Chapter 14

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The team entered the common room after their finals and sighed, now it was time to relax for a bit before they had to pack and leave for their break.

"Siwis wook!"

Silas stopped what he was saying to North just in time to catch a little boy running straight to him. He opened his arms and caught Liam jumping up. "Hey kiddo," he said a little confused.

"Wookie Hi Hi get me," he said excitedly as he shoved a book about Greece in Silas' face. "You see fis?" he asked as he pointed to a building drawn on the cover of the book. "Sissy say you maybe see fis. Sissy say fis Greece and wook picdures of Spotty and Hades and pretty ladies like Sissy and Lie Lie. You see fis?"

"Liam? Where are you?" Lisa called out. "Now is not the time for hide and seek, Lil Man. Come on, I need to get to class so we need to head down to daycare." She turned around the corner and stopped, shock crossing her face as she saw Liam in Silas' arms. The rest of the team surrounding them. "Oh..."

"Lie Lie, I show Siwis book Sissy getted me from bookie house. Siwis wive dere," Liam smiled proudly. "I showed him."

"I see that," Lisa nodded, "and I'm sure he thinks it's very cool that Heidi helped you borrow a book from the library about Greece but right now you need to get to daycare so I can go take my finals. Maybe later if you ask nicely and Silas isn't busy he and North can tell you about all the places in your book but we really must get going right now or we both will be late."

"Where's your sister?" Silas asked Liam.

"She have big test she take," Liam explained. "She have free tests she take," he held up two fingers making Silas chuckle then helped him hold up another finger. "Free."

"I am watching him until I have to get to my finals," Lisa said as she zipped up his little dinosaur backpack. "Now tell Silas bye, Liam, we need to get going."

"We'll watch him," Silas offered, smirking at her shocked face. "It's no problem. We just finished our finals so we were just going to hang out here for a while anyway."

"I don't know..." Lisa trailed off. "I really should talk to Heidi about it."

"Look at it this way," Kota suggested, "we're already here and don't have any plans, we're not leaving until tomorrow so now you or Heidi don't have to go pick him up from daycare when you are done. We were going to order pizza for dinner and just watch movies and chill."

"Pizzzaa!" Liam exclaimed as he bounced in Silas arms.

"Heh, you heard the little man. He would like to stay for pizza. It really isn't a problem with us and you can send a text to Heidi to let her know of the change of plans. What kind of pizza do you and Heidi like? We'll order something for you two as well," Luke tried reasoning as he bounced next to Silas and Liam.

"Sissy, me, Lie Lie, wike pepperoni, ham, pineapple, black olives, and bacon!" Liam smiled while turning to Lisa, "Peas? Pwetty peas?"

"Fine, as long as a pizza has stuffed crust I'm not very picky. Liam, you need to listen to what they say otherwise it will be an early bedtime for you. Kota, can I have a word with you?" Lisa said as she ruffled Liam's hair before walking away into the kitchen. Curious to what she would need to speak about in private, Kota looked around his group as he got up to follow her.

Entering the kitchen, Kota saw Lisa biting her lip as she was typing on her phone, more than likely letting Heidi know of the new plans. "What did you need to talk about here?" Kota questioned as he leaned against the island.

"Okay, I know you and your group witnessed the explosion of the wicked witch of the East and Heidi. Please don't speak of it in front of Liam nor interrogate him. If you see Cedric, please get Liam away from him immediately, no I am not going to dwell further on the reasons why so don't bother asking. She wants to protect him as much as possible and so do I. If I find out any of you pushed him for answers you will regret it and I'm sure you remember my creative pranks, just know I've become way more devious since we split," she smirked then smiled sweetly. "Oh and if you get wings he has to be boneless and he will want lots of ranch to dip his pizza in. Also, I just want to say thank you for agreeing to this. I know it's not what you had planned for today," Lisa said as she stared into Kota's eyes. She wanted him to understand she was dead serious.

"You have my word the topic will not be brought up and we had no plans of allowing that creature near Liam while he is in our care. There's no need to go that far as we will just watch movies as we eat pizza and I'm sure wings so I'll make sure North is aware of his order," Kota promised. "You know I am a man of my word, Lisa. Now go, you don't want to be late."

Lisa sighed and nodded then to a surprise to even herself, she hugged Kota then shoved his bag to his chest, "Here's his things and extra set of clothes and extra undies. We're still working on potty training but he's doing pretty well. It'll help you're guys," she chuckled. "If you have any questions text me. He doesn't have any allergies that we know of anyway but I'm sure if something happens Sean will recognize unless he's stopped studying to be a doctor."

"You know that will never happen," Kota chuckled, "now go. We got this."

Lisa nodded then rushed out of the kitchen. She found Liam still sitting in Silas' lap and North was pointing to a picture while talking to him. Kota watched as she spoke a few words to him then hugged him and rushed out the door. This definitely wasn't how he thought the day would go but it certainly was looking more interesting.

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