Chapter 27

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Heidi huffed in frustration as she tossed the flashcards she was studying down on the table. "So freaking stupid," she muttered as she angrily scratched out something on her notebook then wrote something down. "Fucking idiot."

Gabe pushed off the table he was leaning against but Axel put his hand on his shoulder and shook his head, "Not now."

"What?" Gabe hissed, "no, she doesn't need to be talking about herself like that!"

"I understand that," Axel whispered back. "I truly do but if you go over there she is going to lash out at you and could possibly kick us out of here. Just let her get it all out first. Why don't you figure out a plan for addressing it properly at another time?"

"Fucking hell," Gabe sighed but nodded. "But I don't fucking like it."

"None of us do but we have to think about the big picture right now and that means focusing on Max and Kota."

"And figuring out where the hell that dark chocolate came from," Kota whispered as he watched Max sleep.

"I believe Luke," Gabe groaned as he ran his fingers through his hair. "I have never seen him eat dark chocolate before, fuck he doesn't even use it in his baking crap. He says it's too fucking bitter or some shit."

"Maybe she was right and it was—" Axel was cut off as an alarm beeped from her phone.

Heidi yanked her headphones off and silenced the alarm. She grabbed a lead and wrapped it around her neck before walking over to the kennels. "Excuse me," she mumbled as she opened the door. "Hey Sweet Boy, time for a walk." She removed the IV and smiled, "And just in time, you finished the whole bag, good job. Come on, let's get you outside for just a tiny bit but we have to take it easy, okay?"

Max wobbled unsteadily as he came out of the kennel. "Easy there, Boy," Kota said as he stood.

"Sorry but I have to take him," Heidi said, "I need to observe him for any kind of reaction."

"I understand," Kota nodded. "Can I join?" He sighed, "Please?"

"Sure," She nodded, "It will probably help Max in relaxing if you were there."

Kota sighed in relief, "Thank you, Heidi."

She nodded then looped the lead around Max and gently coaxed him outside. As they were walking Kota noticed that she kept glancing around and messing with the sides of her scrub top as she focused on watching how Max was walking. She was clearly nervous and anxious and as much as he wanted to reach out and hold her hand he knew he couldn't just yet.

Max stopped walking causing them to stop walking and watch him. "Oh no," she murmured, dropping to her knees. Max lurched forward and threw up all over her. "Oh poor Maxie," she frowned as she rubbed her hand through his fur. "There we go, get it all out," she sighed as he threw up again. Thankfully this time she moved out of the way in time. "There's barely anything in that, think we finally got it all out, Max?"

Max heaved but nothing came out that time. She patted his head then led him back to the room. "Oh shit," Gabe mumbled as they took in her appearance.

"I'm fine," she rolled her eyes as she walked over to a closet and pulled it open. "No need to be so dramatic, it's going to be a daily occurrence in the future for me. Besides, I'm sure your doctor has come home like this more often than not."

Gabe narrowed his eyes but a squeeze from Axel on his shoulder had him keeping his mouth shut. She headed to the bathroom and quickly came back in clean blue scrubs. Tossing the previous scrubs she had on in the sink, she washed her hands then went back to the textbook she was studying before taking Max for a walk.

"She's fidgeting more," Kota said as he watched her tap her pen against the book while also tapping her shoe on the floor. "And she got snappy while we were walking, too."

"Did you see her eyes?" Axel whispered.

"What are you thinking?" Kota asked as Gabe saw her move out of the corner of his eye so he turned to watch her. She stood up and tilted her head from side to side while shaking her arms. She tilted her head back and a soft smile formed on her lips as she started humming to whatever song she was listening to with her headphones. She slowly leant back over the table but this time she was more like she kind of melted towards it. Her elbow was moved further into the table and her head was resting on her hand. She was slowly swaying from side to side now, almost as if she was swaying. She was shifting into a more relaxed form. The guys looked at each other with confusion on their faces.

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