Chapter 21

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A couple of days have passed and the group was lounging around in the living room after eating lunch. Things were a little tense since Gabe and Luke were in poor moods and no one really could blame them. Everyone had the same thing on their minds, Heidi. There had been no contact from her despite the numerous texts and calls. Lisa did text Kota around dinner time the Friday they left to let him know that Heidi and Liam were back but all she would say was that Heidi needed a day with Liam and that they were okay. There was no mention of anything else so Kota decided to leave it be since he didn't know if it was okay to bring up.

Corey got up to switch the TV over to playing video games but just as he reached up to hit the button to switch modes a live coverage appeared.

"Today we mourn the passing of Mr. Eugene Davis, CEO of Toybox Treasures along with his wife Tatiana Davis. They were in a fatal accident over Thanksgiving break. They were on their way home from an immediate meeting for the company when a drunk driver crashed into them. It caused their vehicle to spin out of control before plummeting down a hillside. They left behind their son William Davis along with Mr. Davis's eldest daughter, Heidi Davis. Due to unknown reasons, they won't be able to make the funeral so we won't be able to have them on as guest speakers. I, Lizzy Barbose, Channel 5 News send my deepest regards to the two siblings in hopes it will lift their spirits. Back to you Jeremy," the woman news anchor said before looking at her fellow news anchor.

"It is such a horrible thing to happen to one of the top elites of our country. From our sources, the company is still trying to get in touch with the eldest daughter Heidi Davis to have her take over the family company. Although, all reaches of contact have not been successful. Word from the COO of Toybox Treasures has made this statement," Jeremy said. The news panned over to a recording made in a higher-up office with a man sitting behind a desk with his hands folded in front of him. He had salt and pepper neatly gelled back, a dark expensive suit, and dark eyes.

"Thank you everyone, for the condolences of losing our great CEO. It has been such a difficult time to accept his passing. We have done everything in our power to make sure his wishes have been met from the testament of his will. One of those wishes was for his family to take over his greatest success. If you are watching this, Heidi Davis, we are needing to get in contact as soon as possible. We understand that these are dire times but the fate of the company now rests in your hands. Please contact me at any time day or night and my assistant will put you through."

The screen panned back to the live funeral and Corey turned to look at the rest of his family. Kota pulled out his phone and started dialing. When it went straight to voicemail, Kota tried another number and that one went to voicemail as well.

"Fuck this," Gabe said as he stood and pulled out his car keys, "I'm going."

"I'm with you," Luke said as he rushed to his side. "Sorry Kota, but Momma Erica will just have to understand. She is going to need us."

"Did you know she was the heir to that company?" Kota asked Victor since he was the wealthiest one in the group.

Victor shook his head, "I had no idea but Davis is such a common name it just never dawned on me. Makes sense though since she made that comment to the caseworker about using her inheritance and not touching her brother's."

"Also explains the comments from her stupid ass mother," Brandon growled. "Trophy wife and arranged marriage and all that shit."

"Shit, do you think she's–" Nathan asked looking at the group.

"Shit!" Gabe roared before he stormed out of the house with Luke right on his heels.

"Do you think she is going to switch majors or just drop out of college to take over the company?" Nathan asked as the group stood to follow their brothers.

"No," Brandon said honestly. "She said she wanted to be a vet but she was willing to drop that so she could focus on the little dude. I don't see her doing that. Remember what she blurted out during the confrontation about how they treated and raised her? It's not the lifestyle she wants and she's pretty determined to break that cycle for her brother."

"Let's just hope with everything that is happening that she doesn't break," Victor said before turning to look out the window as his thoughts began to spiral.


"Anofer song Sissy," Liam giggled as he spun in circles. "Anofer."

"Alright," Heidi smirked as she flipped through the song choices.

"That one!" Liam squealed as he recognized one. "That one me like!"

"Haha, okay, okay! This one is called As Long As You Love Me by Justin Beiber," Heidi informed him as Liam started dancing around the common rooms. Heidi's heart swelled with pride at the huge smile on his face.

She started singing as Liam took her hand and they started to dance. "As long as you love me

We could be starving

We could be homeless

We could be broke

As long as you love me

I'll be your platinum

I'll be your silver

I'll be your gold,"

Clapping made her stop singing and turn with shock on her face while she pushed Liam behind her. The music stopped seconds before she felt his tiny hand on her back. "Don't stop, you have a beautiful voice," Luke smiled as he pushed off the doorframe.

"You haven't been answering my calls or texts, Bunny," Gabe frowned.

"Don't call me that," she said through clenched teeth. "Why are you here?"

"Did you see the news?" Luke asked and she shook her head, "There's a live coverage of your father and stepmother's, some people are trying to reach out to you."

She went rigid as she caught on to what he was saying. "No."

A knock on the door had them going quiet. She grabbed Liam's hand and walked past them to open it. A chill went through her as she took a step back and pushed Liam behind her. "Hello, Daughter."

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