectious as they delved into the intricacies of our game plan.

But despite my efforts to remain engaged, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air. Alessia's constant glances and whispered exchanges with Kyra were like a weight on my shoulders, casting a shadow over our interactions.

I couldn't help but wonder what Alessia was saying, what thoughts were swirling in her mind as she watched me converse with my teammates. Was she questioning my loyalty to the team? The uncertainty gnawed at me, distracting me from the conversation unfolding before me. And as Caitlin and Katie continued to discuss tactics, I found myself growing increasingly restless, my attention drifting back to Alessia and Kyra.

But just as I was about to confront Alessia about her behaviour, the moment passed, and she turned her attention elsewhere, her expression carefully neutral. And with a sigh, I forced myself to push aside my doubts and focus on the task at hand, determined not to let Alessia's jealousy derail our preparations for the upcoming match.

After the training session had concluded, I found myself lingering on the pitch, a weighty conversation weighing on my mind. Alessia's behaviour during training had been bothering me, her jealous glances and whispered remarks casting a shadow over our interactions. I knew I couldn't let it go unaddressed any longer.

As Alessia began to gather her things, preparing to go to the gym, I approached her with determination in my step. It was time to confront her about her behaviour and remind her of our previous conversation at Sarina's house – a conversation about the potential for a spark between us.

"Alessia," I began, my voice steady despite the nervous fluttering in my chest. "Can we talk for a moment?" She turned to face me, her expression guarded but curious. "Sure, Sapphire. What's on your mind?"

I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the conversation ahead. "I couldn't help but notice your behaviour during training today," I admitted, my gaze meeting hers with unwavering resolve. "The glances, the whispers... It's not like you, Alessia. And it's been bothering me."

A flicker of guilt crossed Alessia's features, her eyes dropping momentarily before meeting mine once more. "I'm sorry, Sapphire," she said, her voice tinged with remorse. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. It's just... things have been complicated between us lately, and I guess I let my emotions get the better of me."

I nodded, understanding dawning in my eyes. "I know things haven't been easy for us," I conceded, recalling the tensions that had strained our friendship in recent weeks. "But we talked about this, Alessia. We talked about the possibility of something more between us."

Alessia's expression softened, a hint of vulnerability shining through the facade of indifference. "I haven't forgotten, Sapphire," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "And I don't want to let it go."

With those words, a weight seemed to lift from my shoulders, replaced by a glimmer of hope for the future. Despite the obstacles that lay ahead, I knew that Alessia and I were stronger together than apart. And as we headed off to the gym together, ready to put in the work to mend our fractured relationship, I couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of optimism for what lay ahead.

As the gym session wound down and my muscles buzzed with the familiar ache of a good workout, I found myself mustering the courage to broach a delicate subject with Alessia. We had just finished our cool-down stretches when I cleared my throat, steeling myself for the conversation ahead.

"Alessia, I've been meaning to ask you something," I began, my voice hesitant but determined. "I recently moved from Tottenham, and I haven't had a chance to find a new place to stay yet. I was wondering if you might have a spare room at your place where I could stay for a bit, at least until I get settled?"

I watched Alessia closely, my heart pounding in my chest as I awaited her response. It was a big ask, I knew, but I couldn't shake the feeling of urgency that gnawed at me. I needed a place to call home, a sanctuary where I could rest and recharge after long days of training and matches.

For a moment, Alessia's expression remained unreadable, her gaze fixed on the floor as she weighed her options. Then, to my relief, a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips, and she nodded in agreement.

"Of course, Sapphire," she said, her voice warm with genuine concern. "I'd be happy to have you stay with me. We'll make room for you, no problem."

The weight lifted from my shoulders, replaced by a sense of gratitude and relief. In that moment, as Alessia extended her hand in friendship, I knew that I had made the right decision in reaching out to her.

And as we gathered our belongings and made our way out of the gym together, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the new chapter that awaited me – one filled with the warmth and camaraderie of friendship, and the promise of a place to call home.

How I Sapphire Young fell in love with Alessia RussoWhere stories live. Discover now