Chapter 30

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"No," She said sternly while shaking her head. "I still have much to do here and Lisa has Liam for the day so glad I was able to help but you can go now, I'm sure the rest of your family is anxious to see how Max is doing. It would be rude to keep them waiting."

"You need fucking rest too. You have been a miracle worker all damn night. Can't whatever the fuck you need to do wait till you've gotten proper fucking sleep?" Gabe asked as gently as he could without snapping. 'She's trying to fucking push us away and that shit ain't gonna fly with us, Little Girl' Gabe thought as he watched her building a wall between them.

"I assure you, I am perfectly fine," she said as she crossed her eyes. "I have managed just fine with less sleep than this. Now, please leave since Max is fine so I can properly clean and get back to what I need to do." Her phone started ringing so she pulled it out of her pocket, "Hey Lisa...what?" she gasped. "Oh shit, okay, yeah, alright, there's...okay, okay, give me," she pulled her phone away to look at the time before putting it back to her ear, "Fifteen, twenty minutes then I'll be there." She rushed over to a shelf and grabbed a spray bottle. "What did he eat? Ok so it's not that, what about...okay, yeah, I'm going to call right now." She hung up and jumped when she saw them still standing there. "Get out!" She snapped as she pointed to the door. "I can't argue with you right now, just go."

"What's the matter?" Gabe asked as his mind began to spiral. "What's wrong?"

She pushed them to the door but they stood their ground, "What's wrong, Heidi?" Kota asked. "Let us help, please."

"There's nothing you can do," she huffed in annoyance. "Just go." She turned her back on them and pulled her phone out. "Yes, this is Heidi Davis, Liam's sister. I need to schedule an appointment for him to be seen immediately please." Her shoulders dropped as she let out a heavy sigh, "Is there anything sooner? He's running a fever. 102.3. No, no throwing up, just complaining of his stomach and head hurting. No, no new foods or drinks, I'm very careful with that. No, he was fine last night. Um, Tylenol thirty minutes ago. Okay, okay, thank you." She hung up and then hit a button. "Nurse said there is a virus going around and to keep doing liquids and rest and if he is still sick tomorrow to call back and they will squeeze him in. Yeah, I'm going to just grab a few books and send an email to Doctor Winslow to let him know what I'm borrowing then I'll run by the store then be there. I can't do that. No Lis, you've done too much, I'll be fine. Yeah, I promise, I'll be fine. No, you need to go, you've been wanting to meet up with those guys for how long now? Yes, I promise I'm fine. I'll just grab a few drinks while I'm at the store and I'll be good. I swear this will be nothing compared to the RSV scare when he was little. Yep, everything was smooth sailing here. Alright I'll be there shortly."

She hung up the phone and pinched her nose as she tried to take a deep breath and slowly let it out.

"Heidi?" Axel called out cautiously yet the way he asked had her feeling she needed to hear him out. "I'm sure Sean would have no problem looking Liam over to make sure it is nothing serious. Then we can rearrange some of the furniture in the commons area to create a cozy area for him to enjoy some cartoons," Axel offered as he kept a close eye on her reaction.

She shook her head as she put the spray bottle off and typed away on her phone before grabbing four textbooks off a desk. She shoved them into her bag, "No, the nurse said everything Lisa has done is right. Thank you but it's not necessary. Excuse me but you really must go now, I have things to do." She grabbed a few more things, shoving them into her bag then headed to the door. She pushed it open and sighed while waving to the hallway.

"Can we at least drive you to the store?" Kota asked cautiously. "You must be exhausted, it's not safe to drive when you're that tired. If you want I can ask Marc or Luke or North to go with you, they won't have a problem with it and they make really good homemade soups."

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