Chapter 31

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"I'm fine," She shook her head. "Look, I'm glad I was able to help with Max but I really must go now. Just make sure he gets plenty of rest and water. Now excuse me," she locked the lab then rushed down the hall and out the building towards her car.

By the time the guys reached the parking lot she was already gone. "FUCK!" Gabe shouted as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Let's just get back and report to the others," Axel sighed as he shook his head.

"It sounds like she took a relaxant of some sort," Sean whispered seconds before the door swung open and Heidi walked in with bags in her hands. "Hey, can I help?"

"No," She said as she walked past them toward her room. A few moments later the group watched as she entered the kitchen and they listened as she opened the fridge and a drink was poured. A clang on the stove told them that she was beginning to make something.

Lisa walked past them and into the kitchen. "So it was a boring night in the lab?"

"Kinda," Heidi's mumbled response came back to them. "Doc Winslow's sister's pug had an emergency c-section but all six surprise puppies survived and I got hands on learning on that and spaying but other than that yeah it was fine."

"Look at me," Lisa said sternly, catching the group's attention even more. "Heidi, why are your hands shaking? It's just a small stomach virus."

"It's nothing," Heidi snapped. "I'm just tired and everything catching up with me. That's all. I can't have him being sick right now. What if the case reporter comes back while he's sick? What if it turns into something more? I'm just overwhelmed but it will be fine. I'll be fine. Everything is fine. I just need, yeah, focus."

"Heidi Marie Davis, look at me right now," Lisa said with such sternness even the men sat up straighter. A loud sigh came back then something slammed down on the counter. "Seriously Heidi? I thought you were done with that shit!"

"Shut up, Lisa!" Heidi hissed loudly. "It's not that, I'm fine!"

"You. Promised. Me. Damn it, Heidi! Why?!" Lisa questioned loudly as her voice cracked a little with the hurt and worry she was feeling along with anger and frustration.

"Lisa, I say this in the most kindest way but Shut. The. Fuck. Up. I don't need anyone else in on our conversation and I don't have fucking time arguing with you," Heidi hissed. "It's not that and I. Am. Fine. That is over with now, stop it."

"No you are not!" Lisa slammed her hand down on the counter. "You can lie to yourself but you can't lie to me. I was there, I know you! I can see it, where did you get it, Heidi? When did you–"

"Shut up!" Heidi shouted. The men looked at one another in shock. Heidi sighed, "I love you Lisa, but stop it."

"NO!" Lisa shouted. "You can be mad at me all you want, Heidi, but it won't stop me from loving you enough to call yourself out on this. I promised you I wouldn't let it happen again, now fucking tell me the goddamn truth!"

"Shut up!" Heidi hissed. "You are making a scene."

"Oh, do not go there," Lisa chuckled, "I can easily make a scene and you know it. Now just–"

"It was just one fucking Valium, Lisa!" Heidi sighed, "Just one that's it! I spiraled and I needed it and that was the only time I took one of Tatianna's pills! Fuck! It's not like she needed them anymore. It was just one fucking pill to help me calm down, it's not a big fucking thing, Lisa! Just before Max, I needed it and I took it and I AM FINE! I treated Max and I assisted in two fucking complex surgeries and nothing happened! I excelled in fact so much that Doctor Winslow actually fucking congratulated me! I'm not slipping. I have it under control and I do not need another one. I am fine, I swear. Now let me go take care of my brother."

"No," Lisa hissed, "It is a big thing because of your past. You have to be careful and you know it. Now, give them to me. If you are really fine and don't need them then give them to me right now."

"Here," Heidi seethed as something hit the counter. "Now move."

Heidi stormed past the group and a minute later Lisa came out. Her eyes widened in shock when she saw the Blackbourne Toma group sitting in the common room. Her face turned into fury as she narrowed her eyes at them. "Not a fucking word."

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