Chapter 24

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Heidi pinched her lips as she surveyed the men and then looked at the hall where Liam and Luke had gone down. 'It isn't the worst offer...but I don't know if I can trust them. Then again they did save our lives...We can plan for Spring Break or Summer Break?' Just as she finished her thought she heard the little patters of feet coming down the hall till she saw Liam emerge briskly walking towards her. As soon as he reached her, Heidi swooped him up into her arms.

"There's my little man, now I have a question for you," Heidi began as she brushed a few strands of hair out of her face. 'Hmm, going to have to bring him in for a haircut here soon' she thought as she watched a curious look overtake his features along with tilting his head to the left like a puppy.

"Waz qwesti-ion?" Liam asked as he was curious.

"How would you feel about learning how to swim from Silas, Nathan, and Brandon?" she asked slowly as she pointed out each guy. The three waved their hands with smiles adorning their faces as Liam followed his sister's movements and looked at them before a big smile overcame him.

"Wes! Yes! Iz wants wearn swimsis! Den me no chokes waters!" Liam exclaimed excitedly causing everyone to chuckle and a look of acceptance, pride, and love overcame Heidi.

She squeezed Liam in a fierce hug as she said, "My brave little warrior! You are getting so big!" Loosening her grip she looked at the men and said, "Okay I agree to the terms. We can plan for either spring or summer break when the weather is nicer."

"Okay, we shall talk further about the details later. Why don't we sit down in the commons room and discuss what we saw on television unless you'd rather not at this time?" Marc suggested as he motioned to the couches and chairs.

Even though the tension in the room seemed to have mellowed out, in truth, Heidi was a moment away from breaking down. Hearing the offer had her hackles raised in alarm. She didn't want to talk to them about her family issues nor about the passing of her "dearest dad" and what would become of his company and her career choices.

The men could tell she was in fight or flight mode and by her expressions, she was choosing flight. They were unsure of how to proceed after the recent revelations, her mother's confrontation, and the defensive nature she took afterward. The comment of their change in demeanor towards her felt like a cold bucket of ice water had been dumped on them causing them to wake up and realize how much of an asshole they had been to her.

"I think it is best we not discuss this at the moment," Lisa suggested as she tried using her eyes to communicate that now wasn't a good time. She glanced at Heidi's form to indicate that by looking at her she was not in the best of state to hold that type of conversation.

The men took in Heidi's form. Her shoulders were hunched in as if trying to block everyone from Liam by the way she was holding him to her and to try and hide within herself. There was a slight tremor wracking her body although she was trying her best to not let on about it. Whether it was because she was trying to not be weak in front of them or be weak in front of Liam since she is his guardian. Her facial expression was a forced smile, her cheeks were rosy while her complexion was pale white, her eyebrows were pinched slightly and there was a waver in her eyes with tears pooling up at the edges.

"Lis," Heidi whispered.

"I got him," Lisa nodded. "Hey My Man, why don't we go make some popcorn? We can't watch Littlefoot without popcorn, that would be a travesty!"

"What dat?" Liam asked.

"It means it just isn't right, it's a problem," Lisa explained as she took Liam's hand in hers.

Heidi jumped up and raced to her room, shutting the door behind her. She slid down to the floor and fisted her hands into her hair. Biting her lower lip to keep the cries inside, she pressed her forehead into her knees. Everything was becoming too much.

Hearing Liam's laughter, she took a deep breath, raised her head and unclenched her fists. She couldn't break down, not now. Slowly uncurling her fingers, she took another deep breath and crawled over to her bed. Reaching into her small purse, she pulled out the prescription bottle and took two pills with her water bottle. Hiding the bottle back in her purse she sat on the bed and clenched her pillow to her lap. Rocking back and forth she bit her bottom lip and closed her eyes.

"Let go, Bunny," a deep whisper spoke as a finger gently tugged on her lip. "If you need to bite, then bite this."

"What the hell are you doing in here?" Lisa demanded. "Get out, Gabe!"

"She's in no fucking shape to be left alone," Gabe argued back. "She needs a Daddy right now and you fucking know it! Now let me take care of her like I have fucking been."

"She doesn't know anything about that, Gabe!" Lisa whispered loudly. "All you are doing is confusing her even more about yourselves. Get out and let me take care of her!"

"Max NO!" Kota shouted in a panicked tone. "Sean, he ate chocolate, help!"

"Damn you, Luke!" North shouted. "Chocolate is poison to dogs!"

"I don't eat dark chocolate!" Luke shouted back. "It's not mine!"

"I'm a doctor Kota, not a vet! I don't know what to do!"

"Heidi, look at me," Lisa gently pulled on the pillow. "Max is in trouble and needs you, Heidi. I need you to come back to me. Max Puppy is in trouble."

"Max?" Heidi asked as she lifted her head with tears in her eyes.

"Heidi, please." She turned her head to see Kota standing in her doorway. "Please?"

"Heidi, Max puppy needs you," Lisa turned her head back to her. "The puppy is in trouble."

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