Chapter 9

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"NEVER!" Heidi screamed, "He will never go through the hell I went through when you sent me away. I'm not giving him the complexes you and Eugene gave me! I'm twenty now Cordelia, you can't control me anymore! I know what you are trying to do and it won't work! You can't touch my inheritance and you sure as hell can't touch Liam's. I can't even touch his, not that I would anyway. My inheritance is enough for the both of us and I'll spend every last penny if I have to in order to keep him with me. I'm not going to let him be sent away and I'm not going to raise him like you and Eugene forced on me."

"Now you listen to me, Heidi Marie," Cordelia seethed, "I am still your mother and I know what's best. No man is going to want to take care of another man's child. No man is going to want a wife that can't support him and please him. You need to be perfect in everything to keep a man happy. Your father cheated on me with the help because I gained weight, I'm preventing that from happening to you. Now, Cedric has already agreed to support that brat, that's the best you are ever going to get. Now stop this childish behavior."

"You're the one being childish Cordelia," Heidi fumed as she faced off with her mother. "Eugene cheated on you because all you ever did was complain and spend his money. You never listened to him and you never told him thank you. Sure he pushed me to ace everything but he knew I had to do my best to get into veterinary school."

"Oh stop that bullshit," Cordelia rolled her eyes. "Why would you want to be an animal doctor when you can be a surgeon or a judge? No one would be impressed to have a disgusting animal doctor on their arm, why would you want to be covered in piss and shit and blood every day?"

"And a doctor won't be?" Heidi threw right back at her. "If a man or men truly loved me they would accept my dreams and support me in that."

"Oh don't start that harem crap too," Cordelia rolled her eyes. "You aren't going to be a slut either, Heidi Marie. That is just unacceptable, your father would be so disappointed in you."

"You don't know what Eugene would think," Heidi retorted. "And it doesn't matter anyway, this is MY life and I will choose who is in it! If I want twenty boyfriends then I'll have twenty boyfriends. If I want to be single then I'll be single. It doesn't matter, what matters is what is best for Liam! If that means my life will just be Liam, me, and Lisa then so be it. If I have to give up going to vet school to work three jobs to support him then so be it! I'd rather be in a run down shack with boarded up windows raising Liam paycheck to paycheck and showing him that it's okay to make mistakes and having him laughing everyday knowing that he is loved then ever be like you thinking money is the only important thing in my life! As long as I'm breathing Liam will only ever know love and happiness!"

"I think I have heard enough," the social worker cleared her throat, snapping both women out of their screaming match. "Miss Heidi, you stated you took him to your nurse and called his pediatrician?"

"Yes Ma'am," Heidi cleared her throat, "even though he was only under the water for seconds, Dr. Myers gave me the symptoms of dry drowning Lisa and I took shifts to watch him all night just to be on the safe side. He had a healthy breakfast of scrambled eggs, mixed fruit, and apple juice. He ate everything and we were just going to head to the park to play for a bit since it's a nice day out."

"Very well, I can clearly see that this was a misunderstanding as you stated and I will close this immediately. He is in very capable hands, I must say he is lucky to have you for a sister."

"Thank you, Ma'am," Heidi's voice cracked at the statement.

"You are ruining your life," Cordelia snarled as the woman walked off.

"Get away from me and Liam," Heidi seethed as she took him from Lisa. He wrapped his arms around her neck as she started rubbing his back. "Never come near us again."

Cordelia scoffed, "You will regret this."

Heidi's eyes darkened as she glared her mother down, "I will never regret having Liam in my life. He has shown me how life is supposed to be and I will give him that. And one day I will prove you and Eugene wrong. One day I will have a husband or husbands will love Liam as their own and will love my fucked up self as well. Whether that be in a nice house or a shack, it won't matter because we will be loved unconditionally and you will still be as fake and alone as you are now. You wonder why you are so unhappy, Cordelia, and so angry at me? It's because I'm not your puppet anymore and I'm breaking free from your complexes and I'm becoming a better person for it. You can hate me all you want but you're going to do it far away from me and Liam. Now get off this campus or I'll have you escorted out for harassment. I never want to see you again."

"Is there a problem here?"

Cordelia and Heidi turned to see a security officer walking toward them. "No," Cordelia seethed, "I was just leaving."

Heidi paled as her eyes fell upon Kota's and his friends. She held Liam close to her and hurried past, rushing back to her room, slamming the door behind her.

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