Chapter 5

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It was finally the weekend and the sun was shining with a light breeze blowing fluffy clouds across the blue sky. Seeing this from her bedroom window, Heidi decided it would be a great day to go out by the lake for Liam to enjoy the fresh air while she gets some studying done. With this final decision, she stretched before walking over to Liam who was still asleep in the bed. He'd burrito rolled himself in his blanket with barely the top of his head sticking out.

Giggling softly Heidi started to rub his head as she softly spoke, "Lee Lee, Sweetie, it's time to wake up. It is a gorgeous day outside. Let's get up to go enjoy this day while we can." Liam groaned and rolled away undoing some of his blanket. Seeing as the nice gentle way wasn't being surfice she smirked as she grabbed the end of the blanket. Making sure she had a good grip she pulled causing the young man to spin two times till he was left surprised at the audacity his older sister had to wake him up and steal his blanket from him. "Now that you are finally awake let's get ready so we can go down by the lake. I'll even pack us a brunch to bring along so we don't have to come back for a while," Heidi giggled as she held the blanket behind her back so Liam couldn't get it back.

"Otay Hi Hi," Liam giggled as he got out of his bed and went to the restroom.

"Hey, you're up early," Lisa said as she came into the room. "I was just coming to grab my shirt I left here from the other night."

"Yeah, it's in my closet, I washed it for you," Heidi smiled. "It looks like it's going to be a nice day out so I was thinking about taking Liam to the lake to play while I get some more studying done."

"That sounds better than me just binge-watching TV, I'll join you," Lisa smiled. "You can help me with studying and I'll help you with Liam."

Heidi hugged her, "You're the best."

Lisa chuckled, "I know."

About thirty minutes later Heidi sat down on the grass and smiled as Liam ran around the edge of the lake with excitement. "Be careful Liam!" she called out.

"I am!" he giggled back as he bent down to splash the water.

She watched him for a bit before she pulled her gaze away so she could pull her books out. Lisa plopped down beside her and started opening her books as well. "Ugh, school sucks right now. I mean just look, it's so pretty outside."

Heidi chuckled, "I only need like an hour or two tops and then we can lounge most of the day. I just want to make sure I will be prepared for our upcoming final."

Lisa scoffed, "Don't worry Girl, you are the smartest in our class. You're going to ace it."

"I wish I was as sure as you are," Heidi smirked as she wrote something down in her notebook. Glancing back up she saw Liam throwing rocks into the lake. "Be careful LeeLee. Don't go further than that."

"Otay Hi Hi," he yelled back before trying to toss another rock into the water. "Look Hi Hi ducks!"

Heidi chuckled, "Yeah I see them." She reached into her bag and pulled out a bag of Cheerios, "Here Lee Lee, you can feed them this."

"Otay!" he beamed as he rushed over to her. "Help?"

"Sure," she smiled as she sat her school stuff down. Holding his small hand in hers, she walked him back over to the lake and showed him how to toss some Cheerios into the water so the ducks would swarm around and grab it off the water. He laughed as he tossed some more into the water. "Alright, think you got it?" She asked, "I need to write just a few more things down, okay?" he nodded as he tossed a couple more out. "Okay, have fun, kiddo."

She walked back over to her stuff and sighed softly. Out of the peripheral of her eye, she saw Kota and his friends gathering around two picnic benches. A couple of them were watching her, Lisa, and Liam while the rest were talking amongst themselves. Deciding to ignore them she turned back to her notes, occasionally looking up to watch Liam.

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