Chapter 12

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"Hi Hi," Liam whined as he walked into the kitchen rubbing his eyes. His hair was messed up and he was wearing footy dino pajamas.

"Hey Little Man," Heidi smiled as she quickly wiped her eyes and then bent down to pick him up. She cleared her throat and started running her fingers through his hair to try and tame it. "What are you doing up? You should be sleeping."

"Monsers seal you way," he pouted.

"Oh I'm so sorry," she frowned as she kissed his face. "I promise no monsters are going to steal me away from you. It'll never happen, I promise, and I'll never break my promise to you."

"Why cry?" He asked as he wiped a tear from her face.

She sighed and then sat him on the counter. "Because I made a mistake and it hurt my feelings," she admitted. "I was trying to make us some brownies and I read the instructions wrong and made a mistake. It made me feel bad that I messed up your surprise."

"But it's okay because everyone makes mistakes," Lisa smiled as she wrapped her arms around Heidi in a comforting hug. "I was just reminding her that happens and it can be fixed because I was just reading on my phone that bakeries use extra ingredients to make their cakes super yummy so it's not really a mistake. Sissy was just making it special without even realizing it."

"Yay," Liam clapped, making Heidi give him a true smile.

"But it can wait because I happened to pick up some chocolate chocolate chip muffins on the way home and I think now is the perfect time to eat them while watching..."

"Wittle Foot!" Liam giggled, making both girls giggle.

"Sounds perfect," Heidi nodded.

"I turn on?" Liam asked. Heidi kissed him on the cheek before Lisa did the same then Heidi helped him slip off the counter and he raced into the common room. He came running back, "Kids in room wif books, we watch dinos our room."

"Okay," Lisa nodded, "that sounds good, we don't want to disturb anyone studying for finals. You go ahead and get everything ready. I'll help Sissy clean this up and we will be right there." Liam left the kitchen and she turned back to Heidi. "Leave it, I'll clean it up later. You okay now?"

Heidi shook her head, "No but I will be. I have to."

"What did his therapist say?" She asked as she pulled out two Dr. Peppers from the fridge and then some milk for Liam's cup.

"He's adjusting and thriving. Today may set up some nightmares as we just saw but keep reassuring him and he will be okay."

"And yours?" Lisa pressed.

"Setbacks and she is pushing for anti-anxiety and anti-depressants but I can't take the risk," she shook her head.

"Why not?" Lisa frowned in confusion as she leaned against the counter. "If they will help then what's the problem?"

"Everything," Heidi admitted as she sat her soda down. "It's not going to look good on papers that his guardian is a mental case and the side effects that could happen will mess up me protecting him. What if I zombie out and something happens to Liam? What if I can't react properly because my mind is altered? I can't risk that."

"Or what if you don't have any side effects and the thoughts go away?" Lisa threw back. "You can't go down that rabbit hole. Besides it won't look back on paper, it will show that you are taking the steps to become a better parent for Liam by getting the help you need also. That will make you look better but be better for him. It will show that you recognize the symptoms that way if heaven forbid he does start to show signs you will already know what to do to get him the help he may need. It's a good thing and besides I'll be here so even if you get the wrong dose I'll be able to help. Just think about it, okay?"

Heidi hugged Lisa, "You're the bestest."

Lisa chuckled, "I know." She wiped Heidi's tears, then grabbed her stuff, "Now let's go, I got a date with the best man in this place and I don't want to miss it."

"Your future husbands got a huge battle for your heart ahead of them," Heidi giggled.

"Don't I know it," Lisa chuckled, "but if they can win over that little man, then I know they will be worth me thinking about it. Right back at you."

Heidi shook her head, "Not going to happen for me but it's okay. I got my family right here."

Lisa rested her head on Heidi's shoulder, "Never say never. It could happen one day, don't give up on it just yet."

The girls walked down the hallway to Heidi's room and once Luke heard the door shut he jumped up and rushed into the kitchen. Pulling out some dry ingredients he got to work.

"Can it be fixed?" Marc asked as he walked over to the blonde.

Luke raised his eyebrows, "Are you seriously asking me that? Do you know who I am?"

Marc chuckled and shook his head, "Touche."

An hour and a half later, Luke put the plastic lid on the container and quietly walked down the hallway. Stopping in front of Heidi's door he sat the container down, knocked, then quickly rushed back to the common room to be with his brothers.

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