Chapter 36

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Heidi was lost in thought when she felt Liam crash into her legs nearly knocking her over. If it weren't for Brandon's quick reflex and supporting her she would have fallen to the ground. "Whoa! Where's the fire?" She asked giggling.

"HI HI! That ones! I fines tree!" Liam exclaimed as he bounced in Heidi's arms.

"Haha, okay Bud show me this perfect tree that you have found!" she exclaimed, matching his energy as he gripped her three fingers in his small hand and started to drag her further to the back of the decorated trees.

He came to an abrupt stop in front of a large tree that had sparkling colored lights and tinsel wound through it. There was a skirt under the tree and just like the other one there was a train going around and around. Fake snow decorated the limbs making it look as if someone had just brought it in from the snowy weather.

"Oh Liam," She gasped as she lifted her sweater-covered hand to her mouth. "It's beautiful." She knelt down and wrapped her arm around him as her other hand draped over her knees that were covered by her skirt since she was crouched down. "You're right, it's perfect. I knew you would find the perfect one. Your dino ornaments are going to look so awesome on it."

"You fink it fit?" He asked as he clapped his hands.

"It might not fit in the common room or your bedroom," Luke shook his head, "but you know where it will fit?"

"Luke no," Owen shook his head. "She hasn't answered yet. Do not pressure her."

"Hi Hi?" Liam asked as he turned to face her.

She pushed his curl out of his face and smiled softly, "Come here, let's go talk for a second, Liam," she took his hand and walked him over to a corner. "I need you to be honest with me for a second Liam. We need to have a grown-up talk. No answers to just make me feel better and I won't say anything to just make you happy. Deal?"

He nodded, "Deal. Big boy talk."

She smiled, "Exactly. Now, I'm not exactly best friends with the guys over there, not like I am with Lisa. She can't celebrate Christmas with us since her parents are sick. The guys were just telling me their parents are sick too so they offered for us to join them at their home and have Christmas together. I've never been there since we used to not be friends. It's a very new thing for me. I admit, I'm a little scared and confused."

He thought about it for a minute, "But they nice now?"

She nodded, "Yes, they are nice to me now, it's what's confusing and scary for me. They used to be mean but now they aren't."

"Maybe they growed up?" he asked. "Vey see they wronged, maked missakes? They try be fwiends now? Second chances, Hi Hi?"

Her eyes widened, "You are absolutely correct, Liam. Everyone deserves a second chance." She pulled him into a tight hug, "You are so smart."

He laughed, "Me get it from you." He stepped out of her hug, "I be brave. We go, we no like, we come back school."

Heidi nodded, "That sounds like–"

"Hey sorry to interrupt," Gabe cleared his throat. "The cashier said they don't have any trains like that one left but they do have a dinosaur train in the back. Will that be okay?"

"Yay!" Liam bounced. "We have dino train!"

"Where is it–"

"We go you home!" Liam hopped while clapping. "Tree fit?" He grabbed Heidi's hand and pulled her back over to the tree. "It wook like dis?"

"Yep," Gabe nodded. "The guys are getting the boxes for us as we speak. Is there anything else we need to get while we are here?"

"You doing okay, Sweetheart?" Sean asked as he walked over to them.

"Did he hit his head?" she whispered. Sean gave her a confused look. "I don't think I've ever heard him talk so much without cussing. Does he have a concussion or something?" Her eyes widened as it dawned on her what she just said, "I'm so sorry!"

Sean burst out laughing, "Don't be, Sweetheart," he chuckled. "Gabe is just trying to watch his mouth around Liam, that's all."

"So Little Man says you're going to join us for a few days?" Kota asked.

"Maybe?" she asked nervously. She linked her fingers behind her back and swayed from one side to another.

"Awesome," Kota smiled. "Max will be excited to see you again."

"Our place has twenty bedrooms so you will have your own room," Owen informed her. "Liam could even have his own room if he wanted. Now I know Mr. Coleman is excited to do some shopping. Is there anything else you would like to get?"

"Um," She bit her bottom lip.

"Don't hurt your lip like that," Owen murmured as he reached out and gently pulled it out.

"Sorry," she whispered. She cleared her throat, "I um, I need to get Liam a couple of presents."

"Hey, Little Man wants to go shopping on his own," Luke called out from where they were standing by the tree. "Can I take him with me? I need to get a few things for Uncle."

Heidi's breath got caught in her throat. On one hand she really needs to get Liam presents and doesn't want him to see them yet she also doesn't want to part with him. Would Luke keep as good of an eye on him like her? Would anything happen to Liam if he was out of her sight?

"Hey, look at me," Axel said as he stood in front of her blocking her view of everyone. "Luke, Victor, and Brandon have no problem keeping an eye on Liam while we go finish your shopping. I promise that they will make sure nothing will happen to Liam. We could even have everyone do updates so you know exactly where they are and how he is doing."

"Really?" She asked hopefully. She bit her bottom lip again for a second but hearing Owen clear his throat she released it. " won't be a problem?"

"Nope," Axel shook his head. "We will need your number though."

She took a shaky breath then slowly let it out and nodded. After rummaging through her bag she pulled out her phone and held it out.

"Core," Axel called out as he took it from her hand. "Here."

"Damn, it's all scratched up and cracked," Corey frowned when he took it from Axel.

"Yeah," She chuckled, "Liam's dropped it a few times by accident." She shrugged, "It still works though and it has all his baby pictures on it."

"I know of a place that you could get an upgrade and they'd be able to transfer everything if you want," Corey said as he typed away.

"No, it's okay," She shook her head. "Thank you but it still works just fine. No need to replace something that still works."

"Well, if you change your mind, just let me know," Corey said as he handed her back the phone. "There, now you have everyone's number and we have yours."

"Alright, Little Man," Luke beamed, "let's go shopping!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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