Chapter 3

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Kota looked up from talking to the group as Heidi walked in with multiple books in her arms. "Hey, sorry I didn't mean to take so—"

"Hush," Lisa shook her head as she took some of the books from Heidi. "He just woke up."

"Hi Hi!" a little boy's voice screamed in excitement as he ran into the common room.

"Lee Lee!" Heidi beamed as she dropped to knees and wrapped him up in her arms. "Did you have a good nappy?"

"Yep," he giggled then grew serious.

They watched as her eyes grew wide then blushed, "right..." she cleared her throat and stood, "Um..." she looked around the room as she took his hand. "Right, we can figure this out, little man."

"Hey, Squirt, want to see the guy's bathroom? It's got all sorts of cool things in it," Kota said as he stood up, making the group stop talking to see what was happening.

"Yeah!" Liam smiled as he bounced, "Hi Hi?"

"What?" Heidi asked in disbelief as her brain tried to wrap around what was happening.

"Come on, Squirt," Kota said as he nudged his head in a 'come on' motion.

"I be back Hi Hi," Liam said as he ran over to Kota.

"What?" She asked again in shock. "Oh...okay...I'll be here." She turned to Lisa, who just shrugged and handed her the books she was holding.

"Come on, let's go put these up before they come back," Lisa said as she gently pulled on Heidi's elbow. They took a couple of steps then Lisa whispered in a hushed tone, "I told you, Kota and the group aren't complete assholes."

"They are too me," Heidi whispered back.

"That's only because they are sore losers and Kota doesn't like not being the best, especially when it comes to numbers. He's kind of a numbers freak," Lisa chuckled.

"Then if they are so good, why aren't you still with him?" Heidi asked.

The group looked at one another then back to the two girls walked away. Lisa shook her head and sighed, "Kota wanted a committed relationship and I'm not ready to settle down. It wasn't fair for either one of us to stay together if we can't give each other want they want. It's cool, we're still kind of friends."

"I'll never have a relationship now," Heidi said kind of sad. "No guy is going to want a relationship with a girl that is raising her little brother so practically a mom."

Lisa chuckled, "don't say that, there are some guys that wouldn't mind becoming an instant dad."

"Yeah right," Heidi scoffed, "and there are some guys that would be okay with sharing a girl too. Come on now, be realistic."

Her bedroom door shut, and the group looked at one another. "That was interesting," Luke said as he pushed some of his blonde hair behind his ear.

"Hush," Silas said as he turned his dark eyes towards the hallway, hearing the two girls talking again.

"Try not to overthink this, alright?" Lisa was saying, "just accept it and let's head out for our picnic at the playground so little man can burn off some of his energy."

"I'll try but you have to admit it's strange," Heidi whispered back. "He's always so cold towards me."

"Try and think of it this way," Lisa said as they came back into the common room. She spotted the group and lowered her voice even more, "he needs male role models and would you rather it be Dakota and that group or someone like that sleazeball Cedric that was trying to hit on you this morning?"

Heidi visibly shuddered at the memory of this morning's altercation with the imbecile that thought he was god's gift to girls. "Yeah, I'll definitely take Dakota over Cedric, at least I've seen him and his friends be polite to women and not treat them like they are stupid, even if it's not towards me. Yeah, okay," she sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. "Do you think he's okay?"

Just then Liam's giggles entered the common room seconds before he showed up with Kota right behind him. His eyes lit up as he ran towards Heidi, "I did it! I did it Hi Hi!"

"You did?" She asked in fake shock as she dropped to her knees, "That's so awesome Liam!" She hugged him, "Did you thank Dakota for helping you?"

"Yes, about a million times," Kota said a little tensely.

Heidi stood and grasped Liam's hand. "Dakota," she said softly and waited until he raised his green eyes to her. "Thank you."

"Sure," he said before walking back to the group.

"Come on, little monkey," Lisa said as she took Liam's other hand. "I hear the playground calling us."

"Go with Lisa, Liam," Heidi smiled, "I need to grab my bag and then I'll be right there."

"Okay," Liam smiled as he followed Lisa out the door.

Heidi rushed back to her room and emerged a couple of minutes later with her bag, Liam's little bag, a pen in her mouth and her binder in her arms. They watched as she left, came back a couple of seconds later and grabbed Liam's jacket off the couch then left again.

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