𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬. (All + Jasmine)

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A/N: This chapter is a bit different but it was requested, there are no ships :)

Takes place after they escaped the facility.

𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙙 𝙋𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

The first time the group went to the Sorrel Weed House, they hadn't expected or known about the chaos that would soon unfold. They certainly didn't think they'd be pulled into and trapped in a rift that led them into a dimension of total hell every night with terrifying monsters.

And they definitely didn't expect to run into the woman who led them to the house and left them there with the excuse of an 'important phone call'. They despised her, she was the reason they suffered every night. They ran into her in their hometown, out in a park.

She looked different compared to the first time they met her, she had tattoos and piercings and didn't look as innocent as she did at the Sorrel Weed House. "What the hell are you doing here." Ashlyn said, her voice laced with venom. Her happy mood was immediately ruined.

Jasmine hesitated to speak for a second, she honestly didn't know what to say. "I- uh.." she stuttered, reaching up and scratching the back of her neck while keeping her gaze on the ground. She couldn't look them in the eye.

Rightfully so, she ruined their lives. "Well? Spit it out." Aiden said, his eyes darkened with pure hate. Jasmine took a deep breath in before finally forming words. "Look, I want to apologize. I didn't want to trap you guys in the rift, it was my boss's orders." she explained, finally gaining the courage to look at all of them.

To say they all looked pissed would be an understatement.

"My brother died because of you." Taylor said, her voice laced with enraged venom. Jasmine's eyes seemed to widen, "I didn't-" she started, but got cut off when Ashlyn said something. "Aiden died as well, because of you." the girl hissed out.

Jasmine felt immense guilt shoot through her body, she didn't mean for any of them to die. "If you think we'll accept your pathetic apology anytime soon, think again." Tyler spat, his arms were crossed over his chest while he glared at the woman.

"Please at least give me a chance to prove I can be better, I quit working for them, those infected people that were there have died. I can't stand being there anymore." Jasmine begged, trying her best to convince them. The group looked around at each other, as if having a mental conversation.

Eventually, Ashlyn exhaled, "fine, we'll give you time to prove you've changed, then we'll see about forgiving you for the hellhole you trapped us in. Deal?" she inquired. Jasmine tensed at the last sentence but nonetheless agreed.

They started off by demanding to know why she led them to the rift in the first place, which she explained. Turns out the cranes needed more test subjects for the fungus, so they forced Jasmine to lure the next group of tourists into the Sorrel Weed House and trap them in the rift, which unfortunately happened to be Ashlyn and the others.

"Is there a way to stop it permanently?" Logan asked, wondering if she knew more than what she was currently telling them. "That hasn't been figured out yet, and I don't know how to stop it." Jasmine answered honestly, she really had no idea how to stop this.

"What if we get rid of the fungus at the Sorrel Weed House? Would that maybe stop it?" Taylor suggested, Jasmine stayed quiet, she hadn't thought of that. Would it work possibly?

"I haven't tried that, but it might be possible." The woman said, the group's eyes lit up. They might've just found a way to stop all of this. "Before anything is done though, we need to find out more about the fungus so we can find a safe way to get rid of it." she added, the others understood.

They didn't want to end up in a situation worse than their current one.

"Let's start researching then." Ashlyn declared, the others began gathering their things and Jasmine was getting ready to leave. They agreed to meet up again in a couple days with whatever they find out. Before they parted ways, Ashlyn asked to speak with Jasmine in private.

"Look," Ashlyn began, "we're trusting you here, you're one of the only people who knows more about this than we do. If you so much as turn on us in any way I won't hesitate to get violent. Alright?" she spoke in a harsh tone that showed no signs of humor. She wasn't playing around and would definitely kill someone.

Jasmine nodded, "okay- okay.. you can trust me, I swear." she stuttered, clearly terrified of a literal child. Ashlyn gave a single nod, her eyes held a fierce glare. "Good." she turned around and regrouped with her friends.

"How the hell is she so terrifying?" Jasmine whispered to herself while she walked away in the opposite direction. She was relieved to be making amends with them, Jasmine truly felt terrible for what she did, this whole ordeal was her fault but not her fault at the same time. She was forced, but she couldn't make them trust her.

At least she was given an opportunity to work with them and free them from the rift. Hopefully it would work and their lives would return to normal, no more hellish nights or terrifying phantoms.

Jasmine hoped whatever they had to do in order to be free worked, it had to work. She owed them that much at least, their freedom. It was her fault they ended up in that facility, that they were separated from their families and forced to fight for their lives, forced to handle this hell alone. She was determined to help set them free.

In any way she could, but first she had to gain their trust. Helping them research was step one, and she had no intentions of giving up on them. So she got straight to work upon arriving home.

"Please work."

A/N: Tried my best on this one, my sincerest apologies if it isn't good enough for what was requested 😅

❛❛𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐫𝐝❜❜ || SBG OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now