Chapter 6

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Back at the common rooms, the group had barely entered before Nathan took off along with Silas to their rooms to get changed out of their wet clothes. "I can't believe that just happened. Why the hell did we take off though before verifying they were ok? I could have given them a check-up!" Sean said as he threw himself in the armchair that was in the very back to the common room. Usually, people didn't sit at the very back, making it a perfect place for the group to gather and hold meetings.

"You know as well as I do that if she found out we were the ones to help her she would never let us down about it. I mean seriously, she has been a thorn in Kota's side since we all started here at uni," Victor said as he took a seat on the three-seater couch.

"She probably would try to use it as an advantage against us somehow. I mean seriously, she has been always trying to outdo everyone she lays her eyes on from the very beginning. Giving passing glares through the hallways anytime we would cross paths. What else do you expect?" Brandon said as he leaned against the wall crossing his arms over his chest.

"Let's just let it go. We helped save them and no one needs to find out. Let's just get some studying done for the finals coming up before the break. I don't think I need to remind everyone that for some of us, this is close to our graduation while others still need another year to graduate," Kota said as he pushed his glasses further up his nose before turning around and heading to the male's dormitory to collect his studying materials.

"Mr. Lee is right, let's get some studying done before we get to go home and visit our families. I'm sure Uncle, Mrs. Lee, and Dr. Roberts are excited about our return," Mr. Blackbourne said as he followed behind Kota. Everyone copied them as they knew it was for the best to just drop what happened and focus on their futures.

Another 30 minutes went by before Heidi, Lisa, and Liam entered the common room, beelining for the women's dormitory. They didn't even notice the group at the far back of the common room staring at them as they went by. After a while, Heidi and Lisa emerged and they noticed that Liam was still clinging to Heidi.

"Alright, remember we can't have it up too loud, there are other students in their rooms, okay?" Lisa asked as she turned on the TV.

"I know," Liam nodded. "Little Foot?"

"Yep," Lisa smiled as she pulled out the DVD box that read The Land Before Time The Complete Collection. "Got it right here, all fourteen movies, so which one are we watching?"

"Let's just turn on the second one," Heidi sighed softly, "the first one is too sad and we need something good right now."

"Sounds good to me," Lisa said as she started the movie. Before it was even halfway through she smirked, "he's asleep."

"Good," Heidi whispered as she continued to run her fingers through his curls. A sniffle escaped her. "I thought I lost him, Lis. I really thought I lost him."

"I know," Lisa sighed, "I thought I lost you both."

"Sorry, I wasn't even thinking, I just had to get to him."

"I get it," Lisa nodded, "it's the Mommy in you."

Heidi scoffed, "Yeah right, that's not it. I don't have a maternal bone in my body. Remember Cordelia is my mother after all."

"Just because that bitch gave birth to you, which I'm still questioning by the way," Lisa chuckled before she grew serious, "Doesn't mean you don't have any maternal instincts. You have always been more of a mom to him than his parents. Just because you give birth to someone doesn't make you a mother and just because you don't have kids doesn't mean you don't have maternal instincts. I mean if you go off those thoughts how do you explain adoption?"

Heidi thought about it for a moment, "Yeah I guess I never really thought about it that way before. I was just trying to give him what I never had and always wanted, someone to care about me. He needs to know that he doesn't have to live like I did, that someone really does love him without expectations."

"And he does," Lisa smiled softly, "He has that with you." She giggled, "On another note, William Boris Eugene Davis? Seriously? How could I have not known that?"

Heidi giggled as she kissed the top of Liam's curls, "Yeah." She grew quiet for a second then turned to look out the window, "Well, as you know Tatianna is Russian so when she got pregnant Eugene insisted that if it was a boy he be named after him. Tatianna wanted to name him after her father and they couldn't compromise. Eugene said that if they were going to honor people then he should be named after him and his father. I pointed out that they both like William Shakespeare so they decided to name him William after William Shakespeare then Tatianna insisted that Boris be next so yeah he became William Boris Eugene Davis."

"So Liam is from William?"

Heidi nodded, "Yeah the last four letters of William."

"That's neat," Lisa smiled. "So does he even speak any Russian? Do you?"

Heidi chuckled and shook her head, "Nope, the Russian comes from Tatianna. He can understand it but I know nothing of it besides nyet means no and da means yes. That's it. Tatianna was going to teach him how to read it and write it once she found a suitable tutor since she didn't want him in a public school. Eugene was going to have me teach him Irish or Scottish once I had finished our ancestry and found out which one we were. Which reminds me I need to find the time to figure that out as well. Now I need to learn both so I can teach him his roots. He deserves to know."

"Later," Lisa shook her head, "We've got plenty of time to do that during break. Speaking of which, are you going to stay here? If you're staying then I'm staying."

Heidi bit her lip and sighed softly, "Yeah, we're just going to stay here. It's for the best."

Lisa smiled and laid her head on Heidi's shoulder, "Alright then dinosaur fun time here at break. No parents, no studying, no stress, that's the rules."

Heidi sniffled, "well, no parents at least. I need to get caught up on the studying though."

Lisa turned to face her, "No school work during break, Heidi. Look, I get the way youre thinking due to Cordelia and Eugene being complete assholes but don't you think you have proven yourself time and time again to them? I hate to tell you this but you are NEVER going to win your parent's approval, Heidi. No matter how good you are at everything, nothing is ever going to please them because they are assholes. That's just the way they are. Please quit breaking yourself down just to make them happy. You are losing yourself and you really can't now. Think of Liam."

Heidi sniffled as she wiped away the tear that slipped free, "I am," her voice cracked. "I mean I'm trying. I don't want him to turn out like them or like me."

Lisa leaned over and hugged her careful of how Liam was sleeping, "Then stop listening to them and the voices in your head and focus on what makes you happy. Liam needs you now more than ever and for you to care for him the way that both of you need and deserve, you need to be happy, Heidi."

"I don't know how to be," Heidi admitted softly. "I can't remember the last time I was truly happy."

Lisa smirked, "Then that's what we're doing during the break. No schoolwork, no studying, no pressure from the asshole parents, just a fun-filled break until the both of you remember how to be truly happy."

Heidi wiped away another tear and hugged Lisa, "I love you."

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