Chapter 45

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The day after England camp ended, Alessia and I woke up to the early morning light streaming through the windows. There was a certain kind of magic in the air, a blend of relief from the intensity of camp and excitement for what lay ahead. As we prepared breakfast, Alessia's phone buzzed with a message. She glanced at it and then looked up at me, a smile spreading across her face.

"Saph, my parents have invited us for dinner tonight," she said, her voice filled with warmth. "They want to see us, and my brothers, Luca and Giorgio, will be there too. And Luca's wife, Lauren."

I felt a surge of excitement and nerves. Dinner with Alessia's family was always a delight, but tonight would be extra special. I had a plan in mind—one that had been brewing for some time. Tonight, I was going to ask Mario for his blessing to marry Alessia.

"That sounds wonderful," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady. "It'll be great to see everyone."

After breakfast, we spent the morning leisurely, savouring the calm before the storm of the Champions League match and the proposal. By midday, we were on our way to Alessia's parents' house. The drive was pleasant, filled with light conversation and comfortable silence. Alessia reached over and squeezed my hand, her touch a comforting reminder of our bond.

When we arrived, Carol greeted us at the door with her usual warmth, pulling us both into tight hugs. The house was filled with the delicious aroma of home-cooked food, and I could hear the familiar sounds of laughter and conversation coming from the living room.

"Welcome, girls!" Carol exclaimed. "It's so good to see you both. Come in, come in!"

We stepped inside, and I immediately felt the cosy embrace of family. Mario was in the kitchen, bustling around with pots and pans, while Luca, Giorgio, and Lauren chatted animatedly in the living room. They all greeted us with smiles and hugs, and soon we were all seated around the dining table, the centrepiece of a beautiful Italian feast.

Dinner was a joyous affair, filled with laughter, stories, and the comforting feeling of being surrounded by loved ones. As the evening progressed, I found myself stealing glances at Mario, trying to gauge the right moment to talk to him privately.

After dessert, when the conversation had lulled, I caught Mario's eye and gestured towards the back garden. He nodded subtly, understanding my unspoken request. Excusing ourselves from the table, we stepped outside into the cool evening air.

The garden was bathed in soft, golden light from the patio lanterns. Mario and I walked a little way down the path, the sounds of the house fading behind us. My heart was pounding, and I took a deep breath to steady myself.

"Mario," I began, my voice earnest and filled with emotion, "I love Alessia more than anything in this world. She means everything to me, and I want to spend the rest of my life making her happy. I want to ask for your blessing to marry her."

Mario looked at me with a kind, thoughtful expression. There was a moment of silence that felt like an eternity, and then he smiled warmly.

"Sapphire," he said, his voice gentle, "you have been like a daughter to us from the moment Alessia brought you home. It's clear to anyone who sees you two together how deeply you care for each other. Of course, you have my blessing."

Relief and joy washed over me, and I couldn't help but smile broadly. "Thank you, Mario. That means the world to me."

We shared a brief, heartfelt hug, and then made our way back inside, where the family was still gathered, blissfully unaware of the momentous conversation that had just taken place. I caught Alessia's eye across the room, and she smiled at me, a smile that lit up the entire space. My heart swelled with love for her, knowing that the next step in our journey together was within reach.

How I Sapphire Young fell in love with Alessia RussoWhere stories live. Discover now