Chapter 25

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Heidi blinked and Lisa let out a sigh of relief as Heidi pushed Lisa's hands off her and grabbed her hair tie off the nightstand. "Get him to the vet lab now!" She rushed to the bathroom and came out a minute later with her hair up in a bun.

She ran into the common room, "Liam?"

"Hi Hi?" he asked scared and with tears in his eyes.

"I have to save Maxie," she dropped to her knees, "I need you to stay here with Lie Lie and draw him lots of get well pictures okay? Can you do that for me?"

"Otay," he nodded. "I pomis."

She leaned forward and kissed his forehead, "I love you. I'll be back tomorrow. Mind Lie Lie."

She grabbed her backpack and ran out the door with the team right behind her. "Do you know what to do?" North asked as she slid her id into the card reader, making the vet lab open up.

"Of course I know what do," She glared at him. "This is what I'm in school for after all."

"Sorry," North mumbled as he watched Kota put the golden retriever on the table.

"Move," She demanded as she finished washing her hands and slipped on gloves. "You," she nodded to Gabe. "Get those and shave a small square on his leg, and the doc needs to grab an IV bag of subcutaneous fluids. Don't worry, Dakota, it's nutrients he will need and the doc can explain it better. It's the same for humans so the doc will know what he's doing once I'm done. Now how much does he weigh?"

"Seventy pounds," Kota replied with worry in his voice.

She grabbed a syringe and walked over to the dog. She kissed his nose before sliding the needle into his leg. "There we go, now I'm very sorry about doing this but it's for your own good." Max whined then turned over and tried to stand. "No, be a good boy and lay down. There we go," She smiled as she quickly grabbed a bowl and held it as he began throwing up. "Good boy, gooood boy, get it all out. Such a good boy." She barely glanced up at the group. "All I gave him was apomorphine, it makes him throw up."

"I think I'm going to be sick," Marc mumbled as he put his hand over his stomach.

"There's a sink over there," she nodded behind her. "Just rinse it out."

"Oh shit, sorry," Kota groaned as Max peed all over the table.

"Don't be," she scoffed, "It's typical and perfectly healthy. Let's me know he's getting the toxins out of his body. Are we done?" she cooed as she peered into the bowl. "Do you know how much he ate?"

"No," Kota shook his head, "I was reading to Liam and Luke caught him eating something and went to see and that's when we noticed. None of us eat dark chocolate so I don't know where it came from."

"Monica eats dark chocolate," she mumbled softly but Kota, Sean, and North heard it anyway. Kota threw them a quick glance and North pulled his phone out of his pocket. "Doc, got the IV bag ready?"

"Yes, here," Sean nodded.

She shoved the bowl of throw up and chocolate at him and carefully inserted it into Max's leg. "There we go, this will make you feel lots better, silly boy. Now," she giggled as she took a rag and carefully wiped his mouth, "no more eating food that doesn't belong to you or your daddy. Although I should be telling you no human food at all, I think a few bites from Daddy will be okay every now and then. But no more from strangers, Mister," she kissed the tip of his nose, "you have a very important job helping your daddy out so you need to be strong and stay away from things that can hurt you. I want to visit you for your shots, not saving your life ever again unless it's something you can't help. No more chocolate, understood?"

Max whined and licked her nose making her giggle, "Alright, deal. Now, time for some nasty medicine but I promise it will help a lot then off to bed but no worries, I'll stay right here by your side so you won't be lonely. Stay while I make your medicine. Stay." She pointed her finger at him then kissed his nose again before moving over to a cabinet.

The group watched as she grabbed a jar and poured something black into a dog food bowl then made it into a paste. She sat it in front of a kennel then picked up Max and carried him over to the kennel and helped him lay down before adjusting his IV bag. "Alright, now be a good boy and eat all of this." She watched as Max lapped up the paste before turning back to Dakota, "it's activated charcoal. It will help absorb any leftover toxins. He will be fine after a few days but I need him to stay here at least overnight to make sure he gets all the nutrients he needs back in his body. Say goodnight and Lisa can bring you back tomorrow to visit. I'm staying with him to keep a close eye, but he's out of the woods, I promise."

Dakota looked at her for a second then pulled her to his chest, holding her in a tight hug, "Thank you, Heidi."

She awkwardly patted his back. "You're welcome." She took a step back and ran her hands down her shirt and cleared her throat, "Um, well, say goodnight and you can come by and see him first thing in the morning. If someone can bring me my phone I can send you hourly updates as well to help ease your mind."

"Won't you be lonely here all night by yourself?" Victor asked. "Maybe Kota can stay with you so you won't be alone and it will also help him?"

She nibbled on her bottom lip before sighing, "I'm not supposed to but I think this will be okay with the Doc since it's an emergency and winter break. Fine," she nodded, "go get his things to make him more comfortable and have Lisa grab my phone, please."

"You got it Doc," Luke winked.

"That was fucking amazing," Gabe smiled. "Fucking miracle worker."

She shook her head, "Just basic training, any vet student could have done it."

"No," Kota glared as he gripped her chin, "you saved Max's life, be proud of yourself. A lot of students would panic under sudden pressure, Doc has stated many times that interns at the hospital have panicked when it came to patients. You didn't, you immediately knew what to do. Be proud of yourself. I can't thank you enough for saving him. You just saved my best friend. I mean it, thank you Heidi."

"Th...thank you," she whispered, then took a step back. "Go, it's's getting late. I'll um...I'll see you in a bit." She turned her back to them and started cleaning up the mess. She heard the door shut and sighed as she turned and noticed she was finally alone while Max slept in his temporary kennel.

Sighing heavily she felt the warmth take over her body, now she had to focus on making sure she acted normal while Kota was here during the night and the pills she took earlier flowed through her veins. Grabbing a medical book, she quickly opened it and grabbed a new notebook from the storage locker. Studying was normal. She could catch up on some studying, that's what she will do, yeah, it will work...right?

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