Chapter 34

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"Alright, Lee Lee," she called out as she came back into the common room. "Oh," she trailed off seeing Liam sitting with the Blackbourne Toma group watching cartoons. "Hi."

"Hi, Beautiful," Marc smiled as she took a couple more steps into the room.

"Hi Hi," Liam looked up over the couch at her. "Lie Lie go wif us?"

She shook her head, "Not right now. She's on the phone with her parents but she will call when she's done and meet up with us. Her parents are sick so they are home resting. We're going to have our own little Christmas here. Oh, and her parents are going to give her Santa's number and email so we can make sure he knows where you are since he's super duper busy right now with his elves. Go get your coat, we need to head out if we're going to find our perfect tree and ornaments and then get to the store to get everything to make Santa cookies."

"Get reinbeer cawots too!" he hopped up.

"Of course," she nodded with a serious face. "We definitely mustn't forget to get carrots for all the reindeer. I'll add it to the list right now."

Liam took off for the room and Heidi paled slightly, "Oh I forgot the kitchen," she mumbled as she started to move toward it.

"I already got it," Luke stood and shook his head. "Liam said you were done so we finished off the food and cleaned it up. You make excellent pancakes, Cupcake. I need to get your recipe."

"Just double the vanilla," she mumbled as she looked around the room.

"Did you eat?" Gabe asked as he watched her.

"Yeah," she said before turning as she heard Lisa and Liam talking while walking towards her.

"Hey there you are," Lisa beamed as she hugged Heidi. She told Liam to go grab a drink then pulled Heidi closer to the door. "So unfortunately I need to head home and take care of my parents. I'm sorry–"

"No, don't be," Heidi shook her head. "They need you and we'll be fine, promise. Just going to get some small stuff and have a little Christmas here. I'll even splurge a little and we will go all out on the tree and I'll just order some stuff online for him and wrap it when he goes to sleep. I'll be fine, promise. We will be okay."

Lisa nodded, "I know you will be," she said as she hugged her. "Alright so my presents for both of you are in my closet on the top. Be careful when you get a chair to get them down." She pointed her finger at Heidi who giggled but nodded. "Okay I have to get going. Oh as for the Santa stuff, I quickly googled, here's a universal number and email. As for the Russian Christmas, why don't you just ask Raven what his family did? He is Russian afterall." Lisa leaned in even closer but whispered just as loudly as before, "He's really not so scary. He's just a huge teddy bear. Ask him and he'll tell you whatever you need to know for Liam. Hell," she shrugged, "he'll probably even teach the both of you Russian if you ask."

"Oh I couldn't bother him with that," Heidi shook her head. "I'm sure he has more important things to do than that. I'll just swing by the library."

Liam walked back into the room with his cup in his hands. "I ready, Hi Hi."

"Video call me when you get back so I can see everything okay?" Lisa asked as she crouched down to hug him. "In fact you have to video call me at least three times a day until I get back."

"Pomise," Liam hugged her. "Wet's go!"

Both girls laughed as they followed him out the door. "Did she seriously tell you that she ate?" Brandon asked as he shook his head.

"Yeah, why?" Gabe asked curiously as he took in the anger on Brandon's face.

"That small ass plate with eggs on it only had maybe two bites taken off of it," he replied.

"Maybe it was Liam's," Gabe shrugged. "He seemed more excited about the pancakes."

"Don't blame him," Luke shook his head, "They were amazing!"

"It had Cholula on it, that's how I know," Brandon replied. "Not to sound like North but maybe two bites isn't enough. She's already too fucking skinny, this can't go on!"

"You think I don't fucking know that?" Gabe shouted as he stood. "She has a fucking eating disorder dumbass! I'm doing the best I fucking can! Incase you fucking forgot she fucking thinks we goddamn hate her because we were fucking stupid! I'm trying to goddamn fix what we did without scaring her fucking away! If you have a better fucking idea then I'm all fucking ears!"

"Calm down both of you," Owen said as he stood. "As Mr. Coleman said, we have to tread carefully when it comes to her issues with food. Instead of meals, perhaps we can somehow figure out how to implement frequent snacks instead of meals. We can discuss that later. Right now though, we need to discuss what we are going to be doing about Christmas."

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