Chapter 61

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Sapphire's POV:

And then, as if by magic, the words began to appear, clear and unmistakable: pregnant.

Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes as I stared at the test in disbelief, the weight of its significance settling over me like a warm blanket. I was going to be a mother, we were going to be parents, our journey to parenthood finally reaching its long-awaited destination.

With shaky hands, I carefully placed the test back in its box, my mind already racing with plans for how to surprise Alessia when she returned home. I quickly got dressed, my heart fluttering with excitement as I made my way to the shops, a spring in my step and a smile on my face.

I wandered the aisles of the baby section, my heart overflowing with joy as I picked out tiny socks and shoes, a soft baby grow, and a delicate box to hold them all. Each item felt like a promise, a symbol of the life growing inside me, a testament to the love that Alessia and I shared.

With my purchases safely tucked away in my bag, I made my way back home, the anticipation building with every step. I couldn't wait to see the look on Alessia's face when she saw the surprise I had prepared for her. I couldn't wait to share the news that would change our lives forever.

As the hours passed, time seemed to slow to a crawl, each minute stretching out endlessly as I waited for Alessia to return. And then, finally, I heard the familiar sound of the key in the lock, the door swinging open to reveal her smiling face.

"Hey, love," she said, her voice filled with warmth as she crossed the threshold. "I'm home."

I took a deep breath, my heart pounding in my chest as I stepped forward, the box clenched tightly in my hands. "Alessia, there's something I want to show you," I said, my voice trembling with emotion.

Curiosity flickered in her eyes as she took in the box, her brow furrowing in confusion. But as I opened it and revealed its contents, her expression softened, her eyes widening in disbelief.

"Pregnant," she whispered, her voice barely a breath as she reached out to touch the tiny items nestled within. "Sapphire, is this..."

I nodded, tears streaming down my cheeks as I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close. "Yes, love," I said, my voice thick with emotion. "We're going to have a baby."

Alessia's arms tightened around me, her embrace fierce and tender all at once. "I can't believe it," she said, her voice choked with tears. "We're going to be parents."

We stood there in the doorway, lost in each other's arms, the weight of our joy and gratitude filling the room. And in that moment, I knew that no matter what the future held, as long as we had each other, we could weather any storm, overcome any obstacle, and face whatever challenges lay ahead, together, as a family.

The day after the pregnancy test brought a flurry of phone calls and appointments. Alessia and I wasted no time in contacting Dr. Patel, our fertility specialist, to share the incredible news. His voice crackled through the phone as he congratulated us warmly, his words a soothing balm to our excited nerves.

"We'll need to schedule a scan to confirm everything," he explained, his tone filled with reassurance. "But from what you've told me, it sounds like everything is progressing as it should."

Relief flooded through me as I listened to Dr. Patel's words, a weight lifting from my shoulders as the reality of our situation began to sink in. Alessia squeezed my hand tightly, her eyes shining with unshed tears as we absorbed the magnitude of what lay ahead.

After hanging up with Dr. Patel, Alessia and I shared a quiet moment together, our thoughts filled with wonder and awe at the miracle unfolding inside me. We talked about our hopes and dreams for the future, about the life we were creating together, and the journey that lay ahead.

And then, as the days passed and the excitement began to settle into a comfortable rhythm, Alessia and I made a decision. We agreed that we wouldn't tell anyone about the pregnancy until we were further along, until we had reached the four-month mark and the risk of miscarriage had decreased.

It wasn't an easy decision to make, especially with the overwhelming urge to shout our news from the rooftops. But we knew that keeping the secret would give us the time and space we needed to process the changes that lay ahead, to come to terms with the enormity of what we were undertaking.

The day of our first scan arrived, and Alessia and I were practically bursting with anticipation. We arrived at the clinic hand in hand, our hearts pounding with excitement and nervousness as we waited for our turn.

Finally, it was our time. We were ushered into the examination room, where Dr. Patel greeted us with a warm smile. His gentle demeanour helped to calm our nerves as he prepared to perform the scan.

As Dr. Patel began the procedure, I held Alessia's hand tightly, my eyes glued to the screen as we waited anxiously for the first glimpse of our baby. And then, there it was – a tiny flicker on the screen, a heartbeat pulsing strong and steady.

Tears welled up in my eyes as the reality of our situation washed over me. Alessia squeezed my hand in silent understanding, her own eyes shining with unshed tears as we watched our baby's heartbeat dance across the screen.

Dr. Patel's voice broke through the haze of emotion, his words a soothing balm to our anxious hearts. "Everything looks perfect," he said, his smile warm and reassuring. "You'll need to come back in four months for your next scan, but for now, everything is progressing beautifully."

Relief flooded through me as Dr. Patel's words sank in. Four months – it felt like an eternity away, yet I knew that the time would fly by in a whirlwind of preparations and excitement.

As we left the clinic hand in hand, Alessia and I shared a quiet moment of gratitude, our hearts filled with love and wonder for the tiny life growing inside me. And as we looked ahead to the future, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as we had each other, we could face them with courage and strength, together, as a family.

How I Sapphire Young fell in love with Alessia RussoWhere stories live. Discover now