Chapter 17

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"Let Doc see your wounds," Gabe spoke softly yet sternly as he wrapped her hands from behind his neck and turned her around so her back was to his chest. He laced his fingers with hers so she could feel him still holding her.

Sean looked up from his medical bag and softly gasped. Heidi's eyes had a faraway look and looked lifeless like everything had been sucked out of her. Not the independent woman they had seen her be in any situation. It was unnerving to see and if anyone had told him she was like this before he never would have believed them. He didn't like it one bit.

"Doc Sean is going to lift your fucking shirt now and treat your cuts. Understood?" Gabe asked in Heidi's ear. "Words, Heidi," he softly growled as she began to nod her head, barely.

"I...y...yes," she whimpered. She closed her eyes as tremors racked over her body. She couldn't even tell if it was from the drenched, cold clothes clinging to her body or the thought of a male touching her right now.

"I'm going to raise your shirt now, Heidi," Sean said as he slipped some gloves on. She watched him as Sean slowly slid her shirt up to reveal four long scratches right above her hip. He tucked the shirt under her bra and forced himself not to react to her soft sigh of relief at him not pushing for more.

"Shit Heidi, the middle ones are fairly deep and the reason you bled so much. I can either use skin glue to hold it shut though it will sting, or I can just use gauze bandage," Sean said.

"No fucking stinging," Gabe growled, "she's been through enough."

"Ok Gabe," Sean nodded. He gently applied some ointment then placed the gauze over the cuts. He applied some tape then pulled off his gloves. "Where's your pajamas, Heidi? You need to put on some dry clothes so you don't get sick." He reached into his bag and pulled out a container, "this is tiger balm. Put it on your bruises and it will help them heal and relieve some of your pain. I think it would be best if you applied it yourself. I'm going to go get you some pain reliever while you change. I'll knock once I'm back, okay?"

"And once you're dressed I'll fucking blow dry your hair," Gabe said as he stood placing her on her feet. "Answer us."

"O...okay," she shivered as her teeth chattered. " you."

"Of course," Gabe smiled, "Now change into some fucking nice warm clothes and I'll tell Luke to make you some goddamn hot chocolate." With that, the two left her room and returned back to the living room.

"Is she okay? What happened? Who kill?" were the questions thrown their way by the group.

"Let Gabe get into some dry clothes first Guys," Sean said as he nudged Gabe's shoulder then motioned toward their rooms. "Go."

"Oy, Luke, make her some fucking hot chocolate," Gabe glared. "She's fucking freezing and the goddamn chocolate should help her fucking nerves."

"You got it!" Luke said as he saluted before dashing off into the kitchen. Seeing him go, Gabe also turned and went off to his dorm.

"How are her injuries, Doc?" Kota asked as he adjusted his glasses up his nose.

"Some bruises and some scratches on her hip from his nails as Gabe stated," Sean said as he sat down. "She's broken."

"What mean broken? You say scratches no break!" Raven asked confused.

"He doesn't mean actually broken, Raven. He means her mental state is broken. She's not strong right now," Corey gently said as he laid a hand on his forearm.

"What?" Raven asked as his eyes widened in shock then narrowed in frustration. "Nyet like."

Just then Gabe walked back into the common room and the door swung open letting Nathan and Brandon walk in soaking wet. They nodded to the group and then headed off to their rooms.

Luke then entered the room holding a big mug with an explosion of colors. "I present my masterpiece! The Unicorn Hot Chocolate! This outta bring her some happiness!" Luke exclaimed with glee. He truly thought it would be the miracle worker for her. The pink liquid was topped with whipped cream and rainbow marshmallows. There were rainbow sprinkles around the lip of the mug as well as what looked like light blue syrup drizzled over it. It really did look like a unicorn drink. Luke certainly was creative when it came to baking and sweets.

(Picture found on Pinterest)

"I need to give her some medicine," Sean said as he stood back up

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"I need to give her some medicine," Sean said as he stood back up. "Let's just wait until everyone is here before we talk. We only have to say it once."

They watched as Sean disappeared then came back a minute later with a small white bottle in his hand. He headed towards the girl's dormitory with Luke and Gabe following.

Sean knocked on her door and a minute later it opened to show her standing there wearing black leggings and an extra large gray shirt with the Rocky Horror Picture Show lips on it. "Hey Buttercup, is it okay if we come in for just a moment?" Sean asked as he watched her dull eyes take in the three of them. She was hesitant at first till she decided it would be best to listen for now. Taking a step back she opened her door more then proceeded to her bed.

Once she was seated on her bed they entered the room. Luke went straight to her nightstand and set the mug down. Gabe grabbed the blow dryer off her dresser and went searching for an outlet. "Behind the nightstand," she murmured as she watched him.

"Alright, here is some Advil, you take two pills every six hours. Wait, have you eaten dinner yet?" Sean began to inform before it dawned on him that he wasn't sure if she'd had a chance to eat or not. He knew they haven't had a chance to give her any of the pizza and wings they ordered for her, Lisa, and Liam yet.

She had taken a small sip of the hot chocolate much to Luke's delight before setting it back down on the nightstand with her trembling hands. Looking down at her lap she barely whispered, ""

"Then come, let's get you some food," Luke smiled at her.

"'m okay," she shook her head then winced at pain jolted through her.

"It isn't good to take medication on an empty stomach," Sean reminded her. "It can actually make you feel worse."

"You don't have to fucking deal with everyone," Gabe said over the blow dryer. "We can bring you a damn plate in a minute."

Heidi didn't bother trying to argue with them and just nodded her head. She could just pretend to eat like she has done so many times before. She suffers from lost appetite when her stress levels are high, which happens quite often. It also didn't help that every time she was able to eat all she heard was her mother's criticism and snide remarks about her weight.

Luke frowned at her despondent attitude but kept his mouth shut. "I'll go make it now," he said as he headed for the door. He had to get out of there before he did something he would regret later.

The group looked up as Luke entered the room. "How is she?" Brandon asked.

Luke growled as he rubbed the back of his neck, "I don't like this one bit."

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