Chapter 2

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The group watched as every time the boy started to get a little restless, she was instantly taking care of it while also trying to pay attention to what the professor was saying about trades and comparative advantages. About halfway through he tapped on Heidi's arm, so she turned to look at him, "What, Liam?" she whispered. "We are almost done, I promise."

"Puppy work?" he asked before pointing behind him.

Heidi turned to look and the group watched as her face paled. She quickly snapped out of it and turned back to the little boy. "Yes, the puppy is working. See? He has his work clothes on, remember what I told you about that?"

"No pet work puppies," he repeated while grinning proudly.

Her eyes lit up as she nodded, "Good job remembering. Now, let's not distract him. I'm almost done, I promise, just a little bit longer, okay?"

"Seepy," he pouted.

"Come here," she whispered as she quickly glanced at the professor then sat her pencil down. She sat on the ground between the desks, and he crawled into her lap. She started rubbing his back while using the seat of the chair as her desk, she continued writing in her notebook.

Ten minutes before class ended the professor stated, "Alright everyone needs to turn in their projects and papers. I expect near excellence since you had extra time over thanksgiving break."

Heidi cursed under her breath as she reached into her bag and pulled out her binder. Using her one free hand since she was holding the four-year-old still, she opened it then pulled out a folder and what looked like multiple pages stapled together. She sat the folder and papers on the desk then slid the binder back into her messenger bag.

Just as she was about to get up, someone grabbed the items off her desk, "Such a hassle," they grumbled as she looked up in shock.

Kota was standing beside the desk as he placed her stuff on top of his. She watched in disbelief as he walked over the professor and turned both of their stuff in. "No one asked you to," she said as she took in his glaring at her.

"Would have been here all day waiting on you to move if I didn't," he grumbled.

"Shows what you know," she mumbled as she started working faster to make sure their stuff was back in their bags and out of the way of everyone.

The class ended and she quickly grabbed the bags then made her way carefully out of the class without waking up the little boy. The group followed behind quietly and watched as she walked to their dormitory. She entered the common room and a girl squealed in excitement.

"You finally came home!" she said as she hugged Heidi.

"Hey," she smiled happily as the group watched her hug Kota's ex-girlfriend Lisa.

"How is he?" Lisa asked as she took Heidi's bags.

"He's..." Heidi trailed off then smiled softly. "He's adjusting."

"Well, I'm here for anything, you know that," Lisa smiled. "Class go okay?"

"Yeah," she nodded. "Got a little antsy but what four year old wouldn't?" Heidi shrugged. "I'm just going to go lay him down real quick. I promised him some super fun after class."

She left the room and once she was out of earshot Luke scoffed, "Great now we got to deal with a kid and a mom. There goes all the fun."

"Shut the fuck up, Luke," Lisa glared at him. "You don't know what the hell you are talking about so do everyone a favor and shut up."

"Then enlighten us," Owen said as he adjusted his tie.

"Liam is her brother for starters," Lisa rolled her eyes. "And for your information, that little boy just lost his parents in the pile up on the highway during Thanksgiving. Heidi is the only family he has left that he knows. CPS is trying to take him away from her and put him with strangers and she is—"

"Lisa," Heidi said sternly as she came back into the room. She looked at the group then around the room and sighed while shaking her head, "Noone cares so just drop it. I know we had plans, but can you keep an ear out for him while I run to the library real quick? I need to grab a copy of some notes and some books that are being held for me, please."

"Sure," Lisa nodded. "Take your time, I'll make a picnic and we can gossip at the park while he plays after he wakes from nap."

Heidi hugged Lisa, "You're the best. Thank you."

Heidi left and Lisa turned to the group, "Keep your judgements to yourself when you don't know shit."

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