Chapter 7

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"I love you too, now let's go put this little mister in bed for now and make something for dinner. We will just have a relaxing evening for the rest of the night," Lisa said as she pulled away from the hug and began to stand up.

"I still need to finish prepping for the finals. I will," Heidi began to say as she too stood up and turned in the direction of the girl dormitory till she was rudely interrupted by her best friend.

"Nah ah, nope! You will be taking a break for the rest of the evening. Liam needs you and you still haven't stopped shaking even after changing and cuddling with the mini heater named Liam. Your anxiety is spiking high and you can't deny it! Since you refuse to take anxiety medicine you will have to calm down by doing basic necessities and spending time with those you love!" Lisa shut her best friend down immediately. Even going as far as popping the P when saying nope. She took her stance by standing in front of Heidi with her fist resting on her hips with a warning scowl on her face.

Heidi was astonished at her best friend's actions but couldn't deny it as her hands were still shaking as she carried Liam. Just accepting her fate she nodded her head and walked past Lisa back to their dormitory. "Alright we will do it your way," is all she commented as she passed by. 'Though that doesn't mean as soon as you both are asleep I can't sneak a couple hours of studying. I can't fail these finals at all costs. Looks like my sleep will be that cost but we have a break coming up and I can just rest then' Heidi thought as she made sure Liam was nicely tucked in his bed.

The whole team heard Heidi's and Lisa's conversation, which confused them about what Heidi admitted. They kept looking at each other between their hidden glances at the two women till they left the room carrying a sleeping Liam.

"Could we possibly have misunderstood Heidi? I mean it sounds like she comes from a family with high expectations. I can relate to her on that along with understanding why she reacts the way she does," Victor said as he strummed a tune on his thigh. Their conversation brought back memories of his parents putting pressure on him to be a perfect pianist just to use him to earn wealth. Even though they were already rich they didn't care to use him to get wealthier.

"Doesn't give her the right to act as if she is above everyone else. From the glares to constantly outdoing every person she possibly can no matter what class or activity is going on isn't right," said Nathan as he shut his textbook seeing as he couldn't concentrate anymore.

"I mean we also just glare at her whenever we see her, could we possibly be the reason? I mean it started between Kota and her. Not taking her side or anything but we haven't been the most welcoming either," Luke said as he rubbed the back of his neck. He felt pity for Heidi as the two of them had only conversed enough to count on his two hands. Was it justifiable how he treated Heidi from the competitive streak she had going with Kota? Kota isn't the only smart person in the world.

"Stop, just because we heard a few words spoken about her family situation doesn't change the fact that she has been nothing but a thorn in Kota's side. If this is all everyone is going to discuss then I am going to the dorm to actually study instead of worrying about some needy woman," North growled as he quickly grabbed his textbooks and notes before marching to his dorm. Brandon, Marc, Silas, Corey, and Raven all followed to do the same, well except Raven.

"Gentlemen, I suggest concentrating on our studies instead of meddling in another's life," Owen commented as he flipped the page in his textbook before jotting down some notes. Taking his advice the remainder of men resumed their studies.

Not much longer, Heidi and Lisa came downstairs and then headed straight to the kitchen. Fifty minutes went by before they smelt the aroma of orange chicken waft into the common rooms. Other students started wondering who was cooking such a delectable aroma. Lisa left for their dorm and returned with Liam bouncing in her arms with his eyes shining with excitement. She placed him back in their original spot in front of the T.V. that remained vacant. As soon as he was comfy, Heidi emerged with three bowls of what looked like white rice topped with homemade orange chicken.

"Here you go Liam, I made our favorite Chinese. Sorry, I didn't have the ingredients to make chicken egg rolls along with wonton soup. I promise during the break we will go to town and enjoy as much food from a variety of restaurants," Heidi said as she placed his bowl in his lap to make sure he didn't drop it.

"It otay Hay Hay! I wuve it! Tank you!" Liam exclaimed as he took a big bite, dropping small rice pieces into his lap while some stuck to his face.

"Hehe, you welcome little man. Now are we still watching Little Foot or do you want to watch something else?" Heidi asked after taking a bite herself. She didn't know many recipes as her family rarely allowed her in the kitchen seeing as they hired a personal chef in the house. She just wanted to be able to cook a meal for those she loved with her own efforts and now it was all worth all the fights she had with her parents seeing the huge smile on Liam's face.

Once he was done eating, she cleaned him up and changed him into his favorite dino pajamas. Seeing how he was fighting sleep, she chuckled and grabbed her favorite book to read to him. "Come here, my heart," she smiled as she curled up on the couch. Liam instantly crawled into her lap and smiled as he hugged his dinosaur stuffed animal.

"A mother held her new baby and very slowly rocked him back and forth," Heidi started reading before she placed a kiss on top of his head, "And while she held him, she sang I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be."

Kota smirked as memories of his mother reading that same book filled his mind. Liam was asleep by the time she finished the children's book. She carried him back to the room then came back and started studying again. She was still there by the time Kota headed to his room.

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