Chapter 28

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Heidi's phone started ringing so she giggled softly then answered, "Hey Lee Lee, my little man, what are you doing?" Gabe threw them a look, her words were not as articulate as normal, there was a slight slur to them but barely noticeable. "Of course we can still read together," she giggled. "Go get your book and I have mine in my bag. Alright, ready?" She stood and spun a cardboard book as if it was a top. "Okay, How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night? By Jane Yolen and illustrated by Mark Teague. Illustrated means the person who drew the pictures. Yep, okay. How does a dinosaur say good night when Papa comes in to turn off the light?Does a dinosaur slam his tail and pout?" She let out a soft gasp, "I'm so sorry, there was a tyrannosaurus rex and uh ummm, a stegosaurus and a...a...pteranodon, yep what Petrie is that's right. Okay, back to the story with the dinosaur names this time. Okay, where were we?"

The guys listened as she read the story then told Liam goodnight before hanging up. She flipped through the book again before putting it back in her bag. "How's Liam doing?" Axel asked tentatively as they walked over to her.

"He's fine," she gave him a soft smile. "Drew Max four pictures for me to pick up in the morning and now he's getting ready for bed."

"You seem more relaxed," Gabe said while trying to be careful with how he said it.

She threw him a bewildered look, "yeah? Talking to Liam always makes me happy."

"Do you think–" Kota started to say but her phone started ringing again.

"Doctor," She said as she stood completely up. "Yes Sir, I did access it. One of the guys in my dorm's dog got into some chocolate so I had him bring him..." she gripped the side of her scrubs. "Yes I did that, he's sleeping, yes I'm doing that. Oh!" She gasped as her hand went to her mouth, "yes of course! I'll set up now."

"Everything o–" Gabe started to ask but she pushed past him while rushing to a cabinet.

"Can't talk, emergency coming," She interrupted as she grabbed some items. "Move and stay out of the way." She slammed her book shut and shoved everything into her bag before grabbing a spray bottle and some wipes and began spraying the table.

She rushed around and grabbed some more items just as the doors beeped then were pushed open by a professor the guys had seen around campus with a pug in his arms. "Heidi?"

"Got the table prepped, Doctor," Heidi rushed as she grabbed some gloves. "A pug? That's dangerous."

"Yeah," he nodded as Heidi grabbed a syringe and began inserting it into the dogs paw once the area was shaved clean. "Who is that?" He asked as he noticed the three men. He shook his head, "Nevermind don't have time. Just stay out of our way." He turned back to Heidi, "Surprise pregnancy and the pups are too much. I counted six."

"Six!" Heidi gasped. "That's definitely a cesarean then." She bit her bottom lip nervously, "Are the owners aware of the risk..." she trailed off softly.

"Yeah, I told my sister," the vet professor nodded. "She's worried but trusts us. You're getting a crash course of a cesarean and spay."

Heidi nodded, "I'm ready."

"Let's begin," he nodded as Heidi checked the tube in the pug's mouth to help keep the airway open during surgery. "Time is..."

The guys watched in shock and amazement as Heidi assisted the emergency surgery and then dealt with rushing to make sure the puppies were breathing, even shoving her mouth over a couple of the puppies to force oxygen into their systems. She would rub hard on the puppies to stimulate their blood and also assist in the surgery when there was a panic over the pug losing too much blood. She was rushing around like crazy and yet there was a glow to her as well. She wasn't as alert as she was before with Max and yet there was also a more confident thing about her too. Something was off and it confused the guys and yet at the same time she was breathtaking. It was a complex thing for sure. Once the panic was over and the pug was waking from the surgery, Heidi was laying the puppies against the mom and helping in making sure they were getting the milk from mom. There was a proud and peaceful look on her face as she took in the scene before her.

"You did amazing, Heidi," the professor said as he dried his hands. "You just helped save my sister's dog and I have every bit of faith that you are going to become an amazing vet one day. You will do amazing things in the vet industry." He patted her shoulder, "Try and get some sleep tomorrow. You must be the owners of the retriever that got into chocolate that she told me about. You have nothing to worry about. He's going to be just fine," He motioned to Max as he addressed the three guys, "You got yourself a good vet here."

Kota smiled and nodded, "Yes we do, Doctor."

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