Chapter 10

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"Heidi! Wait!" Lisa called out as she watched her best friend run back to their dorm. She was about to run after her when Kota grabbed hold of her forearm gently.

"Wait just a second, please," Kota pleaded as he looked at her worriedly.

"Ugh, what Kota?" Lisa asked exasperatedly. "I need to go check on Heidi."

"What happened? We came in a little late. Is there anything we can do to help? Who was the nut case? What zasranets do?" question after question was thrown at her by a few of the group.

Lisa had a shocked expression while her eyes were blown wide like an owl's. 'What the hell?' she thought as these guys always seemed to hate Heidi. Are they now realizing that she isn't a bad person? She was raised to be a perfectionist in order to please her parents and get a smidge of acknowledgment. They still don't even realize that this is just a little bit of the life of Heidi and her battles. They don't need to know more nor meddle in her business if it's just save the damsel then move on after they can't be helpful.

"Who the hell are you?" She asked as she shook her head. "Look. Back off, I need to go check on my best friend right now and your bullshit rescue shit is not going to happen after the way you have treated her. Just because the truth has slapped you in the face doesn't make up for the past. Now let go," she glared as she pulled her arm free from Kota's grasp.

Just as she turned to head to the dorms, the door swung open to show Heidi and Liam emerging. "Yes, oh good thank you, we are on our way, see you soon," Heidi said as she spoke on her phone. Lisa rushed over to her and pulled her into a tight hug. "Therapy," Heidi whispered as Liam pulled on her shirt. Lisa let go and Heidi picked him up to rest him on her hip. "We'll be back in a few hours."

"Want me to come with?" Lisa asked gently. Heidi shook her head so Lisa nodded, "Alright, well, I'll go get us some groceries and snacks since the cafeteria will be closed during break. Just let me know when you're on your way home, kay?"

"You don't have to stay with us," Heidi smiled weakly.

"Course I do," Lisa chuckled, "Why would I want to go to an empty house and be lonely when I can stay here with you and my favorite man?"

"Me only man," Liam smiled proudly making Lisa burst out laughing.

"Of course, you are the only important man in my life," Lisa kissed his cheek. "Now go have fun and I'll see you when you get back."

"Bye bye Lie Lie," Liam waved as Heidi started walking to her car. The guys rushed to the common area windows and watched as Heidi crossed the common grounds till she reached the parking lot. The whole way her shoulders were tensed, she darted her head back and forth, her guard was so high.

"She shouldn't drive. Her anxiety is way too high right now," Sean said worriedly.

"Well, what the hell do you expect her to do? You of all people should know that she is in momma-protective mode. She is only thinking about how to cheer up Lil Man better than her well-being. She's always been like that, thinking of everyone but herself. Though, y'all never saw that. You judge her from the beginning without getting to know her. You know, for the men I thought I knew you as you really are fucking assholes. You were nice to every girl on campus except her. What? We back in fucking kindergarten where the boys push the girl they actually like but don't know how to show her?" Lisa ranted as she stared all fourteen men down.

The men couldn't deny that they did treat her unjustly, kind of. Most had a regretful expression while others looked almost constipated since a mixture of emotions was swirling in them.

"Maybe if she wouldn't have started treating Kota like crap, we wouldn't have been rude to her," North glared at the tiny woman. "She started it."

"Bullshit and you know it, North Taylor," Lisa stepped right into his face. "She has never started shit, it's not in her to be mean. She has never called names and never made comments. That was all you. She only started giving looks AFTER you started it. Get the fuck over your egotistical asses and quit your shit. Oh and FYI, everything she said today was the goddamn truth and I know from first-hand personal experience, so think about that." Lisa shoved her finger into North's chest then turned around and walked off, slamming Heidi's door shut behind her.

"I told you I thought we might have been in the wrong somewhere. Especially after overhearing Monica's gossip. Wasn't it Monica who originally told us that she was going to be the number one student in the school? That it didn't matter what she had to do to get it? Could Monica have planted malice in us against Heidi from the beginning?" Victor asked as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

Hearing a door open, they turned to see Lisa entering the common room. She blatantly ignored them and left without saying a word to them.

"Fuck, what do we do now?" Gabe asked as he pushed his blonde strand out of his face.

"Can't change the past," Silas shrugged, "but we can start to try and make amends."

"Unless she will think we are just pitying her," Victor shook his head.

"Well, we have a few days before break, so why don't we tail Monica for a bit and see if she is up to something before we have to head home?" Luke asked.

"That's a start along with no more glares or harsh comments to Heidi. We need to be nice but not overly nice as Victor is right about her thinking we pity her," Axel said with a hint of authority in his voice. They fucked up and reap what they sowed. "Alright, those who have class with her, get close enough to observe. Those that have free time should go for a few walks and if you happen to see her, take notice of what she's doing and whom she keeps near her."

"Now, everyone go study or get ready for class. There isn't anything we can do now," Owen said as he adjusted his glasses and then his tie. Without another word, the group went their separate ways.

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