Chapter 26

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The men had just returned to the dormitory where they found Lisa and Liam sleeping on the couches watching Land Before Time IV. Luke snuck over and draped the big blanket from the top of the couch over the cuddly pair. The men continued to the kitchen so they didn't disturb the two.

"Alright Kota, do you want anyone else to accompany you for the night? I'm sure Heidi won't mind as long as it is no more than two others," Axel said as he leaned against the cabinets.

"I want to be one of the fucking people to tag along. I think she was preventing herself from slipping before Max's accident. I couldn't confirm since Lisa tried coming fucking between us before everything went down. She is suppressing hard to the point it is fucking causing herself harm," Gabe said with absolute resolution.

"I have no problem with you coming along. Is there anyone else who would like to tag along?" Kota asked as he gave a reassuring smile towards Gabe.

"I'd like to tag along. I haven't had much interaction with her and would like to get to know her more. Plus, between the three of us there is no way she can hide anything with our keen eyes," Axel said as he pushed off the counter and made his way to stand by Kota and Gabe.

"Lisa fucking knows also," Gabe muttered as he grabbed an extra hoodie since it was cold in the lab. He made sure to grab a zip-up one that way if she fell asleep or he could actually get her to cuddle then they could use it as a blanket. "She said Heidi doesn't know anything about it."

"What do you think she meant by that?" Owen asked as he finished preparing a cup of tea.

"For fucking starters Heidi is possibly a god damn Little...and has been for some fucking time now," Gabe grumbled as he debated on grabbing more comfortable clothes for Heidi out of her room yet not wanting to evade her privacy.

"Don't," Luke shook his head as he watched Gabe. Gabe turned to look at him, "She's wearing serious clothes, it might help her to focus on Max mentally. She needs that for security right now, especially if what you are saying is true."

"He's right, if I was able to wear comfortable clothes when doing my overnight stays for patients, then I wouldn't be able to give them my full concentration," Sean agreed as he leaned his head on Owen's shoulder much to the proper man's displeasure. It was one thing for when they were at home or in their rooms, but everyone knew that Owen didn't like that kind of thing when anyone could walk in at any time. That was a special thing for him and those he held close to him but Sean knew that Owen allowed it for the moment since everyone was worried so he cherished it before Owen decided that was enough for the time being.

"So Lisa knew and what? Has been stopping her?" Victor asked.

"I don't think so," Gabe shook his head, "She said to let her take care of her but if she doesn't know then I'm not sure what Lisa fucking does. Ugh, this is so goddamn frustrating!"

"Shhhh!" Multiple men hushed while sending him glaring looks after making sure Lisa and Liam were still asleep on the couch.

"Sorry," Gabe whispered with a guilty smile.

"That's enough for tonight. Kota, Gabe, and Axel go back to Heidi before she starts questioning whether or not something has happened here. See if you can find out any information about her father, her mother's visit, the buffoon, or what she plans to do moving forward. North and Silas, can you secure Lisa and Liam in their bedroom so they don't end up falling off the couch? Everyone else, let us get a good night's rest and reconvene for breakfast," Owen commanded the room as he placed his teacup in the sink.

"We are willing and will obey," the men said in unison before going their separate ways.

Kota, Gabe, and Axel made their way across the campus back to the veterinary lab where the girl they didn't realize they needed was waiting for them.

"Max will be okay," Axel said as they entered the building.

"I know," Kota replied even though he couldn't mask the worry in his tone. He clutched Max's favorite stuffed animal tighter as Axel knocked on the door, making Heidi look up from the notebook she was currently writing in.

She walked over to the door and unlocked it before stepping to the side to let the men walk in. "He's currently sleeping," she whispered as she walked back over to where she was working. "Do not freak at the alarm when it goes off, it's just for me to walk him," she said without looking at them as she picked up her pen and went back to writing something down.

"Hey Buddy," Kota smiled as he opened the kennel and placed the stuffed animal next to the sleeping golden retriever. He kissed his head then took the blanket from Gabe and covered him up before shutting it again. He walked over to Heidi and looked down, "What are you doing?"

"Studying," she replied in a monotone voice.

"Why?" Axel asked, "You already finished your finals."

"Just because I finished my lessons for this term doesn't mean my education has to stop," she replied as she turned a page in the medical book in front of her. "Especially in the vet life, there is always something to learn. It's better to know ahead of time and be prepared for an emergency than panic when one happens. Now if you don't mind, I need to study as much as I can before I have to check on my patient."

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