Chapter 22

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"What are you doing here, Cordelia?" Heidi seethed out as she felt Liam push into her back trying to hide further into her.

"Why I am here to bring you back home of course," she smirked as she walked right past her and into the common room. A look of disgust crossed her face, "And not a moment too soon, it seems. Now," she clapped her hands, "Go pack your things. People are starting to look for you and it's causing a scene that you weren't at that pathetic memorial and I was. Hurry along, Cedric is currently packing his things as well. We need some good news after all this drama."

"What the hell are you talking about? I am not going anywhere. I already plan to have a meeting with my father's lawyer and will let him know of my final decisions. I will not be leaving anywhere with you nor Cedric," Heidi said flabbergasted.

"Enough with the dramatics, Heidi!" Cordelia yelled, causing Heidi to flinch and Liam to whimper. "You will not be ruining our reputation on some baseless dream that will take you nowhere in life. You are to be packed and ready in one hour then we will be moving back and getting all preparations for your takeover of the company and your engagement to Cedric."

Heidi was still frozen in fear of her mother till her ending statement. Her blood boiled till her body felt like it was shaking. Taking a deep breath a hard glare settled on her face as she said in a cold tone, "Cordelia, I am going to say this one last time. I will never EVER fucking marry Cedric, I will NOT be taking over father's company, and finally, I will NEVER return to that cold place you call home. I refuse to marry someone who thinks it's okay to hit me or make comments on how I need to improve my looks and keep my mouth shut. I also refuse to be with someone who threatens to send my brother away every time they get mad at me for not bending to their demands. I refuse to become like you. Now," she sighed heavily as she raised her hoodie and wiped at her jaw, "Do you want to face the reality of who your precious little boy is that you are trying to force me to marry against my wishes? Do you even know what he is capable of doing?" She lowered her sleeve-covered hand and Cordelia winced when she saw the yellowish-purple bruise on her daughter's jaw. "If you are okay with me being with someone who does this and tells me it's my fault, then you are someone that I can NEVER speak to again. I will cut all ties with you from this moment henceforth and make sure you will never be able to communicate with me in any sort of way ever again. Your choice."

"Again with the dramatics," Cordelia rolled her eyes. "You really need to get a grip on reality. This is the lifestyle you were born into. This is the way it goes and you know that. Now, it's time for you to be who your father and I raised you to be. We have taught you that you are required to be number one and right now you are acting like a pathetic beggar. You are of pure blood, unlike that half-breed behind you. Your father may have amused you and started teaching him the rules of the company while you played school here but you know he wasn't serious about it. Just like he wasn't serious about supporting you in that stupid dream of yours, it's beneath you, honestly. He just wanted to make that slut happy and he saw it as killing two birds with one stone. It's time for you to take your place in the real world. Now grow up Heidi and be the woman I trained you to be. We have places to be and it's rude to be late."

By now Cordelia was in front of Heidi looking down at her with a warning glare for her to dare say no again. Cordelia lifted her hand and brushed a stray hair behind her ear before saying, "I know best dearest, so I would suggest listening to Mother, Deary."

"I believe that is quite enough," Owen said as he took a step toward them.

"Never touch me again," Heidi seethed as she pushed Cordelia's hand out of her face. "I said no and I mean it."

"I suggest you do as I say or it will get very ugly for you and that thing," Cordelia whispered so coldly that a shiver went down Heidi's spine. "I know about the little incident at the lake. Wouldn't want it to be leaked to a certain social worker and lose custody. I hear there are lovely families always looking for a new boy across the country."

"You bitch," Heidi whispered. Liam started crying at the thought of being sent away from his Hi Hi, he didn't fully understand everything the woman was spouting but understood the sending away part. He didn't want to lose another family member.

"Just face reality, he would be better with his own kind of people anyway," she scoffed. "What kind of life could you even give him in this dump? Doesn't he deserve a loving family in an actual house instead of being cramped up in a closet at a so-called school? Who's being the selfish one now?"

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