Chapter 64: Deal With The Devil

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*The Worst In Me by Bad Omens*

*Alora POV*

I wish I hadn't heard. I wish the window had been closed and all I could have heard was the muffled voices inside the home, but due to the nice breeze, Anne had kept the window cracked. Letting every voice, every yell, every hard and harsh words from Sebastians mouth be released. Slapping me in the face, bringing me back to reality. Confirming that my decisions were right. 

He'd never let go. 

He'd never forgive. 

He'd never.... move on from the shadows of our past. 

I turned, seeing Ominis slam the door shut behind him. His suitcase in hand, his cheeks slightly red from the argument he had just left behind. His white orbs finding me, knowing I was watching, waiting for him to return to me. 

He dropped his suitcase at my feet slowly.

"Where is Anne? Where did she go?" He asked softly. 

"Behind the house."

He nodded to me, his wand blinking the bright red. Looking for her, the water in the kitchen sounding as Sebastian put it on. 

He sighed, "You heard?"

I nodded to him, looking down at the grassy floor beneath my feet. 

"Anne always did like having the windows open......" He huffed, "I'll be quick Alora. I just need to tell her I'm leaving."

I nodded again, "I know. It's okay."

He smiled shortly to me, watching him leave me standing in the front yard once again. Waiting for his return. 

I hoped he would be quick. I needed to get out of here. Leaving this place behind me as the many memories flooded my mind. 

Solomon, Anne, Rookwood, the goblins. All pain. Every single one of them, not a single happy memory. Even me showing back up here with Sebastian wasn't a happy one. Only the fact I had set out what I needed to at the time, the only satisfaction it brought me. 


After some time had passed, it felt like the night had dragged. Ominis hadn't reappeared yet but I'm sure the conversation with Anne didn't go well as I heard her cries even from the front of the house. 

My eyes wandered up to the path where Sebastian had taken me so long ago. Where he showed me once where Anne was cursed. The same house in where we found the mirrored Undercroft. 

I wondered if it was still there. Allowing my own mindless decisions get the best of me I followed the road.

The house was still broken down, just more vines had covered it. Making it look even more abandoned than it had before. 

I sighed, ducking my head underneath the stone walls. Finding the same set of stairs in which led to the basement. 

Multiple cobwebs coated it, bringing my wand up to push them out of the way. 


Devils snare had spread like wildfire, leaving only a small area and path to walk through as it escaped back in which it came. Running away from the light.

Behind the bookcase, my eyes took in the old sight. 

The reflection of the Undercroft. 

It was still the same even after all these years, the fireplace wasn't lit in the distance, but the candle lit chandeliers still hung from the ceiling. 

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