Chapter 35

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"What do you think about this one?" Heidi asked as they approached a tall tree with white lights.

"No," Liam shook his head as he walked around it. "Me wan cowors."

"Oh yeah, you're right," Heidi chuckled. "We definitely need color lights." She looked around the trees, "Well, let's keep looking. I have a feeling we'll find the perfect one around here somewhere, we just have to find it."

"Otay," he nodded, "I look."

Heidi watched as Liam walked around a tree before heading over to another one. Hearing her phone ring, she rummaged in her bag before finding it at the bottom. Without even looking at the ID she swiped it up to accept the call, "Hello?"

"Miss Davis?" A man's voice she didn't recognize asked. "This is Adam Silverstein."

"Silverstein?" She asked in shock. "Silver...oh," she gasped, "you're the COO of Toybox Treasures. Your partners with my father."

"Yes Ma'am," He replied. "I'm glad I was finally able to reach you, you're a hard woman to get a hold of. I need to speak to you if you have a few moments."

"How did you get this number?" She asked in a panic as she spun around. "This is an unlisted number for a reason."

"I have my ways, Miss Davis," he replied vaguely.

She scoffed as she rolled her eyes, "Let me guess, Cordelia."

"Miss Davis," he said, "I really must speak with you."

"Not now," She frowned while she watched Liam walk over to a tree that had a little train under it and the lights flickered with the music. "I'm busy. I have a meeting with my lawyers after the holidays. We can speak after I speak with him."

"We really need to discuss the future of Toybox Treasures now, Miss Davis," he said. "There's a lot on the line. We have toys we need to decide on and possible rebranding and–"

"Mr. Silverstein!" She interrupted while huffing in anger. She rolled her eyes and looked up at the ceiling as she took a deep breath. "Look, it's the freakin holidays and I just lost my father and my brother just lost both of his parents! Forgive me if trying to figure out how to run a company isn't really on the top of my mind at the moment. Right now I'm just trying to bring some damn happiness to my little brother! After all, as my father used to say, happiness is the most important thing to a child, or am I wrong?"

"No Ma'am," he stuttered. "But we have deadlines to–"

"Mr. Silverstein, not to be rude or anything but I really could care less about deadlines." She bit her lip then an idea formed in her head. She cleared her throat, straightened her back, and kept her eyes on Liam, who was still watching the tree with the train.

"Answer me this, Mr. Silverstein, who is the current owner of Toyboy Treasures?" She asked sternly. All emotion had left her at the moment.

"You are, Miss Davis," he replied.

"And who makes the final decision on everything?"

"You do."

"Are there any deadlines that must be met in the next two days?" She asked.

", Ma'am," he replied with confusion. "Everything has been set out to meet the current demands. The next deadline is January 10th but we are expecting–"

"So everything can wait until January," she cut him off. "Perfect, than here are my decisions, Mr. Silverstein. I am giving the notice that ALL employees, every single one, is to be given a Holiday bonus that is doubled what it normally is effective immediately. That is for both buildings. All employees, Mr. Silverstein. Also, everyone is now off for the next two weeks, PAID time off, Mr. Silverstein. This will NOT affect their vacation days, sick day, PTO, or anything else that the company may try to file it under. This is effective immediately as well. YOU want me to run this company then this is my ruling and it will be a new rule or whatever you want to call it. From this year forward all products will be sent out within the first two weeks of December and EVERYONE will have from December 20th to January 10th off with pay. That will give them time to be with their families during whatever holiday they celebrate and not have to worry about bills as well. This will make them motivated to stay with the company as well as come back refreshed and excited to come up with new ideas. Am I understood?"

She turned back to see if Liam was still at the same tree and froze. There with him were half of the Blackbourne Toma group and Owen, Victor, Axel, Kota, Brandon, Marc, and Gabe standing in front of her.

She sent them a confused look then looked back at Liam before turning her back to them. "Am I understood, Mr. Silverstein?"

"Y...yes Ma'am," he replied in shock.

"Good," She barely nodded. "Then there is nothing else to discuss. Send the payments out, send a notice to my email which I'm sure you have since you got my unlisted number, then go enjoy the holidays. I'll see you in the conference room with my lawyer on the 10th of January. He will reach out with the time. Happy holidays, Mr. Silverstein."

She hung up the phone before he could reply and sighed. "Good job," Owen said as he walked around to her. "You handled that very professionally. You should be proud of yourself."

"Thanks I guess," she replied before she cleared her throat and looked up into his gray eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"Looking for a tree for our place," Marc answered, making her turn back to face the group.

"Mom and Sis are sick with the flu that's going around," Kota explained. "North and Luke's uncle is sick as well so we're just going to have Christmas back at our place now."

"You can join us if you want," Gabe blurted out. "We'd love it actually."

Heidi side-eyed him with a deep distrust of the offer. 'Why would they offer? They hate me.' She couldn't help thinking. Realizing that it was probably out of pity had her steeling her facial emotion to indifference before replying with a curt, "No, thank you."

Not missing a beat, Brandon strode over to her till he was standing in front of her. Not expecting it she had a look of confusion and guarded eyes meeting deep blue saddened eyes. "We mean no harm and the offer isn't done out of fucking pity if that's what you're thinking. No one should be alone for the holidays and we have more than enough room to add you two."

"Think of it this way, there are more holiday activities we can do at our mansion, and the more people the merrier giving Liam a perfect holiday," Victor nodded.

"Raven can even teach Liam some Russian traditions," Owen threw out. "If you want him to, he'll be more than glad to show him. It's up to you."

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