Chapter 8

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The following morning when Kota entered the cafeteria he noticed she nor Lisa were there. "Morning," he mumbled as he sat down.

"Hey, did you hear what's happening outside?" Another student asked as they sat down at the table. Everyone shook their heads. "Social services are outside talking to Heidi, apparently someone called them about her little brother and there's a woman with them screaming at Heidi. It's a whole damn show right now. Lisa is trying to take the kid somewhere else but social services isn't letting her. The kid is bawling. It's crazy."

Kota jumped up with the group following. There near the tree where Kota first found out about Liam stood Heidi near tears standing by Lisa who was holding a sobbing Liam facing off with a woman in a suit and clipboard and a woman who looked like she belonged on Hollywood Boulevard shopping. Cedric was a few feet by her, which was curious with the smug look on his face that he was supporting.

"I'm telling you, this is all just a big misunderstanding," Heidi was trying to say while clutching her shirt in her fists. "I admit I took Liam to the lake but he was never in any serious danger. He slipped and went underwater for a brief moment at which I instantly pulled him out. I never left his side and I even took him to the school nurse for a check-up just to be on the safe side. You can even check with her and his pediatrician who I called the emergency line last night as well as a precaution. He never nearly drowned."

"Seriously Heidi, look at you," the woman snarled in disgust as she lowered her sunglasses slightly. "You look horrible with all this extra drama you are causing. He isn't even your family."

"That's enough, Cordelia!" Heidi seethed as she turned to face her head on. So this was her mother, "Why are you even here? This doesn't concern you."

"You are my daughter," she replied as if that explained everything. "I have to look out for your well being and you are clearly in need of some help."

"Which I won't be getting from you so back off," Heidi snapped. "You made it very clear that you will have nothing to do with my brother–"

"He's not your brother!" Cordelia interrupted.

"Yes, he is!" Heidi shouted as she stomped her foot. "He is MY blood! Just because he didn't come from you doesn't mean he isn't my blood! He is MY family and I will take care of him!"

"He's ruining you!" Cordelia yelled back. "You will never find a suitable husband if you keep this up. How are you going to look good on Cedric's arm if you are taking care of that thing?"

"He's NOT a thing!" Heidi screamed. "He is a little boy and he is MY brother! I will NEVER be on that molester's arm and I will NEVER marry him!" She pointed a finger at Cedric who was turning red at her accusation. "He tried to pin me up against a wall and shove his hand down my pants after I told him no! Just because you are trying to force me to marry someone who's daddy made money doesn't mean I will agree to it! I don't want a loveless marriage and I don't want to marry just for money! I don't care if raising my brother means I will never marry, I'm okay with that, if it means giving my brother a life you never gave me!"

"I gave you everything!" Cordelia scoffed.

"You gave me stress and anxiety and depression and an eating disorder!" Heidi scoffed back. "You never hugged me for fear of wrinkling your clothes and you never told me you loved me. You only told me what I did wrong all the time. I couldn't make a damn mistake without having a panic attack because of all the insults you would hurl at me. I had to be perfect all the time and I could never be me! That's not going to happen to Liam!"

"Of course you have to be perfect, how else are you going to make Cedric happy? He is the perfect rich husband for you."

"I'm not going to marry Cedric, Cordelia! Get it through your bleached blonde brain of yours!" Heidi screamed. "I wouldn't touch him if he was the last man on earth, he doesn't know that no means no! He doesn't respect women, what kind of role model would that be for Liam!"

"Oh quit thinking of him!" Cordelia waved her hand nonchalantly. "Cedric has already agreed to still marry you and you can send that," she waved at Liam like he was a scruffy stray she was trying to shoo away, "brat to a boarding school. There, problem solved."

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