Chapter 16

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"Fucking hell, you're goddamn bleeding," Gabe gasped as he saw red liquid darken on her jeans. "Did he fucking cut you?"

"Nails," her teeth chattered as she quickly put her hand to her side. "Fine."

"Dude, you seriously need to fucking go to a salon! How could you fucking scratch her so fucking hard that she bleeds!" Gabe screeched in astonishment as he looked at Cedric while applying pressure to her wound. He could feel her hand shaking under his and he hated not knowing if it was from the cold rain or her nerves from him touching her, maybe it was both. He had to get her to calm down around him and the guys, he just didn't know how to go about it.

"Please, you're all overreacting," Cedric rolled his eyes as he adjusted his leather jacket, "Now, why don't you lot scurry the fuck back to your masters while I finish my conversation with my future wife?"

"She isn't going anywhere with you. No, I think it's high time you and I have a little chat there Ceddy," Nathan seethed as he threw his arm over Cedric's shoulders and hugged him tightly to his side. Cedric was pinned to his side so quickly he couldn't do anything but try to jerk away.

"Get her home and dry off, Gabe," Brandon said while never removing his eyes from Nathan and Cedric. "Have Doc treat her wounds also. I'll call and make sure Little Man is distracted, he doesn't need to see her like this. Go now."

"Get the fuck off me, man! And don't fucking call me Ceddy! It's Cedric! Hey, where the fuck you think you're going, Heidi!? We aren't done here!" Cedric yelled as Gabe quickly ushered her toward their dorms.

"Don't listen to him, Heidi. We're almost there, are you okay?" Gabe muttered as he tried to make sure she wouldn't fall from the slippery path.

"He touched me," she gasped as she dug her nails into his hand. It didn't matter to her right now that she barely knew him. The words just flowed as her brain could only think about how safe he was making her feel. "He...he t...touched me. Didn't want...didn't...I didn't..." She felt him step away, the space suddenly felt overwhelming like a canyon, making her heart race even more. ", no, no don't go!"

Suddenly she was lifted off the ground and held tightly to someone's chest. She froze at the sudden action taking her off guard. A hand pressed against her head, slowly having it lean against their chest as a rhythmic thump sounded. The rhythmic thump was something she could focus on in her confusion and panicked state.

"Shh, just listen to my heartbeat. I have you, you are safe with me. We are almost to the dorm. Just listen to my heartbeat, feel the rain landing on your head, smell the wet grass and earthy tones, keep your eyes closed, and focus on that," Gabe softly said in a calming tone. It felt like she was going in a trance following his instructions. She didn't understand it and she knew that should terrify her, but right now she just wanted to soak in the comfort so that was what she was going to do.

Gabe rushed up the three steps leading to the front door to the dorms. Just as he reached the top step the door was thrown open and Axel held the door open while Kota stood a couple of feet in the entryway holding towels.

"What happened?" Axel asked as he took in their disheveled forms, especially Heidi trembling in Gabe's arms. He gave Gabe a shocked look to which Gabe gave him a look that said he couldn't wait to explain. "Is she okay?"

"Doc needs to look at her," he said as he gently squeezed her hair with the towel Kota gave him. "The asshole cut her with his fucking nasty ass nails. Shit, where's the little one?"

"Liam," she gasped as they watched her body freeze. Gabe growled when he felt her go rigid in his arms.

"Shhh," Gabe soothed as he rubbed her back.

"He is asleep," Axel rushed to explain. "He had a dance party with Luke and fell fast asleep about an hour ago. Now what happened?"

"Nn...nneed" Heidi tried to say through her stutter before she was covered with a towel over her head.

"Nu-uh, you are going to stay fucking like that till I get your ass in your room so Doc can look you over. Liam is safe and sleeping fucking soundly. You don't want him to see you right now, fucking trust me. Shit, you will just scare the poor kid. Now you just stay the fuck under there while I take care of every-fucking-thing," Gabe softly commanded.

Axel's eyes widened in surprise causing Gabe to roll his eyes. He didn't bother to say another word and walked through the main hall, passing through the living room to where the rest of the group was. They stopped talking and tried to assess what was before them.

"What..." North trailed off as he watched the puddle under Gabe grow.

"Are you okay?" Sean asked as he opened his medical bag. "Brandon said she was hurt."

"Not here, Doc. Let's go to her room for now, and then I'll come back and explain," Gabe grumbled as he stormed off to her room.

Surprised by the command, Sean followed behind Gabe as Axel and Kota rejoined the group. They watched as the two disappeared down the hall and up the stairs to the girl's dorm. Everyone was curious and worried about what happened.

"So, do we just wait till they come back? Should we get back in contact with Brandon or Nathan?" Marc wondered out loud as he looked amongst the group.

"We wait," Victor said, "you know whatever those two are up to, it's best we don't disturb them. They will come back when they need to."

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