Chapter 20

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"Hi Hi."

Heidi instantly woke up hearing Liam's soft voice, "Hey, I'm up," she said still half asleep.

"Potty," he whined, making her instantly wake up.

"Alright, I'm up," she groaned as pain flashed through her. Pushing through it, she sat up and wrapped her hand around his small one as she walked him to the bathroom. Seeing that he was struggling with the zipper of his footy pajamas she helped him slide it down then rubbed her eyes before grabbing her toothbrush as he handled his business.

"What that, Sissy?" Liam asked as he flushed the toilet. "You gots boo boos."

She looked up in the mirror and frowned seeing the dark bruise on her jaw, "oh yeah, I fell last night when it was raining. The ground was slippery but I'm okay. Hey, how about since we are both up, we go get some donuts?"

"Yay," he bounced over to her and started washing his hand. "What bot Lie Lie?"

"We can knock on her door but she might still be asleep," Heidi said as she helped him brush his teeth. "Alright rinse and then let's get dressed." A quick glance on her phone told her that it was going to be nice but a little chilly so hoodies would work for them.

Liam took off out of the bathroom and raced down to Lisa's room, he knocked but after no answer he came back and shrugged, "she no wake."

"That's okay," Heidi whispered, "she probably needs to sleep in after taking those hard tests. We can always bring her back something."

She listened as he got dressed in his favorite jeans and dino shirt while she slipped on some jeans and a long sleeve black shirt then her favorite Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood hoodie. Grabbing the makeup she barely used she put some on to mask the bruise and while applying some eyeshadow her eyes spotted the colorful cup on her nightstand. Her anxiety rose as the memories of the previous night filled her mind. She couldn't believe she did that to them, great they were going to be completely disgusted with her now. She could never face them again after that. Well good thing they were leaving for winter break. That gave her plenty of time to figure out what she was going to do now. She definitely couldn't stay in the dorms now. Hearing Liam trying to put his shoes on by himself, she quickly finished her makeup and grabbed her shoes. After tying her knock off Converse, she grabbed Liam's dino backpack, her wallet, and keys then followed him out the room and out of the dormitory.

"Heidi! Liam!"

Luke jolted awake hearing Lisa shouting. "What?" he mumbled confused when he felt the other side of his bed was cold and missing a little boy.

"What's going on?" he heard Kota ask as he left his room.

"Do you know where Heidi and Liam are?" Lisa was asking Kota in a panic. "She's not in her room and she's not answering her phone and–"

"She's not in her room?" Gabe asked as he rushed past her.

"Is Liam in your room, Luke?" Sean asked as he ran his fingers through his long blonde hair.

"No," Luke shook his head. "I was coming to look for him. I don't know how he got out of my bed without me waking."

"Why was Liam in your bed, Luke?" Lisa asked in shock.

"He fell asleep after we had a dance party," Luke shrugged, knowing now was not the time to bring up Cedric. "We told Heidi to just leave him so he didn't wake up and she could get a full night's sleep."

"This would explain why she isn't answering her phone," Victor said as he picked up the cell phone off the table. "She left it here."

"Why would she leave her phone here?" Lisa asked as she took it from Victor. "She always has her phone with her."

"Maybe she didn't know that it was dry?" Kota asked. "It was soaked from the storm so we told her we could dry it out with the rest of her stuff that's here. Maybe she just didn't think to grab it and check if she was just taking Liam to breakfast?"

"They aren't there," Heidi shook her head, "that's the first place I looked when I left the library this morning. I thought they would still be sleeping. Did anything happen last night?"

"Bran and I went to get some sodas and found the asshole being rough with her in the storm," Nathan admitted. "He was trying to force her to go with him and she was refusing. We taught him a few lessons while Gabe took her to the common room where Doc could check her over. Everything was fine after that, she even ate dinner before she went to bed. She was a little shaken up but nothing serious. I think she wasn't expecting us to step in."

"Did Liam see this?" Lisa asked.

"No, he was already asleep," Kota shook his head. "He has no idea."

"Good," she sighed as she dropped to the couch. "Hopefully they will return soon. Maybe she just took him out for some breakfast."

Gabe threw the group a worried look before masking his face. "I'm sure she will," Kota said as he sat beside her and patted her knee. "Look, it's early, go get you some breakfast and then go rest or run errands or something. We aren't leaving for a few hours, when she comes back I'll call you immediately, I promise."

She yawned and nodded, "Alright, yeah, I can get some more sleep. The library couches aren't that comfortable. Sorry if I woke you."

"We were already awake," Owen said as he slipped the tie clip in place. "Sweet dreams."

The hours went by and there was still no sign of Heidi and Liam returning, making everyone anxious with worry. "Do you think she is doing this on purpose?" Gabe asked as he folded another of Luke's shirts that he pulled out of the basket in front of him. "What if something has happened and they are hurt?"

"She has Lisa as her emergency contact," Kota shook his head. "If something happened Lisa would have told us already or been on Sean's case trying to get him to find out what was wrong while she rushed to them. No, I think she most likely is very embarrassed or scared and letting her anxiety take over. She probably thinks that staying away as long as possible is best so she doesn't have to face us. Most likely, the reality is we won't see them until we return from our break. It's what seems the most logical answer."

"Fuck that," Gabe shook his head as he dropped the shirt. "No, I'm not going anywhere until they return. No, I fucking refuse."

"We have no choice, Mr. Coleman," Owen said as he shook his head. "We have waited until the very last minute but we must go. Miss Lee is expecting us and we mustn't disappoint her."

Gabe growled as he crossed his arms, "Fine but just for the fucking record I do not agree with this one fucking bit."

"Understood," Owen nodded, "Mr. Lee has left a note with Miss Inis to let us know when they return. That is the best we can do under these circumstances."

"Fine," Gabe sighed as he shoved the now crumbled shirt into the duffel bag then zipped it up angrily. "But I still don't fucking like this. I am only fucking going under protest because I know if I fucking try to stay you will just have Raven fucking carry me out and I'm not fucking doing that. I don't like this one fucking bit, Blackbourne."

He grabbed the bag and stormed out of the room muttering under his breath the entire time. Owen shook his head as he adjusted his tie before following the group out of the room, "None of us do."

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