Chapter 11

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It wasn't till around 8 pm that Heidi returned with a sleeping Liam. When she entered the building for her class dormitory, a few students were lingering in the common room. That included Kota, Nathan, Marc, Luke, and Brandon. Upon Heidi's entry, the room went silent. This put her on alert immediately and briskly walked to the girls' dorms. Once she was gone the room erupted in whispers, all surrounding the events of that morning.

"Man, does nobody have anything better to do than gossip about someone's life? I mean, does nobody remember the finals that are coming up before Winter Break?" Marc questioned hypothetically loud enough for everyone to hear. This gesture shut everyone up and they either returned to their studies, dorms, or left the dormitory.

"Hehe, way to clear a room, Marc," Luke giggled as he tossed a Hershey's kiss in his mouth. "But, good work!" he said once he finished eating the delicious chocolate while giving a thumbs up in his direction.

Shaking his head amused, Marc took a drink from his tumbler containing a new batch of coffee he created. "Just didn't want the crazy tension developing in the room anymore. Kills the vibes and I can't have that happening. I'll lose my mojo, then I'll be in trouble since it will then affect my studying skills," he said in such a nonchalant manner.

It took the group a moment to fully comprehend what he was going on about before falling into hysterical laughter. At that moment, Heidi had emerged from her dorm back to the common room finding them laughing. 'Are they fucking mocking me?!' Heidi internally raged before ignoring them as she made her way to the dorm-shared kitchen. None of the men noticed her let alone the frustrated tears lingering in her eyes, never once escaping. 'Fucking bastards are probably having a good laugh at the drama they witnessed this morning. Me being the main fucking star. Gossip has more than likely spread like wildfire all day,' Heidi thought as she rummaged through the fridge trying to figure out what she could make. Her last thought had ended with a sigh escaping past her swollen lips since nothing was going right for her lately causing her to nibble on her lips from past habits she longed to get rid of.

'Why? Why does everything in my life have to end in fucking drama out of my control? Why is it I can't catch a fucking break?' she thought as she pulled ingredients out to bake some brownies seeing as it was one of her favorite comfort foods. 'All I want to do is graduate school and provide Liam with love, happiness, and care. Is that so wrong? Why did she have to go and show up now of all time? Not like I have anything better to do with my time than to bow at her feet.' Heidi's mind was slowly going to the back of her mind with endless questions about her life as she beat eggs, oil, and water in a small bowl.

What she didn't realize was a certain ninja boy smelling the beginnings of a treat being made, luring him to said girl. He watched as she absentmindedly went through the motions of making what looked to be double chocolate brownies topped with shaved coconut pieces sprinkled on top. The thought had Luke's mouth watering at the temptation of asking for a piece. However, he wasn't sure if it was a good idea to bother the girl as she took her frustration out on the mixed ingredients. Possibly later he could ask her for a piece.

She sat the bowl down and picked up the box. Setting it down rather forcefully, she bit her bottom lip as tears welled up in her eyes again. Luke watched as she looked between the box and the bowl then wrapped her arms around her stomach.

His view was blocked as Lisa walked into the kitchen, "Hey, what's wrong?" Lisa asked rushing to drop her purse, bag, and keys. "What happened?"

"I'm an idiot," Heidi sniffled as she clung to Lisa, catching the group's attention with her words. Shock crossed their faces as they had never heard her talk like that before. "I'm sorry, I messed it up, it's ruined because I can't follow simple instructions. I'm such an–"

"Stop right now," Lisa said sternly, causing Heidi to freeze as a single tear slipped down her face. Lisa cupped her face, "None of that. Now take a breath," Heidi clutched Lisa's wrists and took a shaky breath then another, "Good, now what happened?"

"I put four eggs instead of 3 and I added too much oil and now they are ruined," Heidi whimpered. "The...I was...didn't...failure..." she tried to explain but the words were just stuck."

"I got it," Lisa nodded, "but they aren't true Heidi. They aren't, I promise."

"But I just wasted–"

"It's okay," Lisa shook her head. "It's just ingredients, it's fine."

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