Chapter 32

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Heidi glanced at her watch and noticed it was one in the afternoon. Liam was thankfully drifting off back to sleep so she grabbed his empty bowl of soup and slipped out of her room. She let out a sigh of relief when she saw that the common room was empty. Entering the kitchen she walked over to the sink and started washing the bowl.

A yawn left her mouth as she washed, causing her to let out a small gasp of surprise when Liam suddenly appeared by her side. "Hi Hi," he whined as he rubbed his eyes.

"Liam," she gasped as she tried to calm her racing heart. "You startled me. What are you doing out of bed? You need to be resting."

"You no fare," he whined.

"Sorry Buddy," she smiled softly, "I was just washing your bowl. Go lay down and I'll be right there. I need to get your medicine once I'm done."

"Hey what's going on in here?" Luke asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"Big TB, Hi Hi, no kids in fare?" Liam asked hopefully. "Peas?"

"Sure you can, Little Man," Luke smiled. "I'll go turn it on for you."

"No, Liam, you really need to stay in our room so you don't get anyone else sick," Heidi shook her head. "Sorry, but once you are no longer sick then we can hang out in the common room again."

"Actually since we've all been around him, we are already exposed," Sean said as he walked into the kitchen. "You can use the common room if you want, it's just us and you so it's fine."

"Peas, Sissy?" Liam asked.

Heidi sighed then nodded, "Alright but go straight to the couch and lay down. I'll be in there as soon as I'm done and get your medicine. You must rest."

"Kay," Liam beamed as he started to walk away.

Luke scooped him up, making him giggle in surprise. "You heard your sister, you need to rest. That means I get to carry you. So what are we watching?"

"What?" Heidi looked up in shock as she rinsed the bowl.

"Where's his medicine? I'll grab it for you," Sean offered.

Heidi shook her head as she sat the bowl on the drying rack. "I can get it." She took the hand towel that he held out. "Thank you," She murmured.

"How is he feeling?" Sean asked. "Kota told me that he is sick. I can give him a check up if you want, it's not a problem."

"Thank you but no," she shook her head. "The nurse said to keep giving him his fever reducer and since he isn't throwing up to just keep having him rest and give him plenty of liquids. If he still has a fever tomorrow give them a call back and his pediatrician will look at him but since it sounds like a common stomach bug he should be better by then. But thank you for offering."

"And how are you?" Sean pressed. She looked at him skeptically so he smiled, "You were up all night with Max and now you're taking care of Liam. You must be exhausted. Have you had a chance to stop and eat yet? I wouldn't want you to catch what he has because you are pushing yourself too much."

He watched her eyes and took in her appearance. She had bags under her eyes and her skin was paler than normal. Her hair was in a messy braid and she was still in her scrubs. "I'm fine," she replied as she hung the towel back on the oven handle. "I napped earlier when he did."

"You call the five minutes you closed your eyes a nap?" Lisa asked as she walked in. She rolled her eyes, "That doesn't even constitute as being a cat nap. Quit trying to lie to the guys, they have a lie radar built into them, it's not worth trying. Trust me I speak from experience. Now I'm going to the store since my favorite man is out of his elderberry gummies and vitamin gummies. I'll get him some more juice too. When I get back your ass is going to bed. No–" She held up her hand the second she saw Heidi's mouth open. "No, you are going to bed when I get back, no arguments. I'll pick up some melatonin for you just in case."

Heidi glared but kept her mouth shut, causing Lisa to smirk before she turned and left. Heidi grabbed Liam's medicine but stopped when she saw all the Blackbourne Toma group in the common room watching Little Foot with Liam. They had pushed the furniture around to make it like a sleepover party.

Shaking her head, she walked past them to hand him his medicine and cup. "Let me feel," she murmured as she took the medicine cup back from Liam and used her other hand to press her wrist to his forehead. She felt fingers wrap around the medicine cup then it was taken from her but she didn't bother to look and see who did it. "You don't feel like you have a fever, so that's good. How does your tummy feel?"

"Bebber," he mumbled, "still icky though."

"Alright, well let's wait and see if this will help once it kicks in. Until then, what are we watching?" She asked as he pulled her to sit beside him. She wrapped her arms around him and smiled as he curled up against her.

"Littlefoot and fwiends," he mumbled into her.

"Awesome," she whispered as she ran her fingers through his hair. "Oh thank you," she mumbled when Gabe wrapped a really soft blanket around her and Liam.

"You're welcome," Gabe whispered. He started to say something else but the look on Sean's face told him to keep his mouth shut. Sean also gave her a look then back to Gabe and mouthed that she was exhausted so Gabe barely nodded. He sat beside her and started running his fingers through her hair. She gave him a confused and suspicious look so he smirked, "Just working through some tangles," he explained. "Don't want them to get worse when you go to brush your hair later." She frowned but that made sense so she went back to watching the cartoon dinosaurs.

Her body started to relax as she felt Liam melt into her hold even more and soon his soft snores reached her ears. She kissed his head and shifted slightly to get more comfortable under the blanket. She closed her eyes to enjoy this moment and the last thing she remembered was the scent of oranges surrounding her before she fell into the warm comforts of sleep.

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