Chapter 19

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"L...Li...Liam t-tt-taught, u-uup," Heidi stuttered out as her eyes were going in and out of focus. She was trying her hardest to calm her anxiety and nerves.

"It's a wonderful song, I bet he made it just for you," Luke said softly as he rubbed her knee.

She didn't bother trying to talk again, just nodded her head as she took another nibble on the chicken wing before placing it back down. "You are doing great, Bunny," Gabe smiled as he continued to rub her back. A small shiver went through her at the praise, confusing her as to why she had such a reaction. Gabe looked over her head to Luke as a gleam was seen in their eyes.

"Here Cupcake, have another drink," Luke said as he held the cup up to her mouth so she could just drink through the straw. "Good girl, Cupcake," Luke said softly as he intently watched her reaction. Again a shiver went down her spine as a veil seemed to coat over her in warmth. This confirmed what he thought, sending Gabe a small smirk to what they discovered.

"No more," she whimpered as she weakly pushed at the plate.

"Alright," Luke nodded as he took the plate, "I'm very proud of how much you ate."

"," she murmured as she watched him walk out of the room.

"How are you feeling, Bunny?" Gabe asked as he ran his fingers through her hair. She hummed as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling. "Do you want to join us down in the common rooms? Or would you prefer to stay here and rest?" he asked as he took in her peaceful face. His question had her eyes opening quickly to stare at him.

His cerulean blue eyes showed trust, safety, and something else that she couldn't put her finger on. On one hand, for some reason, he brought her a feeling of safety yet she couldn't will herself the strength to the questions and comments the other men might have over the events of the evening. Having that thought in mind, she shook her head in denial as she pulled her knees to her chest.

"Hey, hey, it is okay. You just stay here and get rest. Do not worry about Liam, he is staying in Luke's room for the night. I mean it, You are to rest, Bunny," Gabe said softly as he reassured before punctuating his last sentence. He could tell she was about to deny something he said but he wasn't having any of it. "No studying, no worrying, you are to lay here and rest. If you need anything, either call out for one of us, or if you don't mind, I can input our numbers into your phone. It's up to you."

She opened her mouth then shut it when he laced his fingers with hers and wrapped his arms around her chest, pinning her to him. Her eyes widened at the sudden action. He held her tight against him and just waited while humming the little jingle softly. After a few moments, she started to relax into him.

"I d...don't know wh...wh...where my," she stammered.

"It's in the common room," he explained. "Kota fucking took everything out of your fucking bag so it could dry from the stupid ass storm."

"Wh...what?" she gasped. He chuckled into her hair and she nibbled on her bottom lip. "W...will t...t...tell him you, p...p...please?"

"He already knows but yes," Gabe smiled, "I'll tell him for you again. Now does this fucking mean I can put our fucking numbers in your phone?"

She nodded, "y...yes."

He chuckled, "Good girl."

He shifted as if he was going to get up and she tightened her fingers around his, "Wait," she gasped then tensed, "p...p...please?"

He nodded as he shifted back to sitting behind her, "Alright Bunny, I'll keep holding you."

The two remained cuddling like that for a couple of hours till Gabe noticed the shift in her breathing. He waited another fifteen minutes before silently leaving her bed. He made sure to cover her up before leaving the room and entering the common room.

"She okay?" Luke asked as Gabe plopped down with his head in his lap.

"Yeah," Gabe nodded as he closed his eyes, "she finally fell asleep. Made sure her goddamn meds and tiger balm is on her fucking nightstand along with some fucking water."

"As exhausted as she was, maybe she will sleep all night," Silas said as he watched the storm outside brew and the rain pelt the windows.

"Are we still on schedule to leave tomorrow afternoon?" Kota questioned as he looked up from his phone. "Momma wants to know when to expect us back in town."

"I want to make fucking sure she is god damn fine tomorrow before we fucking leave. Maybe see if they want to fucking join us? I mean, we have the fucking room at our place," Gabe said as he shrugged his shoulder with his eyes still closed.

"We shall see how she is feeling tomorrow. I don't believe she will take the offer though," Axel said as he looked toward the stairs leading to her dorm.

"They're just planning on staying here. Wouldn't they want to actually enjoy their vacation off campus?" Brandon questioned as he threw an arm behind him as he leaned back on the couch.

"We will not force them into joining if they don't want to. Anyway, we have barely redeemed ourselves, not including last night, so I doubt she will be willing. Although, I am hoping the Spring vacation will be a different story," Owen admitted as he stood up. "Now, excuse me, Gentlemen, I will head to bed as you all should think about doing so soon also." With that, Owen left for his dorm, while the group looked at each other before following his lead.

Silas helped Gabe sit up and patted his shoulder, "tomorrow is a new day, remember that." Gabe nodded as he looked up at Silas, "A new day brings new hope."

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