𝐔𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬. (Taylyn)

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𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙙 𝙋𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

Taylor and Ashlyn weren't really friends. They barely knew each other, from the time they were in elementary school to now, they never spoke. Ashlyn preferred to be isolated from others, while Taylor was probably the most social girl you could meet. Being in the robotics club had some perks, it was an easy route to make some friends.

Despite not knowing one another, Taylor had a secret. She has feelings for Ashlyn, feelings that have remained in her heart since elementary. But it's hard for her to express those feelings when she hasn't even spoken a word to the girl. So for now she had to do her best to keep those feelings locked away.

Now, though, locking away those feelings was going to be impossible.

After a class project had been assigned to their class, Taylor was paired with Ashlyn and a group of boys which included her brother. The fact that she was in a group with the girl she'd been crushing on forever made Taylor happy, she was definitely going to rant about the girl to her twin brother later.

A group chat had been created for better communication in the group and for the project, which means Taylor had Ashlyn's number in her phone. The girl would be jumping with joy if that wasn't embarrassing. Their teacher explained that a field trip would be included for better results on the project.

He explained that he'd do his best to keep groups paired together, which likely meant that Ashlyn and Taylor would share a hotel room with other girls. Taylor seemed excited, Ashlyn seemed like she wanted to stay home and hide under her covers.


The day of the field trip finally arrived, everyone filed onto the bus. Taylor somehow ended up sitting beside Ashlyn, but she sure as hell wasn't complaining.

(I know they didn't sit together in the Webtoon but for the sake of this chapter, they're sitting together🤗)

Ashlyn hugged her knees to her chest and stayed close to the window, putting distance between the two girls. She remained quiet and kept her gaze on the scenery outside. Taylor was trying her best to act casual, she listened to the teacher while he explained what they'd be doing on the road and once they got to Savannah.

Taylor tried to make small talk with Ashlyn but it was difficult when the girl was so awkward. She decided to just talk to her brother instead. Ashlyn didn't seem too bothered by the fact that nobody was talking to her, she resorted to fiddling with her fingers as a way to keep herself entertained.

"Ash!" A voice said from behind the two girls, Ashlyn turned around to face the boy who called her name; Aiden. "What do you want?" she asked, looking at him with a blank expression, Aiden held up a rubix cube and offered it to her. "Wanna try?" he offered with a smile, Ashlyn stared at the cube for a second before looking at him.

"What do I do with it?" Ashlyn questioned, Aiden was quick to happily explain. "You gotta match the colors on all sides." he explained, showing her an example by scrambling the cube and then solving it just as quickly. Ashlyn looked dumbfounded. "I'll give it a try I guess.." she mumbled, Aiden happily handed her the cube.

For the next ten minutes Ashlyn was working on solving the cube just as Aiden did, Taylor was watching with interest but trying not to make it obvious, however Ashlyn still knew. The redhead glanced at her, "wanna try?" she questioned, handing the cube over to Taylor.

The taller girl almost looked surprised, "uh- sure!" she said, taking the cube when it was offered to her. Taylor took at least 5 minutes to solve the cube completely, once again Ashlyn looked dumbfounded. "How did you do it so fast?" she asked in shock, Taylor laughed a bit. "I have a lot of free time.." she said simply.


A very long bus ride later, the class arrived in Savannah. The group got up to get off the bus, Ashlyn proceeded to crack and pop every bone and joint in her body, like it didn't hurt at all. Her group had been watching and they all had visible disturbed expressions while they watched.

"How in the world.. didn't that hurt?" Taylor asked, her expression shifting from disturbed to concerned. Ashlyn looked back at her and shrugged, "I'm a dancer, I can literally bend myself in half, that was nothing." she said simply, giving a small smile to Taylor before exiting the bus. Taylor felt her face go red and her brother approached her, "the longer you wait to tell her the more I go insane." he said, Taylor narrowed her eyes at him and punched his shoulder.

"Um, ow?!" Tyler complained, rubbing his shoulder and glaring at his sister. "You know I can't tell her, we barely know each other!" she said, Tyler rolled his eyes and the two exited the bus, Ben, Logan, and Aiden followed behind them.

The teacher, Mr. Thomas explained that they had a few hours to explore the town before they'd regroup and head to the hotels. The group decided to stick together and take a look at whatever the town had to offer.

Taylor spotted a face paint stand and immediately suggest that they get their faces painted. Ashlyn seemed a little reluctant but after some convincing she agreed. And so the group got their faces painted together. The group decided to get some food as well since they hadn't eaten in about four hours, so they went to a local restaurant and got some food.

After about two hours of exploring, they made their way back to the bus so they could be transported to the hotels they'd be staying at. Ashlyn and Taylor ended up in a room with two other girls, and the boys of their group ended up in a room together. Taylor and the two girls were playing cards when Ashlyn came out the bathroom.

Taylor was quick to spot her and smile, Ashlyn!" she said, causing the girl to look at her. "Wanna play with us?" Taylor offered, Ashlyn pondered her offer for a moment before responding. "I'm okay, I think I'm just going to head to sleep." The redhead replied, she opened the door to one of the rooms and went in, but Taylor noticed the light was still on.

"If she's going to sleep why is the light on?" Taylor said aloud, one of the girls replied to her question, "she's probably just shy." Taylor remained silent, that was understandable. Ashlyn had always been the loner type, she rarely talked to anyone.


Eventually, everyone grew tired and decided to head to the rooms. Taylor opened the door to the room she shared with Ashlyn, the girl nearly had a heart attack with the sight she walked in on. Ashlyn was literally bent in half, her legs and feet were curled upward over her body while she held herself up with her elbows, she looked perfectly balanced.

"For God's sake-" Taylor said, placing a hand over her chest in attempts to calm her rapidly beating heart. "Sorry, didn't expect you to walk in." Ashlyn apologized, getting up from her complicated position. "It's fine." Taylor replied with a small smile, she scratched the back of her neck.

"Ready for bed?" Ashlyn questioned, Taylor nodded in response. The two girls climbed into bed, backs facing each other. Taylor was a bit nervous being this close to Ashlyn, the girl tended to get lost in her mind while she lay down. She wondered if she'd ever get close enough to Ashlyn to the point where she could express her everlasting feelings for the girl.

The thought of that possibly never happening made her a bit sad, she wanted nothing more than to be able to call Ashlyn hers. Maybe that wouldn't happen, but Taylor hoped with every fiber of her being that maybe.. just maybe..

it would.

❛❛𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐫𝐝❜❜ || SBG OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now