Chapter 23

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"Get out," Heidi whispered as she tightened her grip on Liam's wrist behind her. "Now. I never want to lay eyes on you again, Cordelia. And I hear one whisper of you trying to twist what happened with Liam to anyone, and I mean anyone, I will bury you alive." She took a step closer to Cordelia and trembled with fury, "I remember everything and I know where all the evidence is too. Leave now and take that abusive douchebag with you and never return and I'll still finance your lifestyle until you marry up the ladder again and there will be no raise in allowance either. If you don't and you try anything I will bury not only you but his family too. I may not want to be as cold as you but I learned my lessons well, you can be sure of that. Do not EVER threaten my brother again. You got to the count of three. One...two...–"

"You will regret this, Heidi," Cordelia fumed. "Throwing your life away for him. Maybe not today or tomorrow but I swear you will regret this one day."

"I will never, and I mean never, regret choosing him over you," Heidi promised. "Until my dying breath, I will always choose him because that's what a real family does. Something you never taught me and I had to learn on my own, thanks to Lisa by the way. A real family chooses love not money and that is something I will prove to him and shower him with until my last day on this earth. He will always have my undying love and support no matter what he chooses to do with his life. He can be whatever he wants to be and I will support him the entire way. My love for him will make him a million times better of a person than you and Eugene have forced me to become. He will never become me. Now leave and I'll honor my offer, the choice is yours."

"This isn't over with," Cordelia seethed before leaving the dorms, slamming the door behind her. As soon as the door banged shut Heidi whirled around and picked Liam up, crushing him into a bear hug.

"Are you okay?" she asked as she started rocking him, "I'm so sorry, Lee Lee, I'm so sorry." She began swaying to try and comfort him unaware of the tremors coursing throughout her body. "Shh, shh, everything is going to be okay."

"Bunny?" Gabe softly questioned as he laid his hand on her lower back. Heidi froze as a slight warmth came over her from that nickname soothing her soul yet terrifying her. She didn't understand how one word could cause such a reaction from her, to have such warmth flow through her veins by a single word.

"Hmm?" she silently questioned as she kept her eyes on Liam's head. Too embarrassed by everything, she refused to look at him and the rest of the group.

"Why the hell am I seeing the wicked witch of hell leaving here?" Lisa blurted out as she burst into the room. "What the..." her eyes fell on Liam, "What happened?"

"Apparently there was a memorial for Eugene and Tatianna and people are looking for me," Heidi said as she stood, keeping Liam to her chest. "She came to try and force me back to that life and be with who she deemed appropriate for me. She wasn't happy with my...refusal and dramatics as she put it. She's out for...b...l...–"

"Yeah I got it," Lisa rolled her eyes, making her see the full picture now. She frowned, "Why are you here? The break isn't over."

"We saw the live coverage and wanted to make sure she was okay since you aren't answering my calls and texts," Kota replied honestly.

"Because there was no need to," Lisa threw back. "I have them and they are fine. Now go," she waved her hands at them, "Shoo, get. Go back to your mansion and all that crap. Go on, shoo."

"Sissy," Liam said as he raised his head and shifted, "Potty."

"Come on Little Man," Luke held out his hands, "I'll take you."

Heidi set him down and watched as Luke left the room with him.

"We aren't done," Sean shook his head, "I need to make sure Heidi is okay after the workup her mother caused."

"I'm fine," Heidi said a little too quickly. "Appreciate it, but I'm fine."

"You are a terrible liar," Nathan frowned, "First about what happened at the lake and now this. I'm tired of it. Quit lying, you're no good at it."

"You really aren't," Kota shook his head.

"What do you know about the lake?" Heidi asked in a soft whisper as the color from her skin paled even more.

"I was the one to pull you out of the water," Nathan admitted, finally glad he could get it off his chest. "We were there."

"You?" she gasped, making him nod. "You didn't say–"

"No," He cut her off, "I didn't."

She squinted her eyes at him suspiciously. "Why not? What do I have to do to earn your silence? What's the price?"

"What?" He asked, confused.

"Everything has a price," she admitted. "Everything. What's your price?"

"Nothing," Nathan frowned.

"Bullshit, you all have hated me up until this point. I don't need this hanging over my head so what is your price for silence?" Heidi asked as she crossed her arms across her chest.

"We would never threaten you, Heidi," Brandon said as he crossed his arms.

"I don't believe you. So what's it going to take?" she countered.

"Swimming lessons," Kota blurted out.

"What?" she asked bewildered.

"Both you and Liam have to take swimming lessons from Nathan, Brandon, and Silas," Kota explained. "They are champion swimmers. They are the best there is. Take swimming lessons from them so the accident will never happen again."

"You did say you wanted to learn," Lisa whispered. "Kota isn't lying, they are the best. Hell, Silas' family owns the whole damn dock and the yacht company. He knows the ocean better than anyone and Brandon is the best surfer there is. Nathan is being looked at for the Olympics for his swimming and martial arts. It's a good deal, Heidi."

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