Chapter 15

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Liam is staying with Kota and his friends. They offered and I trust them. He was excited to show Silas his book about Greece and they are getting him pizza and wings. I couldn't break his heart and tell him no. He will be fine, I promise.

Heidi reread the text for who knows how many times now. She stood frozen in the courtyard before she shoved her phone into her jacket pocket and briskly walked back to the dorm. 'Why? I don't get why they would offer to watch him and sacrifice any plans they had this evening?' she thought as she passed a few students making their way off campus. 'Is this a pity thing?'

She looked up at the night sky and saw the stars starting to come out. Shit, she needed to hurry up and get back before Liam started to worry. Plus she had a pit in her stomach thinking of the guys getting irritated that they had him for so long. She didn't mean for her finals to take so long but it just happened. That's what she got for letting her anxiety take over. She quickened her steps then groaned as she felt rain hit her head. Double crap, she thought as her jacket quickly became drenched from the onslaught of the heavy downpour.

"There you are!" She turned and froze as Cedric rushed over to her. "What are you doing out here in the rain? Come, let's get you dried off. I'll get you some of my clothes, my dorm is this way. We can't have you getting sick now."

"No," she yanked her hand out of his grip.

"Quit acting like a brat," he glared at her. "I'm just trying to take care of my wife like a good husband. Now come on."

"I'm not your wife," she said through clenched teeth even though they wanted to chatter. She felt like her bones were turning to ice. "I will never be your wife so get it through your head. I'm not yours so leave me alone."

"You're wrong," he glared as he gripped her jaw and squeezed hard, forcing a whimper out of her. "You are mine, it's already been decided, so quit trying to fight it. You are mine to do with however I please. If I want to take you right here right now, you can't fight me." His other hand roughly grabbed her breast over her drenched shirt and squeezed so hard she flinched and tried to slap him but he just pushed her hand away and yanked her jaw toward him so she was forced to step closer to him. "Don't make this harder on you because I always get what I want and I want you. Stop making trouble for yourself and that little brat of yours. If you want me to give you both a good life then you will listen to me. I can make your life easy or I can make it very difficult. Think very carefully before you decide, Heidi."

She spat in his face, "I will never be yours and if you even try to lay a hand on my brother you will find yourself without a hand at all. Let go of me."

"You heard her," a deep voice growled from behind her. She closed her eyes and internally cursed as her brain registered who was speaking. "Get your filthy hands off her now."

"Henshaw," Cedric growled as he looked over her shoulder. "Don't tell me what to do to my wife."

"I'm not yours," Heidi seethed as her body shook. "Not even if you were the last boy on Earth."

"I'm not a boy!" He slapped her, jolting her face to the side before she even felt the sting. She didn't fall to the ground from the momentum as he still had a hold of her waist keeping her close to him. A whimper fell from her lips as he moved his hand to gripping her forearm tightly.

"Wrong fucking move," Brandon growled as he marched over to them. Gabe was not far behind on the phone cursing up a storm to someone about what they just witnessed plus the down pouring rain. "Weren't you taught to never hit a lady?"

"I can treat my wife anyway I see fit and she clearly needs to be taught a lesson," Cedric said as he tightened his grip on her arm.

She winced then gasped as hands yanked his hand off her waist. Despite shivering from the cold, she could feel the scratches on her sides from where his nails had dug in. She wouldn't be surprised if they started bleeding. From the jerking motion, Cedric had also lost his grip on her arm where she could tell a bruise was forming.

"She has already said she wasn't your girl so here is a free tip in being a man," Brandon growled as he stepped in front of Heidi. "When a woman says no, that means no." He shoved Cedric, forcing him to take a couple of steps back or he would have fallen on his ass in the mud. "She isn't yours so leave her alone."

"She was promised to me!" He shouted, "She is mine!"

"And pray tell who would fucking tell you, that she is willingly giving you her hand? As from what she has clearly stated otherwise," a deep voice dripping with sarcasm asked from behind Cedric. Cedric whipped his head behind to see that Nathan was standing there with a scowl on his face.

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