Chapter 18

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"What do you mean?" Nathan asked in confusion.

"As much as I don't want to sound like North I'm going to," Luke shook his head. "She hasn't eaten and doesn't want to. She is withdrawn and doesn't want to come out here. She's on the verge of breaking down. I don't like it."

"Is it her anxiety over what just happened or her eating disorder?" Owen asked. "Remember she blurted out she has one."

"I am not sure," Sean said as he walked into the room. "Her anxiety is definitely flaring right now. Any word on Lisa?"

"She called a minute ago," Kota said as he held up his phone. "She's stuck at the library since it's storming so bad right now. I didn't tell her about whatever happened with Heidi, it would just stress her out. Heidi isn't going to say anything either since her phone was in her bag. I unpacked it to start drying her things and found it in there."

"Where is Gabriel?" Owen asked as he entered back into the living room with a cup of tea.

"Blow drying her hair," Luke sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"We will start the meeting once he has joined us," Owen said as he sat down and crossed his leg over his knee. Another ten minutes went by before Gabe joined them with a scowl set on his face. "Now that everyone is here, can you explain from the start?"

Gabe and Brandon explained from their point of view till Gabe brought Heidi here. From there, Brandon and Nathan explained their side.

"We had to teach him that no means no," Nathan glared as he went to crack his knuckles then stopped feeling Sean's gaze on him. "He seems to really believe that she belongs to him and he can do whatever he wants to her." Multiple growls filled the air at his comment. "We had multiple lessons to teach him."

"But nothing that will get us expelled," Brandon nodded with a smirk on his lips. "We were careful with our lessons."

"Good," Owen nodded. "That's the last thing we need to be worrying about right now."

Sean cleared his throat, "Nathan, you will need to restock your tiger balm. I gave her your bottle on your nightstand. It will help with her bruises."

"Bruises?" a few men asked at once.

"Like I said, he needed to be taught a few lessons," Brandon growled. "You give her plenty of pain relief? She's going to feel like crap tomorrow."

Sean nodded, "Yes, I did."

"What about the kid?" Brandon asked. "Where is he?"

"Asleep in my bed," Luke said as he walked back into the room with a plate filled with pizza, wings, a couple of different sauces, and some chocolate brownies. "He will stay there tonight, I don't mind. Be right back. Gabe."

"Coming," Gabe said as he shot to his feet.

"What..." Nathan looked from Luke and Gabe to the group in confusion.

"He grounds her," Sean smirked, "she clings and listens to him right now."

"We were just as surprised," Axel nodded, "but it works and maybe this is one step closer to showing her who we really are."

Meanwhile in Heidi's room, Luke was sitting across from her while Gabe sat behind her rubbing her back. "Come on Cupcake, you need to take a few more bites, please?" Luke pleaded. "A couple of nibbles isn't enough to fill you up. You need more, please, a few real bites?"

"Leave her alone, Luke," Gabe demanded in a gentle yet stern whisper while still rubbing her back. "Can you try and be a good fucking girl for me and take one more bite, Bunny?"

Luke's eyes widened but quickly shut his mouth as Heidi picked up the honey bbq boneless wing. She opened her mouth then dropped her hand. She started lip-syncing something as her eyes closed. Luke narrowed his eyes as he watched her mouth move. She repeated it two more times before picking up the food and taking a small bite.

"Such a good girl for me," Gabe whispered with pride as he kept up the calming motion on her back. "Do you want some more fucking hot chocolate? You can have another."

"P...p...please," she whispered before she took another bite.

"On it," Luke beamed as he rushed out of the room. He completely ignored the group that was softly talking to one another and headed straight for the kitchen, only to emerge a few minutes later and head back to her room. "Here you go, Cupcake, one unicorn hot chocolate with extra sprinkles, enjoy."

She gave him a small smile and then took a sip from the straw he stuck in the cup. "What were you saying a minute ago, Bunny?" Gabe asked as he kept rubbing her back. He had to switch arms but it didn't matter if it kept her calm. He would keep doing it all night if she needed him to.

"," she mumbled as she kept looking at the colorful cup in her hand.

"Does it help you with your fucking eating problem?" Gabe pushed and she nodded. "Will you tell me so I can keep fucking helping you and taking care of you?" She tensed under his touch and he barely applied more pressure before he continued rubbing her back. "Just for fucking tonight and I swear no one will ever fucking bother you about what you need to do. If they do, I'll sic the goddamn family on them."

"They," she whispered, still not turning to look at him.

"They will never," Gabe growled. He gently cupped her chin, being mindful of the darkening bruise that was forming along her jaw, and turned her to face him. His crystal blue eyes held her hazel ones, "Never."

Her breath hitched at the sincerity in his tone and nodded. Taking a shaky inhale, she whispered,

 "Food is healthy

Even the sweets

Your body needs food

So try to eat."

Gabe smiled as he listened to her, "Very good, Bunny, I like it."

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