Chapter 1

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Kota looked up from his book that he was reading when something tapped his foot. Looking down he spotted a ball resting by his shoe.

"Orry," a little boy about four said nervously as he walked over to him.

"It's alright," Kota grinned as he softly kicked it towards the boy.

"Liam! There you are," A girl's voice in the distance instantly caught Kota's attention. His breath hitched as she ran towards the boy. "What did I..." her voice trailed off as she spotted Kota sitting on the bench under the tree with his golden retriever Max laying beside his feet. "Dakota..." she whispered before tensing up. His eyes narrowed at her behavior. She cleared her throat, "I apologize if he disturbed you."

Kota watched her carefully before nodding, "it's fine. I didn't know you were a mom," he said a little coldly. "Hadn't seen him around here before, what? Keeping him a secret?"

Her back straightened even more before her mask dropped, making her eyes void of anything. "He' know what never mind, wouldn't expect you to understand. Once more I apologize if he disturbed your reading. Liam," she dropped to her knees and pushed his dark brown curl out of his eyes before smiling like Christmas at the little boy, "come on, let's not disturb Mr. Lee's story time with our soccer practice, how about we find somewhere else to play?"

"Hungee," the boy shook his head.

"Alright then," she glanced at the well worn out watch on her wrist, "well would you look at that? It's lunchtime, come on, let's go get some food in that tummy before you turn into a monster."

"Cookie monster!" he giggled as he made the rawr sound at her.

"Oh no!" she fake gasped, "not the cookie monster? However will I survive?" She started jogging away as the boy chased after her.

Kota watched with some slight annoyance but more intrigue. Heidi Davis was his enemy...well not enemy in like a bad way, she was his rival in the academic sense. He was number one in the class and she was number two and they have been going back and forth ever since they arrived at the university three years ago. He guessed that the tension between the two of them didn't help with his friends constantly making comments whenever he would do better than her or the glares they gave her when she would do better than him in something. It never went passed comments or looks though thankfully for that.

"Hey, knew I would find you out here."

Kota snapped out his wondering thoughts to see his friends walking towards him. He knew they had a reputation on campus for being pretty much the kings, aside from there being fourteen of them altogether, they also came from either family money or from making money from the ground up and being the best that there is, aside from her. Going on from the comments plenty of women made, they also were the hottest group of men on campus as well.

"Victor," Kota barely nodded in acknowledgement as he shut his book. Victor Morgan was the wealthiest of them all with him being a pianist prodigy. He had money for multiple lifetimes and yet he always treated the janitor with the same politeness as the dean.

"What's that look for?" Victor asked. "Something is bothering you."

"Just saw something," Kota mumbled as he grabbed his bag.

"What did you see?" Owen Blackbourne asked as he fastened his jacket of his three-piece suit.

His phone pinged making him sigh in annoyance, "Let's just get to class."

The group looked at one another but didn't push. They walked in silence to their next class and started gathering seats in the back to sit. A couple of minutes after the professor walked into the microeconomics class the door opened, catching everyone's attention.

"I apologize," Heidi said as she entered with the little boy right beside her.

"Holy fucking shit," Gabriel Coleman whispered as his blue eyes widened in surprise.

"That is what I saw earlier," Kota whispered as he leaned forward to watch better.

"Your advisor has already informed me, Miss Davis, just find a seat," the professor said waving towards the class.

Kota watched as Heidi pushed her strawberry blonde hair behind her ear and slid into a desk a row in front of the group. She quickly pulled out some headphones and plugged them into her phone before turning on a Disney station on Pandora and handed it to the little boy. "I need you to be quiet for the next hour for me, okay Liam? Once I'm done with my class, we will go do something super fun, okay?"

"Pay?" he asked excitedly.

She beamed and nodded, "Yes, we will go play but for now I need you to be quiet so I can listen to my teacher, okay?" he nodded so she opened his little backpack. "I got you lots of colors and fun stuff to do while I take my turn to learn, okay?"

"Okay," he said before putting the headphones on his ear. She opened a coloring book and the pencil box of crayons before opening her notebook so she could take notes.

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