Chapter 13

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Silas looked up as the seat in front of him was filled. "What are you doing here?" He asked Lisa. "This isn't your class. Where's your buddy?"

Lisa rolled her eyes as she turned around to face him, "Liam has a winter program at his little school and Heidi didn't want to miss it. She wanted him to know that she was there to see him perform so I offered to sit in her class for her and jot down notes."

"What about your class?" He asked.

"I can get the notes from the library later," she shrugged.

He rolled his eyes, "Go to class, Lisa." She turned back around to face the front. "Go Lisa," Silas said, dropping his tone even lower. "I can cover her notes for her. Go before you're late." Lisa quickly turned and saw that he was serious.

"Okay, thanks Silas," she murmured before rushing out of the classroom to her class.

Shaking his head, Silas grabbed an extra notebook out of his backpack and placed it on his desk to take the notes in it.

"You were awesome!" Heidi beamed as she held Liam's hand. "I am so proud of you!"

"I jus silly snowfake," Liam chuckled as he jumped.

"Just a snowflake?" Heidi asked as she stopped and knelt down in front of him. "You were the best snowflake in there!"

"No," he shook his head. "I ohre snowfake."

She took his hands and kissed them, "LeeLee, snowflakes are special because each one is unique and no two are the same."

"Nuh uh," he shook his head.

Just then Heidi saw one of the science professors walking by. "Hey Professor Torres, can you come here for a second?"

The male professor stopped and looked around before spotting her. He walked over to them. "How can I help you, Miss Davis?"

"I was just explaining to Liam here how special snowflakes are."

The professor chuckled, "That's correct. In fact, I was just teaching my students how each snowflake is different. No two are the same. Look," the professor reached into his bag and pulled out a book. Flipping to a certain page, he turned it around and pointed to a picture. Liam looked over and saw that it was a big picture of a snowflake. "This was written by scientists, it says right here, that after studying over one hundred snowflakes they have found that each one is different. That makes each one special to scientists."

"Wow," Liam gasped as his eyes widened. "Wook Hi Hi."

"I know," Heidi smiled as she nodded, "Professor Torres is an excellent teacher for us."

"I am actually having my students study snowflakes for their assignments today. I have snowflakes from the North Pole and from Antartica. Why don't you and your sister come by after her classes and you can look at them yourself through the microscope? Would you like that?"

"From Santa?" Liam gasped. "Re re?"

"Yes, really," Professor Torres nodded. "Come by after your sister's classes and you can look at them as long as you want."

"Fank you," Liam clapped excitedly.

"I'll be here until eight," Professor Torres said as he stood back up.

"Thank you, Professor," Heidi nodded. The professor walked off and Liam bounced, "I get bookies from book house of snowfakes peas?"

Heidi shook her head, "The school library here doesn't have books that you will be able to read just yet. One day you will but not yet. But this weekend we can go to the public library and get you some books on snowflakes that we can work on your reading with, okay?"

"Yay bookie house soon!" Liam shouted as he hopped up and down in excitement.

"There you are!"

Heidi quickly stood and pulled Liam close to her as she saw Silas walking towards her. "Korba?" she asked, confused as to why he was walking towards him. "Do you need something?"

"Here," he said as he held out a notebook.

She looked at it and her eyes widened, "You took notes from class for me?" He nodded. "Why?"

He shrugged, "you weren't in class. Figured you had a good reason why."

She nodded, "Liam had a performance."

"I snowfake," he beamed.

Silas smiled, "That's awesome kiddo. I miss the snow in Greece, it was always awesome."

"Greece?" he asked as his eyes widened. "You know Hades puppy Spot?"

"Cerberus?" Silas asked.

"Hi Hi say vat mean Spot, "Liam nodded, "Hades name puppy Spot."

Silas chuckled, "Heidi is correct. Cerberus does mean Spot. No, I haven't met him," Silas shook his head, "but I do have pictures of temples in Greece that I used to visit when I lived there I can show you one day."

Liam gasped, "You wive there?"

Silas nodded, "North and I both did for a bit."

Liam turned to Heidi, "Hi Hi you cool fwiends!"

Heidi froze for a second then smiled, "Yeah, Silas is cool. Tell him thank you and you'll see him later. We need to go get cleaned up and get some food in your tummy before you turn into a scary food monster. Monsters can't go see Professor Torres' special Santa snowflakes."


Silas turned to see his group standing off to the side. He started to walk towards them when Heidi called his name, "Silas." He turned back to her and Liam, "Thank you for the notes."

He nodded, "Don't worry about it. See you kiddo."

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